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You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

Consumer confidence is at its lowest point in almost two years. The trade war with China is spooking people into slowing their discretionary spending.


I'm seeing a 30% decrease in sales compared to last year from late May to today. I was up 25% for the year prior to then. Not anymore... This was averaged across all 3 selling platforms that I sell with. It's not just eBay.


Here's a news article for you to check it out:


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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

 If I am slow on Ebay,  I am slow everywhere.



Message 2 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

Unfortunately this is very true.  Coupled with a few significant programming issues on Ebay and it is hurting everyone.  Some want to blame it solely on the new GTC rule, but it just isn't that simple.  It is more complex.


I sell on 3 sites and all 3 are slower than is normal for this time of year.  Granted June isn't one of my big months, but it is still slower than usual.


I think the political climate plays into this too.  Lots of people feeling very uneasy about our futures.  And now on top of all of this a potential war in the near future.  It is just down right scary.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 3 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

The search engine is completely useless, searched for a specific item yesterday cutting all China Junk out, guess what i was shown ? 41 listings of Chinese Garbage, 5 secs on the River found the exact item US Seller and shipped from fulfillment center, also cheaper and better material, no wonder both buyers and sellers are leaving in droves, simple reasoning, if you cannot find what you are looking for you will not be buying it !

Message 4 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

 I find Amazon just the opposite.      I was looking for a toy for my Grandson and typed in the exact name.     I got more garbage before  what I wanted came up.

 I was also looking for a fabric,      I had shirts,  tops,   sheets,  blankets and a whole bunch of other junk come up first.   

Message 5 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales



i agree causes are multiple, from

--ebays coding, be it break it so they can fix it, gtc, too many variables for search to handle correctly, etc.  (i just don't know all the reasons behind...)

--over-saturation of offshore sellers and listings selling cheaply-made, and cheaper items (some are decent quality) ... to using their offshore seller cheaper shipping rates (us sellers really can't compete on shipping).

--consumers upset with shipping costs, major increases in january and again june.

--world economics and trade wars as stated above...

--us sellers having to raise prices to compensate for increased fees and shipping costs (if they are offering free shipping, and in many cases just to stay 'afloat' financially...

--etc ... there are many many reasons for the slump...


what can sellers do?  keep trying, hoping and winning/losing at the same time ... i guess.  😞

Message 6 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@whatmorefabric wrote:

 I find Amazon just the opposite.      I was looking for a toy for my Grandson and typed in the exact name.     I got more garbage before  what I wanted came up.

 I was also looking for a fabric,      I had shirts,  tops,   sheets,  blankets and a whole bunch of other junk come up first.   

Oh, gosh. I'm with you! I think Amazon's search is horrid!

Message 7 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

I thought it quite interesting today.  Drove up to Santa Barbara and while there, ran a few errands.  One was paying the gas bill.  Stopped at the office, and there was a little USPS mail truck parked in front of me, the carrier had the back roll-up open and I could see, and counted, 15 visible 'A' branded packages - most boxes and packages in the truck were 'branded'.  Didn't even see anything that looked like it might have been from ebay, not to say that there weren't any, but I didn't ask.  I suppose, with the numbers A has vs ebay, is shouldn't be surprising.  Smiley Sad

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 8 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@whatmorefabric wrote:

 I find Amazon just the opposite.      I was looking for a toy for my Grandson and typed in the exact name.     I got more garbage before  what I wanted came up.

 I was also looking for a fabric,      I had shirts,  tops,   sheets,  blankets and a whole bunch of other junk come up first.   

On top of that it is more expensive to sell there, many things are gated, you can't design your own listings as a small seller and everything is GTC.  Just a few other things that makes it difficult on that site.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 9 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@rdj831 wrote:

Consumer confidence is at its lowest point in almost two years. The trade war with China is spooking people into slowing their discretionary spending.


I'm seeing a 30% decrease in sales compared to last year from late May to today. I was up 25% for the year prior to then. Not anymore... This was averaged across all 3 selling platforms that I sell with. It's not just eBay.


Here's a news article for you to check it out:


Most of us know that there are outside influences that affect sales and that we've always had to deal with. The problem is the site itself has many glitches due to new updates and the old glitches have not been rectified. Sellers - who were buyers - have also left the site to try their hand elsewhere and those that stayed have a hard time making purchases as they've had no sales - so no money to spend.


No offense - but I take every report form a news source from either side of the political spectrum with a grain of salt as they are both trying to push their agendas for the 2020 election.

Message 10 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

I don't have a problem with search on Amazon - Ebay yes - so to find Ebay products - I do a google search.


It's gotten to the point I can already predict who kudos who from the jist of the post. 

Message 11 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@tunicaslot wrote:

I don't have a problem with search on Amazon - Ebay yes - so to find Ebay products - I do a google search.


It's gotten to the point I can already predict who kudos who from the jist of the post. 

I think it is wonderful that you can use it easily.  For others it has never been that great.  I suppose it depends on what you are searching for.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 12 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@tunicaslot wrote:

I don't have a problem with search on Amazon - Ebay yes - so to find Ebay products - I do a google search.

It's exactly opposite for me. Amazon has the worse search of all stores. I've tried I a couple dozen times and always give up and go to Ebay or just directly to a store instead.

Message 13 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

Yeah, that's the ticket. It's the economy. Never mind that we all went through the great recession not too long ago and, at least for myself, never experienced anything like this. I'm down 60% from last year and about 78% from the year before. In 2008 and the subsequent years, I saw sales lag by maybe 10-15%, but guess what? I just worked harder and listed more merchandise. My business increased to where it was before the downturn. Yes, I had to work harder but that's expected in any business. In the current eBay atmosphere, I could double, triple or even quadruple my listings and it wouldn't matter. There's even a good chance my numbers would decrease. That's not the economy! That is manipulation! Why people keep making inane excuses and attempt to defend the indefensible is beyond me. Oh, and BTW, I'm not blaming anything on GTC, this was going on long before March. Any damage caused by GTC is miniscule compared to the destruction caused by Cassini or whatever they are calling their Artificial Unintelligence these days.

Message 14 of 23
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Re: You Can't Completely Blame eBay for a Lack of Sales

@tunicaslot wrote:

@rdj831 wrote:

Consumer confidence is at its lowest point in almost two years. The trade war with China is spooking people into slowing their discretionary spending.


I'm seeing a 30% decrease in sales compared to last year from late May to today. I was up 25% for the year prior to then. Not anymore... This was averaged across all 3 selling platforms that I sell with. It's not just eBay.


Here's a news article for you to check it out:


Most of us know that there are outside influences that affect sales and that we've always had to deal with. The problem is the site itself has many glitches due to new updates and the old glitches have not been rectified. Sellers - who were buyers - have also left the site to try their hand elsewhere and those that stayed have a hard time making purchases as they've had no sales - so no money to spend.


No offense - but I take every report form a news source from either side of the political spectrum with a grain of salt as they are both trying to push their agendas for the 2020 election.

Spending has been down across the board for many product types, that's true. 

But let's be real, eBay customer and seller confidence is even lower than average these days. I can't recall the last time I heard any positive buyer stories off eBay, but I've heard a large number of horror stories, even as recent as the last couple weeks. Say what you want about Amazon and their shady acts, but you hear a lot more "good news" from buyers on Amazon than eBay.


Again, let's be real... often times buying from eBay is buying from Amazon anyway. As recent as Monday we ordered an item only to receive an Amazon package shipped from across the country from the originating zip code. If Amazon is functioning well enough that they're actually fulfilling eBay orders, there's an obvious problem.

Buyer experience is at an all-time low in the last ~15 years that I can think of. Not since the early days of eBay have I ran in to or seen so many issues with purchases. 

What good news do we even have as buyers or sellers on eBay right now? Anything big that we should be excited about? Has the catalog or AI backed search actually helped sellers? Or buyers? The statistics say no. And apparently, the AI is leading everyone to China sellers anyway. 

Their crack down on China dropshippers isn't even working. There's more than ever since the Spring update.

I don't make claims against eBay without sufficient information to back it up, and I've provided eBay with the same information. You can't completely blame eBay, this is true. But you can sure blame most of it, because they're sticking to their path even despite statistics showing things are NOT working well! 

People doubted it was the case since last year, and I understand that. It's safe to be sceptical without seeing things yourself. But out of all the issues I've warned sellers about, or brought to eBay's attention personally as a problem... how many of them were actually addressed?

I posted extensively all the way from last summer until the beginning of this year about the inevitable decline based on the direction the graphs were going, and that the design was unsustainable. Then we got evidence with the Top Seller Market Share plummeting.


I posted that the decline wasn't stopping and they won't be able to hide it from the stock reports in October of last year. Then we got the evidence in their stock reports that it did indeed happen.

Most recently I warned people before GTC happened. I let them know that before 30 days are even up you'll see an immediate change in traffic, because 7-30 day listings ignored the algorithms, and GTC is exposed to broken algorithms. I've been sharing the evidence of this for a year, actually. People didn't believe me, then it happened.


Then once it was happening, people still doubted. They said "GTC hasn't made a difference yet, it hasn't even been 30 days!". Then 30 days passed, and it got even worse. Not a surprise, this is the trend that has been going on.


This isn't hearsay. There's clear signs of decline, and with a large enough sample set of data and sales information, it's very obvious. 

The customer confidence in sales has led to a much smaller decline than eBay is having right now. People don't realize how big 27% GMV value lost in 30 days actually is... 

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