06-21-2023 09:54 AM - edited 06-21-2023 09:58 AM
Pardon my rant but extremely PO'd seller here.
Shipped buyer brand new merchandise. Buyer opens return claim BEFORE item is received claiming she found a cheaper price. (eBay showed her identical merchandise listed at a dollar less than mine - the only other one listed. I know I keep an eye on the competition).
Buyer sends me back a box full of broken plastic items and a filthy, filthy plastic storage container at my expense as I offer free returns. (She kept my new merchandise). DH opened box and put it out for refuse pick up the next morning. Nobody wants that kind of stuff in their home.
As I offer free returns eBay allows me to refund up to 50% to the buyer. That does not cover seller loss but blunts the loss somewhat - even though the seller did nothing wrong.
In 22 years of selling here I have never had a buyer act so despicable by sending back cr**. I have had numerous buyers steal and cheat over low cost items but none ever sent me back cr**.
I have dealt with several returns in the past week - and lost money in return shipping - at no fault of my own. One buyer decided she wanted green instead of blue, one buyer thought a plate pattern would match ones she already owns NOT-, one buyer changed her mind. Okay, cost of doing business. I understand people changing their minds. I don't understand why someone would buy something assuming it would match something else. A simple look at the listing photos would have prevented her from buying the wrong pattern and I wouldn't be PO'd and blocked her for costing me money.
BUT .... this box of cr**. eBay provides seller protection right? As a top rated plus seller I decided to exercise that eBay benefit. (Okay stop laughing everybody).
Yep, I did it. eBay encouraged me to file a claim against the buyer for returning a different item than I sent. eBay said they would make a decision within 48 hours. (I have never filed a claim like this).
We all know what happened. eBay found in the nasty buyer's favor, she got to keep my brand new merchandise and received a full refund from my account.
I got to lose my merchandise, the cost of shipping both ways PLUS I get a big old bad defect on my account for having a case closed without seller resolution.
eBay invited me to appeal their decision if I attach a photo of the box of cr** she sent me. Well that's long gone to the local dump.
eBay NEEDS to inform sellers in writing on the page before they click that button to file a claim against a buyer return that they REQUIRE photographic proof of what the buyer sent back. (That info was not provided until I went to appeal eBay's decision).
If I had been informed before opening a counter claim I could have taken photos.
OR I could have exercised my paltry seller protection to refund the buyer 50%, lost my merchandise and shipping cost both ways.
As it stands, I lost it all PLUS got a "closed without seller resolution" defect.
Thanks for the slap in the face eBay!
06-21-2023 10:05 AM
06-21-2023 10:19 AM
In my opinion, NEVER let eBay step in and determine the outcome. Just refund the money, report the buyer for fraud and move on. Then deduct the loss.
06-21-2023 10:26 AM
Yes, you're right. I should have known better than to trust eBay.
When I went to the open claim to report the buyer it automatically took me to the file a counter claim page. Nowhere on there did it state that eBay would demand photos of the stuff. eBay needs to make that clear before any claim is opened.
Thanks for your thoughts! Appreciate you.
06-21-2023 10:41 AM
Scams are on the rise. I'm averaging about two scams per week directed at me. Last night I got on the phone with eBay CS because, I believe, as the economy continues to worsen the rate of fraud will increase. A friend of mine who is a manager at a Walmart says they're seeing it, too. The eBay policy is more the problem than the opportunistic and immoral scammers. It's an invitation for abuse and we and eBay are all losing out.
I don't understand why eBay wants to tread lightly, here. I guess, in their minds, they don't want to chase customers away? I would argue these aren't customers, they're scammers. You know, the kind of people that can make eBay a bad experience for the vast majority. Cut 'em loose. Bon voyage. See ya. Don't let the door hit ya.
Protect your good sellers and buyers, and the rest should be told to take a hike.
06-21-2023 10:52 AM
06-21-2023 11:22 AM
I really have nothing to say other than ... sorry that happened to you.
06-21-2023 11:32 AM - edited 06-21-2023 11:33 AM
eBay provides seller protection right?
No, they don't.
As a top rated plus seller I decided to exercise that eBay benefit.
The opportunity to appeal is available to you. But it carries a risk because you agree to abide by their decision.
eBay encouraged me to file a claim against the buyer
What precisely did they tell you that encouraged you?
eBay NEEDS to inform sellers in writing on the page before they click that button to file a claim against a buyer return that they REQUIRE photographic proof of what the buyer sent back.
I am confused. You said you appealed and lost. Now you are saying eBay requires a photo in order to appeal. Which is it? (But here's a hint - even if you supplied photos, you would have lost the appeal.)
06-21-2023 12:41 PM
The OP said that the returned item was so filthy and broken that it went into the garbage before finding out that photos were required in an appeal.
06-22-2023 10:09 AM
No, I did not appeal the eBay decision before I posted.
I went to the dispute claim and clicked the Report Buyer link which took me to the form and once I selected Returned A different Item I was taken to a new form where eBay asked me to fill in information about what the buyer sent me. Nowhere on that form did it state I would be required to attach photos as proof. Then I clicked the link there to add those details to the open dispute.
Then I got the message that eBay found in the buyer's favor. The message stated I could appeal the eBay decision. When I clicked that link that is the only time I was informed I had to upload a photo. (which of course I could not do because DH had put it out for refuse pick up and it was gone).
This morning I tried to go back to the dispute but it was removed from my account. As was the message stating I could appeal eBay's decision. I thought I would at least be able to provide additional written details but eBay closed that window.
And yes, I believe you are absolutely correct. Even with photos I would have lost. The message from eBay stating eBay's decision in favor of the buyer stated eBay does not handle merchandise so there is no proof of what the buyer did or had control over.
Perhaps it is time for eBay to be more transparent and honest and simply not allow sellers to dispute anything. Let sellers just report bad buyers but not stand up against theft and fraud.
06-22-2023 10:18 AM
The amount of money involved here is not a lot to many sellers. $85 and change total between my cost of merchandise lost and shipping.
It's the fact that this buyer was allowed to steal without any protection for sellers.
If eBay was forced to cover all seller losses I believe these type of buyers would disappear.
Just sad and pathetic that some people lack basic decency and any semblance of honesty.
06-22-2023 10:24 AM
@new_spin_boutique wrote:
I don't understand why eBay wants to tread lightly, here. I guess, in their minds, they don't want to chase customers away?
In eBay's "mind," the buyers are the ones who bring the money to the site.
06-22-2023 12:36 PM
Here a good 1 for you. I was trying to get a negative removed and was talking with Ebay for business since the reps are more informative and can help you better. Anyway the customer was trying to blackmail me into giving them a refund or receive bad feedback. Said they received the wrong item. Well I know from experience if the first thing a customer does is threaten with blacmail it is going to be a problem. So first I apologized and asked if they can send me a photo so I can take care of this right away for them. They wrote back that how dare I question them and call them a liar I want my refund. SO I wrote again saying that all I did is ask for a photo so I can save you the trouble of sending the item back for a return and sorry if they took it the wrong way, you can either send me a photo or send it back for refund whichever you prefer. Of course they did neither and demanded a refund. Anyway after speaking with the rep they told me that they did not break any rules so it cannot be removed. I said you can see in the Ebay message system that they immediate tried to blackmail me and I was courteous and did everything I am supposed to try to help the customer. Here is the kicker, I was told that there is no written rule by Ebay for blackmail so they are allowed to blackmail you. LOL Unfu...ing believable.