03-05-2021 12:34 AM - last edited on 03-05-2021 05:37 PM by kh-gary
To eBay & Anyone Else Reading,
eBay is banning six titles of Dr. Seuss books because it is caving to political pressure (or supports it outright) over the content of books that a tiny minority claim promotes "white supremacy", "racism," etc. The fact of the matter is, eBay, along with many others, is involved in the modern day burning of books which, by censoring them, disallows the enjoyment of the creative imagination of a wonderful mind and the opportunity to learn from history - because that's what books are, a look at our history, right or wrong.
Indeed, though books and certain people may have ideas that are highly disagreeable, or potentially outright offensive, like Hitler's "Mein Kampf" or even Marx & Engel's "Communist Manifesto", does not give ANYONE else the right to ban them, silence them, or abridge their rights as free individuals to express those ideas or views, however insane they may be - they are a part of a historical record of things that were, are and could be.
By banning or censoring books and ideas, we give power to tyrants to repeat the same atrocities that have been committed throughout history; By allowing these ideas to flourish and be available, the innate goodness and morality in people can balance the minority of those that such words might inspire to do evil. Good will always rule out the darkness - but only if we can understand what the darkness is first.
Yet, lets face it, Dr. Seuss books do not express political views of any kind and were at no point considered insensitive until people who go looking for anything wrong or politically incorrect in the world, according to their own tiny, boxed-in worldview that disallows them from considering that what they might find offensive, is not offensive to others and in fact does nothing more to those people other than provide entertainment and enjoyment.
I'm appreciative of all the librarians and public libraries in this fine nation who are openly standing up to basic political tyranny in protecting the free speech of authors and the freedom of choice of readers to create or absorb a part of history and entertainment or enlightenment without a middleman telling them they are wrong or that they shouldn't because you disagree with them.
The fact of the matter is, I do not like what eBay stands for in the least, and while I'm not significant to anyone's bottom line, I would like to let you know that I will not be supporting eBay or the sellers, whom are now hurt by the politically motivated moves by the eBay company, until or unless eBay retracts this insane policy of political correctness and issues an apology to the public for not considering the rights of authors or readers, let alone the common sense for the reality of the situation - that all but for the dislike of a loud, vocal but entirely wrong minority, these books, along with so many others, are not and should not be subject to the whims because of "feelings" or claims that something is "racist" or "supremacist."
That is not for a company like eBay to decide.
After all, free speech is still protected in our country, right? eBay may make the decision not to sell gun parts - but we're talking about books. It's kind of disturbing when a child could buy a sex toy on eBay, but they can't find a Dr. Seuss book - but I'm sure that this is considered "progressive", right? As long as someone else controls their narrative of the world, everything's fine, but if Seuss draws some slanty-eyes, the world is just going to fall apart, huh? I'm pretty sure there are bigger problems in this world other than political incorrectness.
So, dear eBay, could you learn some common sense in a hurry, or will you be like every other mega-corporation on the planet trying to erase or rewrite history?
03-05-2021 04:48 PM
You just nailed it. Time folks find a pair and take a stand on what's happening to this nation.
03-05-2021 08:23 PM - edited 03-05-2021 08:23 PM
nailed it exactly. Ebay is just the prime example of 1933 Berlin
03-06-2021 06:59 AM
Well said, I agree 100%.. The Hypocrisy is Incredible. It's easy to see the limited censorship. Only what's politically expedient at the time, nothing more. Meanwhile letting the real threats roam freely: Louis Farrakhan, Mein Kanpf, Unabomber’s Manifesto, and so many more.
Yes eBay caved, scared they would be eaten by their own kind. Shameful