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eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

I keep reading how sales are non-existence, no view, no messages, no questions - no nothing, I think more has to do with the items sellers are selling, then what eBay is or isnt doing.  If you dont believe me try this.. go to Best Buy and purchase a BRAND NEW laptop for $400 and list it on ebay for $200 free ship & 30 day return. Then sit back and watch all the views - questions - comments you get and how fast it sells. Now your saying "why would I do that, im losing money", the answer is simple... other sellers are purchasing products that are in high demand for a low enough price that they can sell cheap and still make a profit.  Why arent you?

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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

Sales are down for a lot of sellers us bieng one of them.   No its probably not as bad as some say it is but there is always room for improvment.   Ebay should care more about there sellers than they do.    Best regards

Message 2 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

When you're selling expensive items that don't get returned it is nice and fast money. If you have a bunch of little sales that eBay fails to help you sell effectively, this is when you'll see why eBay sets the system up for Buyers.

Message 3 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

They don't "set the situation up for buyers". They set the situation up for maximum profit. It's not like they like buyers more than sellers or think they're better people. 


Ebay runs the numbers and understands and supports buyer protection laws and credit card rules.  If they made more money supporting sellers and throwing buyers under the bus they would change things immediately.


Message 4 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

@kyuzo42 wrote:

When you're selling expensive items that don't get returned it is nice and fast money. If you have a bunch of little sales that eBay fails to help you sell effectively, this is when you'll see why eBay sets the system up for Buyers.

What are you talking about? It's not ebays job to help you sell effectively. That's your own responsibility.


Ebay's "job" is to make maximum profits and pad their bottom line as much as possible, which they do by taking the path of least resistence; which is making things as easy and pain free as possible for their true customer: the buyer.

Message 5 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

OMG you just opened Pandora's box now. Be prepared for comments about buyers not being Ebay's customers since they don't pay them directly.


Just like attorney client privilege, it's not about the money changing hands, it's on the attitude and the behavior. 


Plus there's such a thing as indirect customers which people may never have heard about if they haven't taken any marketing classes.


Message 6 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

@kyuzo42 wrote:

When you're selling expensive items that don't get returned it is nice and fast money. If you have a bunch of little sales that eBay fails to help you sell effectively

75% of my sales are under $15.

I have had 0 returns in three years.

I have had just 1 or 2 non-payers in three years.

I don't think it is the size of the sale that is the issue.

Message 7 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

Not sure ebay sellers fall into a bell-shaped curve when selling experience is the criteria...
...but let's pretend they do.
How far right of center does that dissatisfied line kick in, given the midline is "OK"?
Better yet, let's do it by selling price.
I don't know those numbers, you?
Message 8 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

Why arent you?


Any idea how patronizing you sound?

I saw that...

Message 9 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

@luckythewinner wrote:

@kyuzo42 wrote:

When you're selling expensive items that don't get returned it is nice and fast money. If you have a bunch of little sales that eBay fails to help you sell effectively

75% of my sales are under $15.

I have had 0 returns in three years.

I have had just 1 or 2 non-payers in three years.

I don't think it is the size of the sale that is the issue.

I agree. My items are often $9.99 or less. My last return was maybe 2 years ago or more. I can't even remember the last time I had a buyer not pay. I sell on here because I enjoy it. Yes, there are problems and stresses at times but when I stop enjoying selling on here I will stop. I've been selling on here on & off since before 2001.

Message 10 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

OMG you just opened Pandora's box now. Be prepared for comments about buyers not being Ebay's customers since they don't pay them directly.


Just like attorney client privilege, it's not about the money changing hands, it's on the attitude and the behavior. 


Plus there's such a thing as indirect customers which people may never have heard about if they haven't taken any marketing classes.


But the fact remains, there is literal ocean of sellers out there with millions of products, all of which could never possibly be bought, but without people buying the stuff ebay would make hardly any money at all.

Message 11 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

Nope, not bad at all....except for the last 3 weeks of buyers cancelling immediately after winning bids, buyers not paying for their winning bids, buyers not liking and returning their winning bids or (my personal favorite) those that retract their bids less than 6 hrs before the auctions end. I guess after 6 years of selling that's not a bad run. I'll blame it on the crazy weather or whatever's in the water.

Smiley Wink

Message 12 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

My view is different - I dont see Ebay selling as a "business" to me it is just a long electronic yard sale.  I throw it out there and eventually someone buys it.  Of course I try different selling formats, markups, price comparisons, seasons and styles, changing prices, making lots, etc.  I have also let listings sit it out for a while then try again a few months later.  No rhyme or reason.

Message 13 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

You have a good point. I've even noticed that when sales are real slow in the summer, if I put a certain desirable item up, it does get interest even in the slow season.
Message 14 of 36
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Re: eBay isnt as bad as sellers here claim

I think both sellers and buyers are critical to the success of Ebay. I also believe they are both customers of Ebay. I also believe that Ebay creates policy based on what makes the most money for them and follows the law, regardless of what buyers and sellers think is fair.


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