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I found this little trembler butterfly pin. Looking at the maker's mark I immediately thought Carolyn Pollack. But I'm just not sure, it is so outside anything I have ever seen by her. What are your thoughts. If not her, who? TIA

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As a long time seller and occasional buyer, why do I constantly get offers from other sellers after looking at an item, not watching it ??? Is this something new ??

Video Not Showing in Listing

Listing: https://www.ebay.com/itm/305580428489 I have successfully uploaded a video to this listing. However, it does not appear in the image thumbnails in its usual 2nd position. Video is 25MB 1080p and satisfies eBays video upload guidelines. Video...

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Can we cancel order from such customers?

Hello together,i have a buyer, that leaves feedback like this.is there any chance not to sell to this customer and cancel the transaction without getting hit by ebay?i know i sell a good product i have a lot of positive feedback.i checked a few where...

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ebay sucks now, hope everyone joins me in dumping this site.

Sick of the ridiculous costs to sell??? Me too. Sick of being badgered by a popup to load another stupid app on your phone??? So am I. Ebay sucks and has for many years. Wondered why no one is buying your wares???I know why. Because ebay sucks. Goodb...

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Sellers BEWARE: Money Back Guarantee

A Must Read for ALL SELLERS!!! ****** POSTING UPDATED 5/31/24, NEW INFO AND OUTLOOK.*****I received a message from Ebay this morning. The following is my addendum. My original message follows the addendum. Miracles do happen. All the responses to my ...

Missleading auction.

Hey,What do you guy's think about this:The listing in question For anyone not knowing alot about these cards, if they were sealed packages this would be worth around 2-4k€.These were oppened the auction is however made to look like they are still sea...


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