02-12-2022 11:09 AM
Threads closed to new questions. Thanks to eBay for getting all of our questions answered and listening to seller suggestions.
02-12-2022 12:11 PM
I am disappointed with seller protection that is no seller protection.
When you refund partially due to false not as described/ remorse case Ebay makes losses bigger due to withholding fee credits when your item is not in the same condition. For example I sold pump and it was shippide for $50 (PR). Buyer claimed item not as described and I had to provide him with $55 return shipping. Ebay charged $50 in fees. Original shipping $35. Buyer didn’t drain oil from the pump and pump was all in oil— I couldn’t relist it. Refunded buyer fully but $35 original shipping. Ebay kept fees . Now the loss on this item was$120 cash and the item!. How is Ebay making it fair? Seller protection is smoke and mirrors.
02-12-2022 02:22 PM
Sometimes I am the only one who can appreciate my deadpan humor. The irony is eBay answered very few questions (none of my questions) and then shut down the Winter Update questions. I have been a long-time member and have not seen any indication eBay listens much to sellers.
Sellers have minimal protections. But you are right, eBay has their foot on the eBay scales of justice in favor of buyers. Any buyer that wants to scam any of your products using not as described is pretty much guaranteed 100% success by eBay.
02-12-2022 02:43 PM
I thought this was funny, just so you know. 🤣
After every one of the seller updates, eBay makes a pretense of answering questions, and the most recent effort was abysmal even by their low standards.
02-12-2022 02:50 PM
@mybigsale wrote:Threads closed to new questions. Thanks to eBay for getting all of our questions answered and listening to seller suggestions.
2022 Winter Seller Update - The eBay Community
We really do need a Sarcasm font!!!
02-12-2022 03:05 PM
"We really do need a Sarcasm font!!!"
Really - I crack up every time I read it - and I wrote it. If I had to say it with a straight face, I would be in trouble.
02-12-2022 03:16 PM
I truly believe eBay would become the number one selling platform if they treated sellers as their business partners and base changes on seller input. We have this forum for seller-to-seller discussion. Unbelievable there is no Seller-eBay forum with sellers giving feedback on proposed changes (before they begin) as well as suggesting new changes.
Crazy idea that sellers might know what they need - lucky we have eBay to tell us what we need ;0
02-12-2022 03:35 PM
I am Top Rated and offer 30 days free returns and they tell me I have a seller protection which is being able to refund partially (up to 50% deduction) in false not as described cases . In this winter update they claim they will credit /prorate partial refunds except in false not as described. So what is the incentive here to offer 30 days free returns?
They maybe instigating buyer returns/complaints (as seen in other threads) because they benefit on false not as described while if buyer returns it in an honest way they have to pro rate.
If A buyer borrows part to test car and then claims it is broken, I can’t even recoup shipping.
My loss of $120 for the item was not even including what it cost me to get the item.
in another case buyer lied climate broken returned andI tested it was good . Another buyer bought it and left good feedback. I had to refund fully to get fees back (this case was still not bad because the item was in resaleable condition so I lost on shipping back and forth about $30; did Ebay give me label credit —no; if I refunded partially I would give ebay the fees on top of shipping) .
02-12-2022 03:37 PM
I agree. I genuinely enjoy selling and buying here, and it baffles me why eBay is so stupid about how it deals with sellers. 🤔
02-12-2022 04:27 PM
@mybigsale wrote:"We really do need a Sarcasm font!!!"
Really - I crack up every time I read it - and I wrote it. If I had to say it with a straight face, I would be in trouble.
You can try this:
02-12-2022 04:32 PM
@chapeau-noir wrote:
@mybigsale wrote:"We really do need a Sarcasm font!!!"
Really - I crack up every time I read it - and I wrote it. If I had to say it with a straight face, I would be in trouble.
You can try this:
02-12-2022 04:34 PM
I am also Top Rated with 30 days free return.
I think eBay is saying they will credit prorated seller fees back to you when you GIVE a partial refund to a buyer (unless you are GIVING a refund to a buyer with a not as described case). I didn't see changes to Top Rated seller benefits. Did I miss something?
I mainly sell collectibles and 1-offs and get about 1 free return request per year (usually a confused buyer) and no "not as described" cases. I would be terrified to primarily sell Clothes, Car Parts or any parts on eBay (fear of confused or abusive buyers and abuse of free returns).
Top Rated with 100% feedback selling car parts is quite impressive.