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‎08-29-2023 04:21 AM
I have always said that if I just quit ebay I would miss the money. Well the payouts just keep dwindling and I am approaching a point where it's foolish to devote a lot of time, effort and space to ebay. Right now I am trying to boost my number of auctions, see if that helps. I have so much inventory too low price to list on Amazon (books and media) so I lot them up on Ebay. But if they don't sell - or they sell too cheap - the point is...?
I don't know the technical term but I know there is remorse when making a big decision, a turn in the road. I guess I am operating out of fear of that versus welcoming all the time and space quitting ebay would bring. Arghh.
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‎08-29-2023 04:54 AM
I feel the same way. Have made up my mind that when the current items time out I am NOT going to relist them. Everything else I have will be listed once or twice and if they do not sell I will end the listing and give up.
Even the items I have on FB-M are not selling.
All prices on books and collectables are listed at around 5-10% of what I paid for brand new items decades ago.
Maybe some day the economy will come back and sales will pick up. With the current crop of politicians I don't think that will ever happen. Too many lunatics in and running for office.
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‎08-29-2023 04:58 AM
If you have to much inventory, it is better to get something than nothing. At least recoup your initial investment. If you just quit, what value is the inventory just sitting in storage? Step away, take a break, think about where you want to go, then make a decision. Best of luck.
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‎08-29-2023 05:48 AM
Hay you!!
I feel your pain. Coming up at the end of my year, I did some forecasting, and I can see being out of business by this time next year if things don't change. Going to try to string it along as long as I can. I hope a sale will fill the gap. I don't do much for Christmas. My big months are March, April, and May. I have no clue why. I do not have a lot of extra unlisted stuff. However, I have started to find other things to fill my time.
Thank you for being here!
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‎08-29-2023 06:34 AM
@keziak wrote:But if they don't sell - or they sell too cheap - the point is...?
The point is to get your money back in order to reinvest elsewhere. And sometimes you just aim to take your "first loss" and get some of it back. But yes, even my sales are down by dollar amount but less so by number of items sold. In other words items only sell if dirt cheap and I have no shame in taking my first loss in tough economic times to generate cash flow. As long as nobody, and I mean nobody, talks about the major flaws in the political economy then things will not improve. As long as the word "socialism" is falsely treated as heresy by some politicians then this will also lead to the economy and our social life not improving.
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‎08-29-2023 06:41 AM
I am approaching a point where it's foolish to devote a lot of time, effort and space to ebay
My primary measure of my eBay business is to figure out my hourly wage ... dividing the profit I make by the hours I spend making it.
I have so much inventory too low price to list on Amazon (books and media) so I lot them up on Ebay. But if they don't sell - or they sell too cheap - the point is...?
I think if that happens the point is that you need to choose better merchandise.
I don't know the technical term but I know there is remorse when making a big decision, a turn in the road.
Not sure I follow. Why would there be remorse if you make the right decision?
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‎08-29-2023 06:44 AM
Trying to get any money for inventory which does not want to sell at a price which reflects the costs of having a customer is a recipe for grief.
I posted on another recent thread a lesson I was taught long ago - "no business is better than bad business". Many things are worthless in today's world. You may see the merit in those items, but that does not mean there is anyone left who wants to buy them.
It is frightening the number of items which I buy at auctions as the sole bidder, at prices which reflect single digit percentages of what they are offered for at high end galleries and shops. Nobody cares.
My recent auction sales on Ebay have been to other resellers. Things like ungraded baseball cards sold to sellers with a PSA subscription who will have them graded and offer them on Ebay. I set my opening bid high enough so I am not wasting my time, and risking my account.
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‎08-29-2023 06:45 AM
I am just about at the same point as you are. I am not sure exactly what I will do.
I only sell my handmade items here on eBay and I always had slow, but steady, sales from January to June. Then July through mid-December sales were hopping. My Christmas in July promotion was a complete bust this year and this is what usually kicks off my best selling period for the year. I am now down 42% compared to the same period last year. My happy hands have probably created way too much inventory to sell this year.
At this point, I am leaning towards creating more lots after Christmas and see what I can do from there.
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‎08-29-2023 07:39 AM
@dnasilver wrote:If you have to much inventory, it is better to get something than nothing. At least recoup your initial investment. If you just quit, what value is the inventory just sitting in storage? Step away, take a break, think about where you want to go, then make a decision. Best of luck.
Given the time it takes to sell a single item here, why would someone who is not selling what they have, invest more time in a lost cause? - My thoughts, @keziak (depending on what your margins are) if you at least want to break even to help establish an ease of separation and reduce the "FEAR OF CHANGE" you seem to be experiencing(which may be the "technical term" you are searching for) , is to simply have a lawn sale and move a large amount of stuff - Keep your most valuable items for auction or selling online here or on other venues, especially those that you wont have to pay a commission on, like Craigs and FBmrktpl.
I made the transition several years ago while I was still doing well here, because it was so obvious what Promoted Listings was going to do to this site, I chose to separate before things got bad. Let me be the first to say, though major change has its difficulties(mostly unfounded fears), I could not be happier with my decision - I work Part-time 20-25 hrs a week at a well-paying regular job with full coverage insurance(also a major reason I went this direction), 3 weeks paid vacation and a matching 401K on steroids, making close to as much as I did when I sold full time on ebay. That leaves me lots of free time to do what I like, one of which is selling my inventory at fairs, cons, etc where I rent tables/space and actually communicate with the people who buy, which is so great - Those same people have my card and call me constantly to buy more - I have built up a clientele where its getting to the point I can reduce my time at selling venues if I want, but its fun to go and meet new folks - I sell for very reasonable prices, but I am keeping the same or even more profit than when I sold here, because I am not paying 20% of my items selling price in fees - And the time I save in listing & shipping covers this all and lots more - I believe, due to the crazy price increases of selling and buying collectibles online, that the transition to local selling is being pushed hard - I have cleared out most of my clutter and have my most valuable stock set aside to value up and sell for premium prices.
After all is said and done, taking the first steps toward change are always the hardest, but the end result of getting out of an unhealthy, unprofitable rut is SO AWESOME!
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‎08-29-2023 08:00 AM
I am beginning to look at my ebay business as very similar to my library commissions. I finally was honest with myself about how little I was getting for the time and work involved and I resigned. I am still working at one library that is allowing me to buy books outright (I am going to point out they are actually getting more money from me with this arrangement). Overall I do not regret that decision.
As for my backlog it dates to covid (I know, I know, why haven't I gotten rid of the stuff yet?). Some of the material used to sell OK on Amazon but things change (think: speciality DVDs). I have a whole room in the house beside my unit for the stuff. I've started going through and sorting but that still leaves the question of what to do with it. I'm thinking maybe just spend a few hours on a Sunday making large lots to sell the stuff off at once and if that doesn't work donate to the library.
Part of quitting ebay will be disposing of TONS of boxes, a mix of Uline new boxes and ones I've scrounged. I can probably give it away on Facebook if it comes to that. I won't need the larger boxes anymore. If I really clean that out maybe I'll have some space freed up for more bookcases. I'll still be on Amazon which will get more of my time and attention.
Also by purging I should have books I can take to the used bookstore for trade credit which I can use to buy books for Amazon. Other than that, more donating. Many books have been already lotted up and sitting in my store.
I'm tired of stewing about ebay. This year I've made many many changes in my life and I'll still not done making them. This can just be one more.
I am just very fortunate that I have a husband who pays the household bills and hefty savings. I run a business so I make money that I can spend without just spending his (yes, I know as a spouse I am entitled to that money but I'd like at least the illusion of being an independent person).
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‎08-29-2023 08:14 AM
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‎08-29-2023 08:14 AM - edited ‎08-29-2023 08:15 AM
I don't know how much you have listed currently but it will cost you nothing to just let them sit and collect $$ a little at a time. No need to close down as it will be no work just to let the stuff sit. Also if you really want to "move" the stuff drop, drop, and drop some more. Everything sells at the right price. You get nothing giving/throwing the stuff away so even if you only get $5 selling it, it is better then zero. Your choice.
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‎08-29-2023 09:59 AM
It's true I don't do much price dropping. Almost everything except new auctions have Best Offer but I think some percentage of people don't know or use Best Offer.
I think I'll spend the next few months selling inventory in large batches. Once those are gone auctions will naturally fall away because I do not see large collections for sale (at a useful price) anymore. I benefited during covid from many people being bored at home and getting rid of their books. Not so much these days.
I need to stop buying books in small lots to resell, it's a fool's game in terms of prices realized.
I also need to stop devoting too much time listing single books in my store. The few sales a week do not justify the time I spend listing.
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‎08-29-2023 10:08 AM
@coolections , I thought you were of the sort......"Hasn't sold in 90 days chunk it"...?
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‎08-29-2023 10:20 AM
I see two major trains of thought on here..regarding older listings.
1) If it's been listed for a few months and hasn't sold, it probably never will. End it and throw it away.
2) Anything will sell. Just needs to be seen when someone is looking. (This is what I think).
Due to the amount of time it takes to create a listing nowdays, I'm not big on ending any listing. Sure, there comes a time to bail, but for me...that's years. I've already spent the time and done the work. Touching up listings is quick and easy compared to starting from scratch. I'll re-visit old listings once a year for several years. Usually, they do finally sell. Might be for a lot less than I initially wanted, but..... Any $$ is better than throwing stuff away. (IMO)
I think this type of thinking is how you'll see recommended 20+% rates for promoting an item. I'll do that on old old listings just to try to get them seen. If even for a short time.