12-28-2023 07:45 PM
12-28-2023 07:50 PM
No the fee is taken out of the actual total.
12-28-2023 07:50 PM
You pay FVFs on the Order's total. Item + s&h + sales tax (where applicable), plus a $.30 Transaction Fee.
12-28-2023 08:01 PM
No- only on the REAL total buyer pays...
12-28-2023 10:04 PM
"If you offer discounts to your customer does eBay take their percentage on the original selling price?"
No. The percentage portion of eBay's Final Value Fee (FVF) applies to the amount paid by your buyer:
the discounted price of the item + any sales tax + any shipping costs paid by the buyer.
In addition to the percentage portion of the FVF, eBay will also retain 30 cents per order.
12-29-2023 12:24 AM
@vinylstuff wrote:If you offer discounts to your customer does eBay take their percentage on the original selling price?
FVFs are always, without exception, based on the total amount of money the buyer actually pays you.
12-29-2023 12:25 AM
@mtgraves7984 wrote:You pay FVFs on the Order's total. Item + s&h + sales tax (where applicable), plus a $.30 Transaction Fee.
Just for clarity. The FVF is based off the total amount the buyer actually PAYS the seller. Plus the 30 cent transaction fee.
12-29-2023 10:43 AM
@mam98031 wrote:
@mtgraves7984 wrote:You pay FVFs on the Order's total. Item + s&h + sales tax (where applicable), plus a $.30 Transaction Fee.
Just for clarity. The FVF is based off the total amount the buyer actually PAYS the seller. Plus the 30 cent transaction fee.
Yes... repetition is a great teaching method.