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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

I noticed a lot of my listings were gone one day and they weren't in my unsold folder. I found out under their new 2019 listing policies that eBay now uses their discretion to decide if my item is worth selling if it has been listed and not sold for over a year or more. So if my item does not sell after a year, they think it's not worth anything, and will remove it even though I am paying a store subscription to list it. That is unethical. In the past I have sold items that were listed for over a year. Maybe two. I just had to wait for the right buyer. As a seller I believe I have the

right to sell anything I want and as long as I want. That's how I make money. If I don't have any control over my store then what am I paying for? I am angry and disappointed by these new policy changes including the GTC policy. I have been selling on eBay since 2013. I have noticed for every year that goes by eBay squeezes the seller and it makes it harder for me to make money and conveniently manage my store. Selling on eBay used to be fun. I'm not so sure anymore.

Message 1 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

Not applicable

@drew*smiscstuff wrote:

Hi, trinton@ebay It seems that eBay is not interested in waiting for the right buyer. Also, why would I promote my listing to garner interest through promotions when I know there are no errors in my listing? It's just a money grab.

Also the whole "cluttering the marketplace" and "harmful to the marketplace" argument is unfounded. People know what their looking for and what key words to use. That kind of language is smoke and mirrors. I don't buy it one bit. 

To me it seems obvious that eBay is looking for the bottom line in their own profits and scapegoating the sellers.

Like "O yeah, it's my fault that eBay can't make any money, my listings are screwing everything up for them, shame on me!" Ridiculous.

Hi @drew*smiscstuff, there are more options for a seller to promote their listings than the Promoted Listings feature on eBay. Many sellers share their items on Social Media, run sales on their items, and even employ word of mouth to generate sales.


While I understand you may disagree, we have identified listings that are negatively impacting search results and the overall buyer experience. This can lead to a loss of sales for our sellers and weaken our marketplace overall. Your listings may not have any errors, but this does not mean they don't have room for improvement or updates.

Message 31 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

Not applicable

@vermonttractorpartsllc wrote:

Thanks for your reply, I just love how I am once again "crazy" in the eyes of customer service.  LOL

The items did vanish, there were not any policy violations, it was a system glitch that has been going on for much longer than what your team will admit to.

I made the decision about approx. 3 years ago that I could no longer keep up with the constantly changing platform.  Especially as a one man show.  I sold 98% of my inventory to a bigger competitor November of 2018.

That competitor used to sell on EBAY, they are a company with 50 employees and have been in business 60 years.  The owner told me they stopped selling here because the employee who was responsible for eBAY sales could not pay her own salary.

Anyway, I know that my listings were erased without an email notification.  Please do not tell me otherwise.

Hi @vermonttractorpartsllc, while we do not keep a record back to the time you had these listings removed, if you have a more up to date example I'd love to look into it. My confirmation that an email is sent is only a statement of what is designed to happen, and it's entirely possible you did not receive an email due to an error or some other factor. I can look into any potential issues on our end if you have seen this at any point within the last 90 days. Also, please clarify for me if I am misunderstanding the situation, as the removals we are discussing would not be considered policy violations or glitches, they are simply the ending of listings that may not be performing as we would hope. 

Edit: I wanted to add that while I can't review any emails sent as a part of these removals, I was able to find notation on your account regarding the conversations we had on this topic. It does look like accurate information was provided about why the listings were removed and appropriate next steps were discussed. 

Message 32 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

I do not use that page. I work solely from the All Selling page. I used to catch them popping up in my unsold lists and I would remove them before relisting everything else. It had not happened for a while so I assumed the error had been fixed. But yes, this one had gone unnoticed among other unsold items...even though this one wasn't "Unsold", I had completely sold out of it. That's not the problem though - me overlooking 1 listing - the problem is the fact that random listings are popping up in places they are not supposed to be and it's like ebay can't admit that it's their fault

Message 33 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

@Anonymous wrote:

@vermonttractorpartsllc wrote:

Thanks for your reply, I just love how I am once again "crazy" in the eyes of customer service.  LOL

The items did vanish, there were not any policy violations, it was a system glitch that has been going on for much longer than what your team will admit to.

I made the decision about approx. 3 years ago that I could no longer keep up with the constantly changing platform.  Especially as a one man show.  I sold 98% of my inventory to a bigger competitor November of 2018.

That competitor used to sell on EBAY, they are a company with 50 employees and have been in business 60 years.  The owner told me they stopped selling here because the employee who was responsible for eBAY sales could not pay her own salary.

Anyway, I know that my listings were erased without an email notification.  Please do not tell me otherwise.

Hi @vermonttractorpartsllc, while we do not keep a record back to the time you had these listings removed, if you have a more up to date example I'd love to look into it. My confirmation that an email is sent is only a statement of what is designed to happen, and it's entirely possible you did not receive an email due to an error or some other factor. I can look into any potential issues on our end if you have seen this at any point within the last 90 days. Also, please clarify for me if I am misunderstanding the situation, as the removals we are discussing would not be considered policy violations or glitches, they are simply the ending of listings that may not be performing as we would hope. 

Edit: I wanted to add that while I can't review any emails sent as a part of these removals, I was able to find notation on your account regarding the conversations we had on this topic. It does look like accurate information was provided about why the listings were removed and appropriate next steps were discussed. 



After 14 plus  years on the site I am no longer selling full time here anymore.   As a one man show could no longer keep up with the constant site changes.  The change that killed my business was the mandate of having my phone number removed from ads.  This change was not universally enforced, yet I complied, in spite of so many others who did not.  Yes I reported the competition that was in violation, yet it took weeks and months for enforcement action to happen.

The 3 months following the phone number removal I lost 30% of my gross sales.  In 2018 jan - Nov my gross sales dropped by 33% in spite of my best attempts to market in other places like Facebook groups.  That 33% was my profit.

So the net result is now EBAY is getting $10 per month from my account whereas before the site was earning between $400 and $1200 per month from my sales.

So since I am no longer an active seller and do not plan to be in the near future it seems pointless to me to discuss any further the case if vanishing listings.

I find if funny that you are now trying to convince me that this was not a problem now that I no longer have 2500 active listings or my Anchor Store subscription. . 

Kind of like closing the gate after the cows got out.

FYI I was once a featured EBAY seller, so I guess I did have it going on up until management ruined it for my business on the site.  I did reach out to senior management prior to selling my inventory, those conversations fell on deaf ears.

Message 34 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

At what point do you think it might be fair for eBay to end a listing?


10 years? 


20 years?

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
Message 35 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.



Can you explain how this is applied?  I follow two vintage and collectible dealers who have both had inventory GTC listed for a long, long time.  One seller has over 8,000 items and their oldest item is FIFTEEN years old.  The other has about 2,500 items and their oldest listing is TEN years old.  Why would they be exempt from this "rule"?

Message 36 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.



I've attached the partial revision history on one seller's oldest item.  Note the date:  October 2004.  How can that be?

Message 37 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

Ebay started doing this last summer, I believe.  Ebay is focused on sales velocity~fast sales~quick turnover~faster profits.  They aren't saying it isn't worth anything; they are saying that it has been a long time with no sale, and possibly want to encourage you to update the listing, title, description, pictures and price so a sale will possibly result from those changes.


You still have the right to sell anything you want; that hasn't been taken away from you.  That is how you make money, but if the listing has sat for a year or more, you haven't made any money.  Ebay is trying to help you make money by calling that listing to your attention.


I've heard they send a warning message about the listings before they are pulled.

Message 38 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

Geez, if it's true that eBay is now removing listings that don't sell in a year, I'm going to be in trouble.  I have listings that haven't sold in... well, decades.

Message 39 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

@stuff4divas wrote:

@drew*smiscstuff  @mcdougle4248 


OK, here is the link, pretty old, June 2017


Happy that I read it because it does stipulate 'minimal page views' so I now know why my listings haven't been removed since they have high page views. WHEW!


Good info, thnx again.

Wow, I guessed it was last summer; looks like it was even earlier than that.

My apologies, and thank  you.

Message 40 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

@jason_incognito wrote:

At what point do you think it might be fair for eBay to end a listing?


10 years? 


20 years?

Never,  in my opinion, particularly if a seller has a store and is paying for the space.


And as long as we have Chinese sellers selling cheap knock-offs and junk for .99, no seller should get their items removed.



Message 41 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

@drew*smiscstuff wrote:

I noticed a lot of my listings were gone one day and they weren't in my unsold folder. I found out under their new 2019 listing policies that eBay now uses their discretion to decide if my item is worth selling if it has been listed and not sold for over a year or more. So if my item does not sell after a year, they think it's not worth anything, and will remove it even though I am paying a store subscription to list it. That is unethical. In the past I have sold items that were listed for over a year. Maybe two. I just had to wait for the right buyer. As a seller I believe I have the

right to sell anything I want and as long as I want. That's how I make money. If I don't have any control over my store then what am I paying for? I am angry and disappointed by these new policy changes including the GTC policy. I have been selling on eBay since 2013. I have noticed for every year that goes by eBay squeezes the seller and it makes it harder for me to make money and conveniently manage my store. Selling on eBay used to be fun. I'm not so sure anymore.

Oh wow! It took me 6 years to sell something. I list on another site and the description is kept forever. I usually go through my photos and delete the sold items but will come across something from 2013 once in a while and relist it.

Message 42 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

Not applicable

@thevintagesilvershop wrote:



Can you explain how this is applied?  I follow two vintage and collectible dealers who have both had inventory GTC listed for a long, long time.  One seller has over 8,000 items and their oldest item is FIFTEEN years old.  The other has about 2,500 items and their oldest listing is TEN years old.  Why would they be exempt from this "rule"?

Hi @thevintagesilvershop, as I mentioned before these removals would not solely be due to the listing being on the site for more than a year. We review sales history and interactions with the listing from buyers to determine if the listing is not performing as we would hope. A listing without a sale for more than a year may still remain on the site if the listing is driving meaningful interactions with customers.

Message 43 of 54
latest reply

eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

@vermonttractorpartsllc wrote:

Thanks for your reply, I just love how I am once again "crazy" in the eyes of customer service.  LOL

The items did vanish, there were not any policy violations, it was a system glitch that has been going on for much longer than what your team will admit to.

I made the decision about approx. 3 years ago that I could no longer keep up with the constantly changing platform.  Especially as a one man show.  I sold 98% of my inventory to a bigger competitor November of 2018.

That competitor used to sell on EBAY, they are a company with 50 employees and have been in business 60 years.  The owner told me they stopped selling here because the employee who was responsible for eBAY sales could not pay her own salary.

Anyway, I know that my listings were erased without an email notification.  Please do not tell me otherwise.

If you didn't get an email they're most likely in that category of what we call "poofed listings". One day they're active and then the next - poof - never to be seen again. Not in ended, not in unsolds, nowhere.


Usually only find these when doing inventory or looking for something else (physically).

Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 44 of 54
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eBay now removes listings that don't sell after a year or more.

I'm all for deleting items that don't sell or attract attention to the website. This site is already full of cheap Asia junk, wrinkeled clothes, and actual garbage. Forcing people to list stuff that might actually sell is a win for everyone.
Message 45 of 54
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