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Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos


I tried searching this but haven't found anything similar. Some of my listings are displaying the wrong picture as the main picture. When I look at my items in My eBay,  everything is right and the pictures show correctly. But when I search my items, as a buyer, the listings have the 2nd photo as the main picture. This really affects trading cards, postcards, photographs, etc.

I am not sure how long this has been going on, I just discovered it.

I have no way to determine which items are affected other than searching for the item, finding my listing then "revising" it. That's hundreds of auctions--hopefully, somebody can help--Thanks!

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Re: Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos

Oh--and when I do try to revise it, it says it is revised, but the pictures are still swapped when it goes live--

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos

This suggestion might be / cause a PITA but could you possibly try listing a card with only one photo to start and then "revise" it to add the rest of the photos !?!? 

OR, when you do the listing, put the first photo second and see if that helps !?!?

That's all I got ..................

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos

I can see what you are saying............on the Pokemon cards........the backside is shown instead of the informational side.  They are shown correctly on the listing itself.....


I couldn't find any others that did that? 


@shipscript   any ideas? 

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos


I see the problem in search. I would expect the same wrong thumbnails to appear in your Seller Hub Active Listings as well. Is that the case? 






My only guess is that the images uploaded randomly to eBay. In the old days, uploading a list of photos from the desktop did not guarantee order when the whole set was uploaded at once, as the first to finish got first position, and so forth. Back then, the only way to beat that race condition was to upload only one at a time or to upload the primary photo first and then revise as suggested by @gwens*4saleitems* . 


eBay's current uploader should be better about that because the pictures are managed by the browser, but the thumbnail is wrong, while the order within the listing is correct.  If you wanted to individually fix, you could edit the listing to swap the image position. That should change the thumbnail. Then edit to swap back. In the card category, there may be some delay before it shows correctly in search. 


I only see 126 items, so that's not a big number to visually inspect on this page: 

It appears that all of your Pokemon swaps are on the 17th, with one on the 16th.  Were these sell-similar from one starting listing? What listing tool did you use?


By the way, your spoon hooks are probably crown molding picture hooks, from the days when people did not drive nails into their plaster walls.


ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 5 of 6
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Re: Wrong Pictures Keep Showing Up As Main Photos

Thanks for the info--

Yes, the seller's hub shows them correctly, but when I click on my other auctions, as you saw, they show incorrectly. I upload everything the same way and rearrange the pictures as necessary, so this is completely random.


As far as the listing tool, I use the "new" version--something eBay had me do a couple of months ago. I know it has some odd quirks, but.... I only did a couple of sell-similar and they are not all the ones reversed.


I've caught this in the past but at a much smaller scale (1 item) and I just attributed it to my own error. 


The main thing now is, I can't revise them and I tried @ gwens*4saleitems* suggestion and uploaded pictures one at a time, but the same thing happens, so there is no way to fix it rather than cancel the listings and start all over?.

Thanks for the info on the spoons as well!!

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