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buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

hi. when i list a camera as film tested, it’s film tested. so i was very surprised when a buyer requested a return saying one did not work. with an unhappy message saying he wasted $40 on film trying to fix it.


i tried to trouble shoot with him and said if it truly was broken i’d send him a free pack of film ($25) for use with his next camera. after my first two ideas he said he used to have this camera and there was nothing he was doing wrong on his end. i clicked accept return.


upon receiving it, the self timer option is on. which perfectly explains his issue with the camera. guy is a professional photographer; i’m angry at his lack of competence. the camera works perfect.


he also did not send back the included manual in the return.


guy lived on opposite side of country as me and shipping back and forth was more than 50 percent item value.


i do not want to buy this person replacement film and i do not want to refund until he sends me the  manual. will ebay allow him to neg me?

Message 1 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

please tell me the order i should take the recommended actions in ...

-contact buyer and ask for manual

-call ebay appeals

-click the box in the return details that says their is something wrong with the return

thank you!
Message 16 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)


should i reply through ebay asking for him to send me the manual? i have to resell this thing now. he sent an incomplete return.

eBay allows sellers to refund less than full refunds for returns that are not complete.  If you can download the manual online I would deduct the cost of printing a new manual, your time doing this, and an amount that would make the camera sell for less because of the manual not being original.  May 20 or 25% for the reproduced manual?


Yes buyers can leave whatever feedback in the form of an opinionand it will stick.


Take advantage of the tools eBay gives sellers and do not worry about feedback.  Most buyers use mobile devices now and rarely look at feedback because they have an eBay money back guarantee so they do not really need to do this as much as the past.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 17 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

hi. i would like to refund the buyer for the item less shipping; his reason for return is invalid. i would also like my manual back. printing a manual means nothing because no one needs a manual for a polaroid camera; it is the appeal of original packaging for a vintage item.

please tell me the order i should take the recommended actions in ...

-contact buyer, explain his return reason was wrong, and ask for manual
-call ebay appeals
-click the box in the return details that says there is something wrong with the return

i would like to do this in a fashion that most likely results in me not have to pay for the shipping due to the buyer's mistake. i'd also like my manual back, but that's secondary. i don't want negative feedback, but if i get it oh well because i have lots of good feedback and a reasonable appeal to this feedback.

if eBay rules in his favor, can i still report him for abuse of the return system? for two reasons 1) falsely claiming item does not work 2) returning the item incomplete

thank you!
Message 18 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

and i understand eBay screws sellers blah blah, and that's fine, but that does not mean i do not want to try to not get screwed. if i get screwed anyway, i will move on.


this thread is really a mess. i wish i would have made a better OP. 


i have an incomplete return that was made for an invalid reason (though the buyer very likely thinks he was in the right). what steps should i take and in which order? 

Message 19 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)


if you look at the case,afte tracking shows delivered,you have 3 days to refund,there is also an option where you can say something worng with the return,if so,choose that option and tell them it is incomplete return.

I did that once and Ebay sided with me,I dont remember if Ebay reimbursed him from its own coffer,but take a look .

He actually has 6 business days to refund.

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 20 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

hi. i would like to refund the buyer for the item less shipping; his reason for return is invalid. i would also like my manual back. printing a manual means nothing because no one needs a manual for a polaroid camera; it is the appeal of original packaging for a vintage item.

please tell me the order i should take the recommended actions in ...

-contact buyer, explain his return reason was wrong, and ask for manual
-call ebay appeals
-click the box in the return details that says there is something wrong with the return

i would like to do this in a fashion that most likely results in me not have to pay for the shipping due to the buyer's mistake. i'd also like my manual back, but that's secondary. i don't want negative feedback, but if i get it oh well because i have lots of good feedback and a reasonable appeal to this feedback.

if eBay rules in his favor, can i still report him for abuse of the return system? for two reasons 1) falsely claiming item does not work 2) returning the item incomplete

thank you!

If you don't offer free returns you actually have to refund in full, appeal and ask ebay to reimburse the return shipping. You can't issue a partial refund if you don't offer free returns.

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 21 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

thank you, Jen. i do not offer free returns.

so i refund and then appeal in that order? i should i raise the issue with ebay before issuing the refund?

sorry for being so particular but i know from reading through other people’s issues that these things are very particular and there are no re-dos. so i’m trying to get all my ducks in order and do it right the first time.
Message 22 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)



if you look at the case,afte tracking shows delivered,you have 3 days to refund,there is also an option where you can say something worng with the return,if so,choose that option and tell them it is incomplete return.

I did that once and Ebay sided with me,I dont remember if Ebay reimbursed him from its own coffer,but take a look .

He actually has 6 business days to refund.

Unless either one asked ebay to step in it.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 23 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

The buyer probably just changed his mind and did not want to pay return shipping so he filed SNAD and played stupid. This happens and there's nothing you can do about it. Unless the buyer is gracious enough to mail you the manual you won't get it back. There is no way to force him to do so, nor will you be able to withhold return shipping.

FM, of all the people, did the same thing to me a while back.
Message 24 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)




if you look at the case,afte tracking shows delivered,you have 3 days to refund,there is also an option where you can say something worng with the return,if so,choose that option and tell them it is incomplete return.

I did that once and Ebay sided with me,I dont remember if Ebay reimbursed him from its own coffer,but take a look .

He actually has 6 business days to refund.

Unless either one asked ebay to step in it.


That is correct but I didn’t mention that in this case because the OP accepted the return so he does get 6 business days 🙂

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 25 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

Always best to mention the 'gotchas' for any new seller who may be reading.


It's not like this stuff is easy to find in the "help" pages ........


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 26 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

@ericlovescameras wrote:
thank you, Jen. i do not offer free returns.

so i refund and then appeal in that order? i should i raise the issue with ebay before issuing the refund?

sorry for being so particular but i know from reading through other people’s issues that these things are very particular and there are no re-dos. so i’m trying to get all my ducks in order and do it right the first time.

Hi @ericlovescameras, I need to clarify that sellers cannot appeal a Return if they issue a voluntary refund. Appeals can only be considered if eBay is first asked to step in and make a decision on the Return. If the buyer didn't return everything that was described in your listing then you should contact them within the Return to let them know. It's also a good idea to contact customer support today and explain the situation. They'll let you know what your best next steps are in resolving the matter.

Community Team
Message 27 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)


 If the buyer didn't return everything that was described in your listing then you should contact them within the Return to let them know.

And if the buyer refuses any further action to return whatever was missing, the seller should be able to deny the refund entirely.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 28 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

someone on ebay saw this, i assume brian@ebay, and a case favorable for both the buyer and i was opened and closed without me taking action.

i am extremely appreciative. selling these cameras is not a significant supplement to my income. it's something i enjoy. i love photography and i love analog camera equipment. i enjoy buying vintage equipment, learning about it and its previous owner, and then getting it into the hands of photographers who will continue to put the equipment to good use. (film is not just for nostalgia; organic sensors offer a look the digital cannot fully emulate not matter how talented the post- editor).

my method is not to list these cameras as tested and then refund the buyer after they have wasted extremely expensive film and maybe priceless moments testing it for me. because i love the cameras, i am able to actually use them with the expensive film and make sure they work without it ruining my profits because testing the camera is something i enjoy and not just a business expense. that's why i wanted to go beyond issuing the buyer a refund and replace the film he used if somehow i had made a mistake in testing the camera (i had not; the camera works perfectly if operated correctly).

i hope the buyer does not allow this experience to turn him off from analog photography. i’m not sure how to resolve that as i do not want any further contact with him. ebay did me a favor and i don’t want to disrespect that favor by disgruntling one of their customers by pointing out a potentially embarrassing mistake. i hope he gives instant photography another chance with another seller’s camera.

this situation was causing me stress far beyond the minor financial loss. i woke up this morning dreading having to deal with it. to see ebay took notice and resolved the issue is a huge relief. i repeat, i am extremely appreciative. thank you.

and thank you to all the seller community users who read my posts and offered their advice. this place is a great resource. i will pay it back as i learn more about how to be a successful seller.

Message 29 of 35
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Re: buyer returns camera as not working (user error)

And if the buyer refuses any further action to return whatever was missing, the seller should be able to deny the refund entirely.



Yes, the seller SHOULD, but this is ebay.  A buyer that claims a false SNAD can send back an empty box and get fully refunded.  I see no change in that. 


Message 30 of 35
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