05-26-2021 08:41 PM
Buyer orders 5/21, we ship same day. Delivered on 5/24 per USPS.
Buyer files chargeback tonight stating "does not recognize transaction". Buyer is also a seller, selling similar items.
To respond to the dispute, all you can do now as a Seller is enter the tracking, which indeed shows delivered.
There is no box or anything to add anything additional. Last one we had was 2-3 years ago and we dealt with Paypal who found in our favor as it showed delivered.
This is MP. Does Buyer automatically win in this scenario? What now?
05-31-2021 02:53 PM
that information is blocked (item/sold price) - even when I click on your feedback I cannot see what the product was or sold amount. So the answer is no, never had that happen. But again, what would it matter? Seller got what they wanted, and so did I. Sellers commonly use ebay to get inventory, it is just that I rarely do. But I have in the past - if again - i see something the price is good and I can turn profit on.
05-31-2021 03:46 PM
But if it is a recent feedback the item number shows up and you can click on the item number, see the original listing and what it sold for.
You are really lucky it has never been an issue for you.
I don't shop on e-bay much any more for inventory or for my family. Used to, a lot. Now, it is so hit or miss depending on the Seller. My expectations are really low these days of what I might actually receive. Even Sellers with great FB still don't disclose flaws, damage, etc. Will say it is "new" and it is definitely not. Or they don't ship for 12 days because their cat developed phobia of being left alone......
05-31-2021 04:04 PM
maybe - but i don't care, if someone is burthurt I bought something they didn't then don't buy it from me...not sure what else to say lol.
I mainly "shop" ebay for supplies, I will find what I need and then I will cross check amazon for the same thing, usually amazon wins, but I still check both as prices on supplies change all the time. I do "shop" other things but rarely buy, generally I can get anything I see on ebay for less myself, but sometimes I do find really good deals and purchase, I did this past week actually.
I always list as new usually as I sell new items but some things are pre-owned and I used a condition other then new. I always have good photos and if any thing is wrong, even slightly I photo it up close + mention it clearly on the description. I only buy from sellers that do the same. But like I said, I'm not out to screw other sellers or anything, just want what I paid for in the condition I paid for it - if all arrives good I leave feedback, if I doesn't - idk cause I never got anything bad.
05-31-2021 04:25 PM
You are correct with regards to the Lego's. Flies directly in the face of Aristotle who said "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
05-31-2021 04:45 PM
Yea - never realized it until all this - have always sold new/factory sealed sets. But parting them out is big business. (not for me, but many sellers many great $$ doing it)
06-01-2021 12:50 PM
Another way to protect sellers, ebay should provide an option to BLOCK buyers who purchasing items over certain value who have filed a charge-back request within the last 12 months or so.
It's certainly different if you get a chargeback as seller having sold $10 item than having sold a $1000 item.
There is zero - absolute none - controls on ebay side.
I understand ebay is reducing their staff and one way to cut the employees is to reduce the people in customer service handling disputes.
As I pointed out in my earlier post. Ebay now has as many employees as it had more than a decate ago and it's 70% down from the 2014, the time when I would consider was the best experience dealing with ebay as a seller and as a buyer.
We are paying more in fees and ebay making more money than it was 2014. Yet, the customer service experience for sellers has diminished consistently while the automated bots side with buyers in most disputes.