05-10-2019 10:28 PM
If you go look at the archives you will find thread after thread of people complaining their sales have dropped off. I will have to admit that I have spent far too much time reading them and have even posted one or two.
For me it was April 2017 when it just fell off. Wasn't all that that long ago I had my first day in 5 years without a sale.
They changed some things, that's for sure. Griping about it won't help us so I thought I would share some ways that I have begun to find an increase in sales.
1. Promoted listings is not a choice. If your complaining your sales fell off and you are not using promoted listings you need to go do a blanket 1% on everything and watch it increase immediately. They found a creative way to increase the fees in a way that looks like its optional. Its not optional.
2. Stagnant Inventory. I have read that sellers have gotten eBay reps to 'reset' their listings. While I believe they may have been told this I don't believe that whatever the rep did had any meaningful effect. I have read that doing a bulk edit and not changing anything gets it going. I don't see that being very effective either. It used to be that if you posted an item you could leave it posted forever and it would eventually sell. I think the new eBay is taking a lot more data points into account like views, watchers, identical solds, and who knows what else. If it doesn't like your listing, it buries it and shows it nobody. I have not been keeping items nearly as long and I have been a lot more aggressive in revising and lowering prices. I revise at least as many items as I post everyday and double most days. Sometimes its a $1 thats the difference in sold and not sold.
3. Offers to buyers. I have sold several items with this new feature. If its not an option on your dashboard you can manually type the link to get to it. Its available to everyone.
4. Offer international shipping outside of GSP. I have had lots of sales this way and printing the label for a first class international (up to 4lbs by the way) is as easy as printing a US one. The only difference is you have to sign it. I have had a couple people do something like pay $150 in shipping to get a $75 item, and that kills me on the fees but that rarely happens and I have yet to loose money on any deal because of it.
5. Returns and cases. I seem to notice a drastic dip in sales directly after I get two returns and/or cases. Just one doesn't seem to have an effect but it seems like if I get two inside of a week, sales suck for several days after. Anyone else notice this? This has led me to a point to where I will not sell anything with a defect. People are looking at the gallery photo and the price and NOTHING ELSE. I will sell new, and fully functional used, and that's it. Sometimes really expensive items still have significant value even if they are only partially working, I will not longer sell that. If I don't feel like the ENTIRE listing can meet the expectation created by just the first photo I don't list it on ebay at all. I guess what I am saying is be more selective with your sourcing.
6. Competition. There are a lot more people selling on ebay. I sure wish I knew how many sellers were on ebay three years ago vs. today. I really have been trying to find items that nobody else is offering or have few comps. I have found myself passing on things not because the margin wasn't there but because there are 3,423 other ones already posted. In the past I would have bought anything that had a sold comp with a good margin, not anymore.
So that was my goal of this post, just to share some ways I am finding a little traction. Hope it helps.
On a side note....
For going on three or four months I noticed a big decrease in return abuse and entitled cheats. I had a period of time with 0 open returns and quite a run with only 1. This weeks I had 2 big fat cheaters. They were all cheap items that had returns anyway, and I got the items back, so not a huge deal. They only stole shipping fees.
One guy asked a silly question about a set of waders I had posted. I referred him to the portion of the listing that answered the question so he couldn't use the semantics of my answer to start a return later. He didn't like that answer so he bought the item with the intent of returning it. Brand New Item. Has UPC. Has same information as all other sellers with same item and same UPC. eBay was kind of enough to remove the defect, but having to call waste my time, kinda aggravating.
I had a somewhat rare bible. It was in pretty rough shape. I wouldn't source or list the same item again. I took good photos of all the damage and described all the damage in detail. If I remember right this bible in good used condition goes for around $40+. This one sold for $20. 30 Day returns, no good reason needed to return it. Shipping was just over $3. Then of course they choose a reason that causes me a defect and say " I love this bibles I would never allow any one do this type of harm to any book let a lone a bible". What a looney toon.
I love how these people can come to ebay and treat it like facebook and at the end of the day it doesn't cost them a dime. They are not shopping for items, they are shopping for a problem to create. eBay does offer us one thing most other platforms don't, the blocked list.
Person 1 had 0 feedback. I think they created a new account to distance what they were about to do from their real account. Person 2 had 1 feedback. Not well established members of the ebay community by any stretch. Returns for users with less than 5 feedback should require a look by an actual person at ebay before they are allowed to apply a defect. Even if it looks like it went through to the user, actual look prior to defect application seems like common sense.
So I know there are some people out there that had a big drop in sales, is there anyone out there that has kept pumping up items and found some success with any new techniques? Get any crazy returns?
Anyone out there sell 20 items instead of 10 and wanna tells us all who say the sales fell off we are crazy because you had a 100% increase? 🙂
06-17-2019 06:42 PM
I noticed if you do a search using best match to try to see where your items are in the chain....you will be hard pressed to find your listings. **bleep** me off to no end that all of the first listings you see in best match is from CHINA. I think china is the real reason ebay is ruined. They took everything over like army ants. Sell things for 25 cents with free shipping. No wonder all of their listings are first in line for everyone to see. Something should be done about this. It is not fair and we cannot compete. Just with the shipping prices we have to pay alone. Either Ebay or the us government should do something about this. It is not fair trade.
06-17-2019 07:45 PM
May was slow, but June is ridiculous. I am hoping to eventually sell off most of my listings at some point in time and then abandon selling on ebay. The Good 'til Canceled feature is terrible. I have to make sure to end a listing if I don't want to auto renew a listing. Sometimes I just want to end a listing and not relist it again. It was easier to do on the 30-day listings. I'm wondering if it's worth selling in the summer. I get low ball offers of $10 on a $20 item and they want free shipping, or sometimes it's even worse. My prices are fair and I've been at this for 4 years. My ratings are great. I hate to quit too soon as I have a lot of inventory. Definitely a bad month right now.
06-18-2019 08:44 PM
I am concerned about listed items not being seen or being buried - If eBay wins by sales commissions then why would they hide or slow sales -- or harm progress.
It simply does not make sense.
China's low quality cheap mass sales is a problem. USA sellers need to push the point that we ARE USA SELLERS to encourage American sales.
06-18-2019 08:57 PM
This is so true. Well said... ONE THING I WOULD CHG: they are like an ARMY OF RED ANTS.
The problem must be exterminated to save eBay. Maybe eBay can not see it yet but American sellers are SELLING LESS AND REDUCING THEIR STORE SUBSCRIPTION.... YES, this will harm eBay. People are growing weary of CHINA'§ poor quality items.
End the madness and open a European/Africa/Asian eBay and a second USA/CANADA/Mexico marketplace
I noticed if you do a search using best match to try to see where your items are in the chain....you will be hard pressed to find your listings. **bleep** me off to no end that all of the first listings you see in best match is from CHINA. I think china is the real reason ebay is ruined. They took everything over like army ants. Sell things for 25 cents with free shipping. No wonder all of their listings are first in line for everyone to see. Something should be done about this. It is not fair and we cannot compete. Just with the shipping prices we have to pay alone. Either Ebay or the us government should do something about this. It is not fair trade.
06-18-2019 09:16 PM
the problem with china based sellers on ebay usa is that ebay supports them, even to the point of setting up warehouses and such for them here in the US. but they still get to use the china based shipping costs. until that changes no matter the item or quality, they will always be able to undercut the average US seller...
06-18-2019 10:42 PM
@flo_mingo wrote:
@catmond9sik wrote:They make it difficult. If you do everything they say you do not make much money. I get best seller ratting but not sure if it is worth it. My sells are the lowest since 2009.
My sales have dropped to nothing. I used to ship every day now less than once a week . I have no visibility. When I search for my items they do not show up on any pages unless I type my exact title and then it is iffy. I notice thta I am not buying on eBay either. Yesterday I was searching for decorative rain gutter chains. I was immediately directed to the Mayfair site and that is where I made my purchase. I realize now that this has happened for my last 3 purchases. All purchases made off site after starting on eBay. It seems eBay has become a web search engine rather than a marketplace for listing items to be purchased or sold. I have summers off and was excited to really grow my eBay business this year getting inventory together for teh fall and winter, Now I am selling at flea markets and getting out of this platform. Here since 2003, I never thought I would say this but eBay is a waste of my time.
I came to the same conclusion in March of this year.
06-19-2019 07:14 AM
I'm done with Ebay.
Trying to unload the last of my stuff and then I'm done.
It's not profitable anymore.
Nothing is moving unless I "promote" the item.
I've tried free shipping, I've re-priced things high and low, I've allowed returns, and my ratings are excellent.
As the song says, "The thrill is gone."
06-19-2019 08:39 AM
@nwastockclerk wrote:May was slow, but June is ridiculous. I am hoping to eventually sell off most of my listings at some point in time and then abandon selling on ebay. The Good 'til Canceled feature is terrible. I have to make sure to end a listing if I don't want to auto renew a listing. Sometimes I just want to end a listing and not relist it again. It was easier to do on the 30-day listings. I'm wondering if it's worth selling in the summer. I get low ball offers of $10 on a $20 item and they want free shipping, or sometimes it's even worse. My prices are fair and I've been at this for 4 years. My ratings are great. I hate to quit too soon as I have a lot of inventory. Definitely a bad month right now.
I received a ONE dollar offer on an item that had free shipping LOL .. I know I should have jumped at the chance and all ,,, but e bay frowns on using that type of language .. 🙂 Tulips
06-20-2019 06:06 AM
I stopped selling on eBay a few months ago. It has become a losing proposition for me. In order to make a sale, I actually have to sell a few pennies above or below my cost.
Foreign sellers have found a way to produce my copyrighted images below my cost and sell them with Free Shipping. Thanks eBay!
Make an offer is a joke. I can't tell you how many so-called buyers try to buy my products for one-half what they cost me. Plus, even when I tell them their offers are way too low, they will continue to offer low-ball offers until they reach their limit. It's as though they are getting off on tormenting me.
Goodbye eBay, you and many other online marketplaces are no longer built for U.S. sellers.
06-23-2019 05:37 AM
Yep, I have been seeing countless auctions ending at 1, 2, 3 dollars for 25 dollar and up items. They won't even be able to ship without losing money.
06-24-2019 11:21 AM
Have you ever thought that just maybe. The watcher was your competition? That is what I found out in my case.
They were seeing if my alike item sold before there's did. This feature is a waste of time. However you can put a best offer on all your "Buy It Now" listings anyways. Just a thought.
Good Luck.
06-26-2019 07:00 PM
06-28-2019 05:26 AM
I am sorry to say I am lucky if I have one sale a week. Buyers have gone elsewhere.
EBAY MARKET WAS FLOODED BY CHINA. China has so many sellers selling phone covers, charging cables, magnetic screen doors, cheap home goods, shoes, clothing, appliances, racks, cookware, flashlights, auto parts, tools and the list goes on and on.
06-28-2019 02:23 PM
Horrible sales May and June...collectibles...same methods used forever....I know what has worked for us. Good until cancelled is horrible. What eBay does not think about is if sellers don't sell...sellers don't buy. That is me anyway. I was spending 50% of sales on buying...no more.
06-29-2019 04:42 PM
Back east wi. Mi. Etc