Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
Today we cannot"Revise your listing" as function is down for us and
returns an error message. Anybody else ? I wish there is a place that
errors, glitches can be reported and maybe eBay will fix these basic
site functions. Just wishing. By the way we...
Hello,since several hours its not possible to do new listings of
articles. Text: "There is some problem with your listing, please try it
again." I did it several times with different articles, but nothing
helps. Thanks for any suggestions.Juergen / G...
I was a Top Seller. Never ever late with a shipment. No cases ever
opened. I was hospitalized via emergency for 10 days in connection with
a disability and had no way to access Ebay. Am a sole operator of my
store. Hence, a number of items were shipp...
I have tried for 4 weeks to get help from Ebay to correct the problem .
Mind you I have had at least 8 contacts from 8 persons and still they
will not get it right even after I have sent the required papers they
need for my company to be registered o...
Last 14 hours, every time I try to list an item, it says there is a
problem, and to try again later! Listings that I wanted to do for 5
days, I will more less have to do 3 day listings now. Thanks for costing
me more money in fees!
And let me say there's nothing more fun that putting information like
book title and author already available in the listing's title and
description into little boxes! I'm not really sure how much this pays or
how I should bill eBay for this fabulous...
I keep getting a message saying: unable to proceed, something went
wrong, sorry try again in a few minutes. This is since yesterday. Anyone
else having trouble listing?? Ebay say 25-48 hours to fix.
As we are on the brink of what I predict will be a DISASTER entitled
"Item Specifics", I would like to see what this community has been
discussing about the subject. (And if....if....if eBay personnel are
responding, I want to see that too...) So how...
Does that sound like any bodies else,s store.I can not pay more than I
was paying.I have never sold a 1,000 a month, no ones working and no one
has money.I need to work, but not like this.Why do people complain, the
nice way is to say the item is not...
It is a very disturbing ebay policy for me to add more requirements for
listings but offer nothing in return to sellers . We are forced to spend
more time on listings but do not get an offline listing tool that would
make things easy. That way ebay l...
I've 'restarting' my Ebay store and have posted many items. However,
very few items are actually selling. I'm working on my branding and
improving my listing format as paying for tools is not yet cost
justify-able. Any recommendation would be greatly...