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eBay seller protections have failed



We are a brick-and-mortar/e-commerce business selling on eBay for fifteen years. eBay has always been outstanding in protecting us as sellers in all customer service areas. We recently had an eBay member purchase one of our products, which is highly effective for its specific use. The product is not inexpensive. The eBay member that bought the products did not follow the directions and therefore did not achieve their desired results. The member then messaged us asking to return the items they purchased for a refund. We politely explained that since the product was used, we would be unable to issue a refund. The customer then opened a case with eBay stating the product was not as described in the listing. eBay agreed with us and found the case in our favor. The eBay member, unhappy with the result, opened a claim with their credit card company. The eBay member’s credit card company found in their favor that the product was not as described, and eBay issued them a full refund from our account and charged us a twenty-dollar fee for dealing with the credit card company. We tried calling eBay seller customer service and went in circles with eBay’s automated system. Once we finally spoke with a live person, we were told they could not do anything but refund the twenty-dollar administration fee charged by eBay. We requested a supervisor since, in the past, they would resolve the problem. The supervisor gave us the same answer; there is nothing we can do to refund your money. Sellers beware customers can now buy and use items sold to them, file a claim with their credit card company, and receive a full refund of their purchase. If eBay is involved, you will be charged a twenty-dollar service fee for the privilege of being robbed. eBay needs to do better for eBay sellers.

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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

And neither of those payment methods that you mention is a viable payment method per eBay.

Message 31 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@perfautoinc wrote:

Thanks for your reply. It always amazes us that people with no eBay listings or selling history are so involved with a form.  



Those are called Posting IDs.  Many very experienced members use them.  You are assuming that it somehow means that they are inexperience or maybe have never sold a thing and that is simply not true.  Some of the best advice givers on threads use posting IDs.  It is to protect themselves from retaliation by some members that may want to reach out and hurt them because they don't like something they have said on a thread.


And believe me it does happen.


With more experience on the threads you will realize what I've stated it true.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 32 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

For clarification, eBay found the case in our favor prior to the buyer opening a chargeback with their credit card company. eBay released the funds to our account. 

Message 33 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@perfautoinc wrote:

For clarification, eBay found the case in our favor prior to the buyer opening a chargeback with their credit card company. eBay released the funds to our account. 

Yes I understood that.  I'm fine, no clarification was needed.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 34 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

Sorry but Ebay is not going to refund every seller out of their own pocket because someone did a chargeback with the credit card company. They already helped you out by paying the $20 fee. You need to deal the the CC company that took your money.

Message 35 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@perfautoinc wrote:

We relied on eBay backing us .

You thought wrong.

Message 36 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

Can you please use paragraphs?


Message 37 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

Actually, on Amazon and Walmart, if the item is not in the same condition or not the same item anymore a full refund will be given.  So eBay need to have better protections

Message 38 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@coolections wrote:

Sorry but Ebay is not going to refund every seller out of their own pocket because someone did a chargeback with the credit card company. They already helped you out by paying the $20 fee. You need to deal the the CC company that took your money.

And how do you propose we do that?  We do not have the information about the CCC.  We weren't able to do it in PayPal either.  We do not have access to that information.


I don't think anyone was suggesting that Ebay paid out of their own pocket every time there was a Chargeback.  Some chargebacks are for good reasons and buyers should be refunded.  It is a mixed bag.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 39 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@mandisattictoyz wrote:

Actually, on Amazon and Walmart, if the item is not in the same condition or not the same item anymore a full refund will be given.  So eBay need to have better protections

And how does Amazon or Walmart know this?  Because the buyer says so???

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 40 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

I just got hit with a $770 rock, because a dishonest buyer filed a claim through their credit card.


Unfortunately there are more and more dishonest buyers out there that know about the Credit Card claim scam and it is being used more & more. 


Since eBay doesn't actually advocate for the seller when it come to credit card dispute, we are left at the mercy of the credit card company.


eBay Seller Protection is a myth.  It is there for small dollar amounts, but I'm out $770, the eBay fees on the sell, and the product, since the buyer wasn't required to return it.


24 years on eBay and I'm planning my exit strategy after this fiasco.

Message 41 of 42
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Re: eBay seller protections have failed

@imapaqrat wrote:

I just got hit with a $770 rock, because a dishonest buyer filed a claim through their credit card.


Unfortunately there are more and more dishonest buyers out there that know about the Credit Card claim scam and it is being used more & more. 


Since eBay doesn't actually advocate for the seller when it come to credit card dispute, we are left at the mercy of the credit card company.


eBay Seller Protection is a myth.  It is there for small dollar amounts, but I'm out $770, the eBay fees on the sell, and the product, since the buyer wasn't required to return it.


24 years on eBay and I'm planning my exit strategy after this fiasco.

What is the buyer claiming is the issue?


What evidence did you submit to prove the buyer is incorrect?


What date did the buyer file the Chargeback?


What did Ebay tell you when they denied your defense or protect you with Seller Protection?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 42
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