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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

Been on eBay since 1998, been selling with multiple accounts and this has been the absoulte WORST April in the past 17 years. Sell usually 20-30 items per day, have had only THREE normal selling day since April 1st!!! So basically no sale in 26 days and calling eBay every single day but nope they say everything is just peachy, sell your products under your cost with free shipping and give the customers the best return policy. Really eBay?? Been chatting with a lot big sellers (100k feedbacks+) and every single one of them told me the same exact thing: sick of fees and more fees, sick of the sales going down month after month, sick of the buyers abusing the system and sellers being left in the cold. Sellers are the ones paying for their CEO and his lifestyle while he is destroying  eBay 1 seller at a the time. Most people who've been here long enough are SICK and TIRED of eBay and their **bleep** policies and rolling black out, it's really time to leave this dump and move on to bigger and better things.

Thanks for reading my rant for the day!

Message 1 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

Shopping cart?


I've been buying on eBay for almost 20 years, never seen a shopping cart!


But then again I buy only 1 item at a time and pay for that item.


As far as servers go, they seem to be working fine from what I see. . .

Message 16 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

You're right Z, all these users are crazy.


So are all those who leave comments on Down Detector.............



Message 17 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

I'm with ya. A few bad days is one thing, but we've been dead since the first week of April. Just awful.

Message 18 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

@z50com wrote:

10 years?


Not with that ID


This is the BEST April I've had in 10 years. . .Been here for 19 years!  (17 years with this ID, 19 years with VW)

Z . . .   only  3 more days until your 20% discount gets cut in half.  Time to light one up to celebrate !

Message 19 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

I'm changing the way I do business on eBay, adapting to new changes.


30 day returns are going back to 14 days


1 day handling time is now 2 days


Free shipping will no longer be available, paid shipping plus 10%


I will however combine shipping to save my customers money.


I'll still be offering American made tools at GREAT prices. . .

Message 20 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

@coolections wrote:

@tunicaslot wrote:

And your point is????


Not sure why but I will explain since you're having a hard time understanding. The OP posted with an I.D. that has done better this month then the whole year so far. If he is doing so bad he should post with the I.D. that is giving him problems so we can help fix the problem.


10 sold in April so far
5 sold in March
3 sold in Feb
On this account this is your best month so far.

I am also having a hard time understanding.


please explain how your comments are relevant to the  OP 's statement of  "...been selling on MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS, AND THIS IS THE WORST MONTH IN 10+YEARS..."


 At no point is the OP asking for help on their MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS and even thanks us for reading their "rant of the day"

Grand Ultimate Supreme
Message 21 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

@coolections wrote:

@tunicaslot wrote:

And your point is????


Not sure why but I will explain since you're having a hard time understanding. The OP posted with an I.D. that has done better this month then the whole year so far. If he is doing so bad he should post with the I.D. that is giving him problems so we can help fix the problem.


10 sold in April so far
5 sold in March
3 sold in Feb
On this account this is your best month so far.

I understand perfectly - dissect a seller's acct without reading the actual post - just because he's had better sales on this acct - does not mean that he has had sales on the others. Exactly why he posted about the multiple accts. Your pointing that out meant nothing to him or the rest of us.


Had he said his sales were down without acknowleging he had other accts - then your post may have merit.


I'm far from a seller cheerleader as I do see where many of these people do need to address issues with their listings if they hope to have better sales. I'm also not an Ebay cheerleader as I see issues on a daily basis that are frustrating to sellers and buyers and things that are inhibiting sales here.


Even if your posts have merit - unfortunately when a seller comes here to vent - they blow off your comment and look for those that agree with them. As I've said before - if you want to make a difference - reach out to them through messaging and give them a heads up - PRIVATELY - about things they can do to hopefully increase sales.


To continue to tear people down is uncalled for. A poster will say that they haven't had a sale in 6 days and someone will look and say - but you had 1 today. While that might be the case - many times - that sale was hours after the OP started the thread - but someone always has the be the Community policeman here. Do the brownie points get you anything - no. Does reaching out to help people get me anything in the end - satisfaction that I've possibly been able to help someone else out!

Message 22 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

Hate to break the news to you, but reaching out by stalking people who post on this forum is not the way forward.


Post your thoughts on the forums.

Message 23 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

I like many others see the facts as presented


When a poster comes here with 1/2 truths they should and will be CALLED out.


It would be like me posting with my VW ID saying how great sales are when actually they are minimal.


Posting with this ID I can say I have good sales.


311 song: "People need to get their axing and chalk it up to bad luck"




Message 24 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

LOL Z, it is fake news, the servers and data centers are running great, there is no such thing as eBay stalling a few dozen times a day, there is no truth to Google throttling eBay for the last 4 years, these sellers are all liars about slow sales and so is eBay, that is why the stock was down 5% after the last earnings report where eBay posted low projections going forward.

Message 25 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

It concerns me when fellow eBay Community members are called liars when stating an opinion regarding their business and about eBay practices.


CALLING OUT an OP is a slippery slope towards disrespect. Which is against forum rules because it stifles conversation and debate.




Grand Ultimate Supreme
Message 26 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

I agree with you, and I am a Powerseller.  Ended my listings this month to take a break and figure this out.  Sifting though the 1000's of junk in my  The listings are endless. So besides Ebay trying to become Amazon, and add the global market junk to that, nobody sees my stuff.  Ebay has lost its way, they do not care about the small time, long time Ebay seller.  Prices have come down, while fees and mailing have increased.   Ebay stores are ridiculously high priced. Anyway thats my rant.

Message 27 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

Why do many people say eBay is trying to be like Amazon?


eBay DOESN't have warehouses


eBay sells no product


eBay doesn't have any type of shipping program (prime)


eBay's pages are easier to search


Amazon DOESN'T do auctions


These 2 companies are NOTHING alike!


 The only thing they have in common is they both have 3rd party sellers. . .

Message 28 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!



why did you choose to post this under this ID and not the one you are referring to?


Just wondering why you brought beer to a wine tasting party?

Message 29 of 73
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Worst Month in 10+ years!!

@tonycea wrote:

Hate to break the news to you, but reaching out by stalking people who post on this forum is not the way forward.


Post your thoughts on the forums.

Well - I'm not stalking anyone and there are many here that have appreciated the help and we've been friends for years now.

Message 30 of 73
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