11-14-2024 04:00 PM
More changes on the Listings Page that NO ONE WAS ASKING FOR!!!!
They made searching your own items go from 2 clicks to 6 clicks. Thanks so much.
Also they took away the button that was on top for Pending Offers, which was useful.
You folks don't fix the bugs we beg you to fix, and you change stuff we're not asking you to, and when you do, you make things harder for sellers rather than making it easier.
Why do you seem to deliberately make things harder to sell on the site?
Fix the doggone bulk sells similar page submit button issue for crying out loud!!!!!
11-15-2024 02:11 AM
It's one of life's great mysteries.
11-15-2024 03:14 AM
AGREE! I can’t tell how many lots have bids unless I manually count them. This is a real idiotic change with ZERO upside.
11-15-2024 04:14 AM
I'm still looking for stuff that disappeared yesterday. Found a few so far, but need to recharge my mouse batteries before trying again to find things moved/hidden for no apparent reason.
11-15-2024 04:58 AM
I thought it was just me being tired and dumb that I couldn't find anything that was there in front of my face. I wish it was back because there was zero clicks involved in seeing the info.......now I'm still hunting and can't find what I want.
11-15-2024 05:04 AM
If you aren't scrambling then you aren't putting the appropiate amount of effort into your listings.