Why does my sold item NOT show up on my "sold items"?
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‎11-28-2020 03:07 PM
Sold this yesterday, and according to ebay, it seems to no longer (or just barely) exist.
Under sold items, completed items, or by the item number, there is absolutely nothing. It does show up (fortunately!) under my little 'bell' icon for notices ("PAID -- SHIP NOW"). And also under my ''My eBay'' selling history, or only if the entire URL is pasted into my browser window, but it has disappeared from any normal search for it using either 'sold items' or 'completed items.'
And that's a new one, for me! As far as I've ever seen, all my prior sold items had always shown up immediately when the "Sold Items" box was checked.
This is the item with URL as it appears in the browser window (NOT in the ebay search bar) : https://www.ebay.com/itm/272157587631?ViewItem=&item=272157587631
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‎11-28-2020 03:19 PM
It looks like your listings have the out of stock option enabled so it won’t show as completed or sold on the search pages unless you manually end the listing. If you can see it as an active listing in sellers hub with a 0 quantity then that’s what is happening. I don’t know why it works like that but it does.
If you don’t want the option for your listings you can turn it off in site preferences.
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‎11-28-2020 03:40 PM
Thank you, thank you! That was a WHOLE lot faster --and more pleasant-- than phoning ebay.
I just hope it WORKS! It probably it just takes a while. I ended it manually about 10 minutes ago, as soon as I read your reply -- but so far, no change. I'll wait patiently! Thanks again.
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‎11-28-2020 04:06 PM - edited ‎11-28-2020 04:07 PM
You won't see a "change" until you sell something with the Out of Stock option off, if you have now done that then on the next thing you sell that listing will end.
The listing that you ended will appear in the Ended list, it will never show up in sold.
Into your life it will creep
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‎11-28-2020 04:13 PM
If it's for the Campagnolo Seatpost it's because it's a multiple quantity listing. It can take days for it to appear if it will at all. Sometimes my multiples don't show until all the units have sold.
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‎11-28-2020 04:35 PM - edited ‎11-28-2020 04:38 PM
Only 2 items are currently showing up in my 'sold items' and both are multi-quantity listings (which also happen to be current, live listings.)
It seems odd to me that my just-ended listing (it's a complete, 1964 track-racing bicycle) would (as stated in the 2nd post above this one) "never show up in sold" since, after all ... it is sold. Since the bike is rare and rather expensive, and since it had over 50,000 views and 200 watchers, it seems like it might be in eBay's best interest (not to mention my own) to allow it to continue to be seen in the 'completed' search results; it would likely attract more potential sellers -- maybe even buyers, too.
Thanks everyone, for your helpful replies.
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‎08-04-2024 06:26 AM
I have had this today 8-04-2024 and not using the out of stock option
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‎08-04-2024 08:10 AM