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eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

If you go look at the archives you will find thread after thread of people complaining their sales have dropped off. I will have to admit that I have spent far too much time reading them and have even posted one or two. 


For me it was April 2017 when it just fell off. Wasn't all that that long ago I had my first day in 5 years without a sale.


They changed some things, that's for sure. Griping about it won't help us so I thought I would share some ways that I have begun to find an increase in sales.


1. Promoted listings is not a choice. If your complaining your sales fell off and you are not using promoted listings you need to go do a blanket 1% on everything and watch it increase immediately. They found a creative way to increase the fees in a way that looks like its optional. Its not optional.


2. Stagnant Inventory. I have read that sellers have gotten eBay reps to 'reset' their listings. While I believe they may have been told this I don't believe that whatever the rep did had any meaningful effect. I have read that doing a bulk edit and not changing anything gets it going. I don't see that being very effective either. It used to be that if you posted an item you could leave it posted forever and it would eventually sell. I think the new eBay is taking a lot more data points into account like views, watchers, identical solds, and who knows what else. If it doesn't like your listing, it buries it and shows it nobody. I have not been keeping items nearly as long and I have been a lot more aggressive in revising and lowering prices. I revise at least as many items as I post everyday and double most days. Sometimes its a $1 thats the difference in sold and not sold.


3. Offers to buyers. I have sold several items with this new feature. If its not an option on your dashboard you can manually type the link to get to it. Its available to everyone.


4. Offer international shipping outside of GSP. I have had lots of sales this way and printing the label for a first class international (up to 4lbs by the way) is as easy as printing a US one. The only difference is you have to sign it. I have had a couple people do something like pay $150 in shipping to get a $75 item, and that kills me on the fees but that rarely happens and I have yet to loose money on any deal because of it.


5. Returns and cases. I seem to notice a drastic dip in sales directly after I get two returns and/or cases. Just one doesn't seem to have an effect but it seems like if I get two inside of a week, sales suck for several days after. Anyone else notice this? This has led me to a point to where I will not sell anything with a defect. People are looking at the gallery photo and the price and NOTHING ELSE. I will sell new, and fully functional used, and that's it. Sometimes really expensive items still have significant value even if they are only partially working, I will not longer sell that. If I don't feel like the ENTIRE listing can meet the expectation created by just the first photo I don't list it on ebay at all. I guess what I am saying is be more selective with your sourcing.


6. Competition. There are a lot more people selling on ebay. I sure wish I knew how many sellers were on ebay three years ago vs. today. I really have been trying to find items that nobody else is offering or have few comps. I have found myself passing on things not because the margin wasn't there but because there are 3,423 other ones already posted. In the past I would have bought anything that had a sold comp with a good margin, not anymore.


So that was my goal of this post, just to share some ways I am finding a little traction. Hope it helps.


On a side note....


For going on three or four months I noticed a big decrease in return abuse and entitled cheats. I had a period of time with 0 open returns and quite a run with only 1.  This weeks I had 2 big fat cheaters. They were all cheap items that had returns anyway, and I got the items back, so not a huge deal. They only stole shipping fees. 


One guy asked a silly question about a set of waders I had posted. I referred him to the portion of the listing that answered the question so he couldn't use the semantics of my answer to start a return later. He didn't like that answer so he bought the item with the intent of returning it. Brand New Item. Has UPC. Has same information as all other sellers with same item and same UPC.  eBay was kind of enough to remove the defect, but having to call waste my time, kinda aggravating. 


I had a somewhat rare bible. It was in pretty rough shape. I wouldn't source or list the same item again. I took good photos of all the damage and described all the damage in detail. If I remember right this bible in good used condition goes for around $40+. This one sold for $20. 30 Day returns, no good reason needed to return it. Shipping was just over $3. Then of course they choose a reason that causes me a defect and say " I love this bibles I would never allow any one do this type of harm to any book let a lone a bible". What a looney toon.


I love how these people can come to ebay and treat it like facebook and at the end of the day it doesn't cost them a dime. They are not shopping for items, they are shopping for a problem to create. eBay does offer us one thing most other platforms don't, the blocked list.


Person 1 had 0 feedback. I think they created a new account to distance what they were about to do from their real account. Person 2 had 1 feedback. Not well established members of the ebay community by any stretch. Returns for users with less than 5 feedback should require a look by an actual person at ebay before they are allowed to apply a defect. Even if it looks like it went through to the user, actual look prior to defect application seems like common sense.


So I know there are some people out there that had a big drop in sales, is there anyone out there that has kept pumping up items and found some success with any new techniques? Get any crazy returns?


Anyone out there sell 20 items instead of 10 and wanna tells us all who say the sales fell off we are crazy because you had a 100% increase? 🙂



For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 1 of 407
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406 REPLIES 406

Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

 Offers to buyers. I have sold several items with this new feature. If its not an option on your dashboard you can manually type the link to get to it. Its available to everyone.baydistributionic 



I agree with most of  your post  except the offers to buyers  issue . It's just something I was always so dead set against.  I was fearful it would make a seller look  desperate  or it would be annoying  to the potential buyer .A few weeks  back I was simply out of ideas ,, nothing was selling ,, lots and lots of watchers  but nobody was buying anything . Things were getting very  bad because of a few abnormal  extra expenses  I couldn't  even buy groceries . So I became desperate and sent 5 watchers an offer ,, very good low bargain offers . Not one person responded . Not only that I lost one of the watchers  I sent an offer to.  So it just goes to show  that everyone  must find the  business method that   works  well for them  and try and   listen more  to the  first  gut instincts . Tulips  - P.S  we didn't starve after all   🙂   


Message 2 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

As does Tulip - I disagree with the offer to buyers option - it works for some but I have never gotten a sale from using it. Many of our watchers are other sellers watching our items to see what we end up selling the item for. Sending an offer to me tells a buyer - I'm desperate and that I priced this too high to begin with so I can now offer you this fabulous deal.


I have done all of the other things on your list and it's a good representation of what sellers should be doing - but for me - none of it has worked. Despite what Ebay has said in the past - any case seems to rank high in how much visibility your items receive and that is wrong being they are the ones that decided that sellers can no longer fight these bad returns or false claims.


In you case - I do think the last poster hit the nail on the head - it's less to do with Ebay and more to do with your feedback. Even when hit with a negative comment - I act professional. That's the type of seller I want to buy from - not someone calling other people liars and scammers. A simple reply - item tested and worked - refund offered - or measurements in listing - return offered - shows the other side of the coin and that the seller is willing to work with people if they are dissatisfied with the purchase.

Message 3 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

No returns to date since 2004. offer to buyers option works well for me I think works best in collectibles category or when you have one off items that no one else has. Promoted listings probably required on common goods. Auctions work well for me with a mix of BIN items. Reaching out to buyers wins them back to my store in many cases. Edit 4% of your oldest unsolds every day. Change titles and price. Good clear pictures. Selling one off collectibles gives you a whole new lot of eBay buyers. Most want what they buy and won't return it. Be prepared to sell to the whole world of eBay. Manage your own postage don't use GSP. Consistently pack well and leave 'visit my eBay shop' stickers in your sendings. Use social media and share your eBay links there. These a few things that have helped me the only other thing is constantly listing new items daily.

Message 4 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

our post demonstrates exactly why a cookie cutter mold isn't right for everyone. I can see where collectibles and hard to find items have a great sell thru rate and attract buyers to the platform and your store. This was what Ebay was like way back when - kudos to you and I hope you continue with success!

Message 5 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

Great points.  It's refreshing to see someone share what they've done to try to increase sales, as opposed to just complaining about not making any money.  It's good to complain - I've done my share - but I also try to share the things that have helped.  I appreciate you taking the time to put that post together.


I've noticed Ebay likes NEW listings, and in brand new items.  I also suspect that at some point, ebay "forgets" about items you previously listed and let expire, and will "think" these items are brand new when you list them again.  I originally thought maybe it was 90 days, after it drops off your unsold items, but I'm not so sure.  I did have some increase by relisting items that had expired over 90 days ago, but it wasn't as much as listing new items.  The good news for me is my Shopify store has 3x the number of items as my ebay store, so I can still maintain a full number of listings here while allowing items to "reset" by keeping them off Ebay for months.


But overall, my sales are down almost 90% since May 2017.  That was my high point.  The first week of June was when the nightmare scramble of falling sales began. That's when I noticed that I stopped getting a boost from brand new listings.  I was able to keep things semi normal through November or so by having a fair number of 99 cent starting bid auctions, but it was A LOT of work and usually resulted in losing money on half of them, so I quit.


Nowadays I've been putting out technical proposals in my old field - marine geophysical and hydrographic survey - and I'm beginning to pull in some work, so fortunately I can relegate Ebay back to a hobby or just for extra money rather than a living.  But then I've got the problem of not being home for my family, which is the reason I quit in the first place.  Argh.

Message 6 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

@duncanvr wrote:

No returns to date since 2004. offer to buyers option works well for me I think works best in collectibles category or when you have one off items that no one else has. Promoted listings probably required on common goods. Auctions work well for me with a mix of BIN items. Reaching out to buyers wins them back to my store in many cases. Edit 4% of your oldest unsolds every day. Change titles and price. Good clear pictures. Selling one off collectibles gives you a whole new lot of eBay buyers. Most want what they buy and won't return it. Be prepared to sell to the whole world of eBay. Manage your own postage don't use GSP. Consistently pack well and leave 'visit my eBay shop' stickers in your sendings. Use social media and share your eBay links there. These a few things that have helped me the only other thing is constantly listing new items daily.

And here I thought I was the only edit addict  LOL  ,, good to know other sellers do the same thing . I swear I think I spend half my time editing listings and second guessing myself .   🙂   Tulips 

Message 7 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

What I am noticing is I can find an old and collectible item, even one that rarely appears on eBay, that has good demand and 100% sellthrough previous to me (presuming I am actually seeing all the past listings in search), and mine does not sell. Over and over it does not sell, even priced lower than past sales. There's not much rhyme or reason for it, either. I had one with nine watchers one week get the bid retracted and this last week not sell at all.

And it has been slow, I had no sales at all between April 19th and May 5th.

I notice too when I do have sales a lot will all be in a particular region, I think eBay's servers only even show the things to people in particular areas each time they run.
Message 8 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

Editing old unsolds is a must if haven't sold in BIN for over a month I will send it to auction and often find they sell then. But this is collectibles I don't know how well this works for common goods. Also because my items are unique I can set my own prices based on what I know about the solds for my lots. Sold two more offers to watchers just now, everything has a sell price. Sometimes I edit unsold prices by a few cents I feel this must force Casinni to look at the listing. Another trick is swop categories if possible. 

Message 9 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

Collectibles have done well for me since 04. Have had some slow times but it always bounces back. This year has been very good with sales. Seems many people want to buy an old letter from the 1800s or earlier. Or an old document from the 1500s. Or Queen Victoria stamps on old envelopes. Whilst I have competion they have all different items to what I do. Try win a penny black stamp 1841 on cover (envelope) in auction find them on eBay UK. They sell there over 100 pounds plus any day of the week. I don't live in UK but its an open online source.

Message 10 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

I'm not sure this reply is actually going to help anyone but I'm going to just let you know what's been happening to me recently. It used to be that if I would list every single day sales would come through like water this all changed when I started using it promoted listings. At first I didn't know how to set the percentage and I think I was losing money because I set the percentage way too high then I finally realized how to set it and put every item I have at 2% because my business model I'm barely spending any money on product so for me any profit is good profit. The problem with this is ever since I started doing this sales have dropped dramatically. Also I noticed a big change after the good till cancelled change I feel like before when I could list my items for 30 days and then relist them when they came off I was doing so much better and now with this good to canceled thing I'm ending listings everyday early so that I don't miss them because I'm not always in front of my computer and it's really hard to do it from a cell phone so I have to end my listings even though there might be 11 hours left on that listing I have to do it so I do not miss it. Then I just go to sell similar relist the items and delete the old listings from the unsold category after I sell similar. Since I have started doing this my sales have dropped big time. I try to go in and do little revisions but I'm only one person so taking photos doing shipping and everything else that comes along with running a business it's really hard to get in there every day and Doolittle changes and price drops. I almost feel like I need to hire someone to go in and mess with things everyday and see what happens because I just don't have the time. As for sending offers to potential buyers I haven't had much luck with this. I have sat down numerous times and went through every single potential buyer sent them a very nice professional message along with a good offer and I think I may have sold one or two items this way at the very most. My store consists of many different items I'm basically like a Walmart with a collectibles section and a record store added. I just don't know what to do. I was doing very well running this business full time and all of a sudden I feel like I have to do something completely different in order to keep up the profit that I once had or figure out some other Avenue to make up for what I'm losing here and I just don't understand. My pictures have gotten better I believe my listings have gotten better I think everything I have done has gotten better over time I have 100% feedback I do notice that my shipping rate has increased even though I've been shipping faster and I'm not sure why that's happening and I wish there was a way to fix it because there is definitely something wrong with this. A couple months ago I noticed that some of my shipments were going out a little late which I don't think I ever really shipped anything over the allotted amount of time I always print my labels within the allotted time and I always get them to the post office within the day that I have everything listed at. I have everything listed at one day shipping and handling the only time I go over that day is when it's the weekend and it doesn't count. But for some reason my percentage is going up so then to try and rectify this I purposely started printing my labels right before I would go to the post office to try and get my percentage down this didn't help much and I'm really confused as to why because I have never been a person to ship late  as a matter of fact if you look at my feedback one of my number one Praises is that items come fast and I'm not sure why eBay isn't noticing this. I'm starting to think I almost need to start a whole new store start all over again and just try to be as perfect as possible even though that's what I did the first time and I think I was doing pretty well considering. I have had some returns but nothing out of the ordinary or over-the-top just what you would expect from a normal store somebody order something maybe they don't like it and they returned it I don't know if their reasoning for the returns are wrong and it's affecting my standings or whatever but something's up and I need to figure it out.

Message 11 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

I have seen these hills and valleys of sales that appear to float from region to region at random.  Worse is the hills  are getting lower and lower.  All this seems to be tied into to how ebay operates, no matter whether you have the lowest price, the best item, or anything else.


This article seems to explain a good bit of it:

Message 12 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

While I have read many complain of dropping sales as well, I perhaps shouldn't go on too much that I'm up double what I was a year ago.  


While I don't think I have any great 'success stories' I believe I get (and KEEP as repeat business) many customers by some very basic business 101 points:


1) Excellent pricing.  I prefer to do a bit more volume and less profit per sale.  (Honestly, I think this *naturally* helps with the eBay 'algorithm' people go on about of making edits to your store and inventory.  Do I do any of that B.S.? no... I just sell enough that I have to regularly add quantity to existing listings and also rotate in new items anyway.)


2) Prompt shipping.  In the days of Amazon Prime, and more and more even Same Day... get your packages out ASAP.  Is it difficult or stressful?  No.  My listings have 1 Day shipping, and I set that cut off at 9 AM.  Around 9:30 AM, I print labels for anything sold, including SCAN sheet, and USPS comes and picks them up.  Nearly *every* customer gets their packages at least one to three full days before eBay's estimate.


3) Quality packaging.  This isn't expensive.  But at least look like you spent the extra penny...


4) DO NOT Use the 'Send Offer' or 'MAKE an OFFER' options!  Set *good* prices to begin with and stick to them.  Randomly offering or accepting discounted offers lets people know that you are WILLING (and worse... clearly are 'purposely' to over charge them).


5) Offer automatically combined shipping.  Again, we are in 'Amazon Prime' world now.  I want to add things to a cart, check out immediately, and know things are on the way ASAP.  I don't want to fiddle around with asking a seller to combine shipping, etc.

Message 13 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

@postingid7659 wrote:
What I am noticing is I can find an old and collectible item, even one that rarely appears on eBay, that has good demand and 100% sellthrough previous to me (presuming I am actually seeing all the past listings in search), and mine does not sell. Over and over it does not sell, even priced lower than past sales. There's not much rhyme or reason for it, either. I had one with nine watchers one week get the bid retracted and this last week not sell at all.

And it has been slow, I had no sales at all between April 19th and May 5th.

I notice too when I do have sales a lot will all be in a particular region, I think eBay's servers only even show the things to people in particular areas each time they run.

I have discovered today tah my items do not show up when searched for. 

Message 14 of 407
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Re: eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019

I agree. Sales are the worst since I started selling in 2009.

Message 15 of 407
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