10-21-2023 03:00 PM
I'm not asking what's more important views or impressions - if you take 2 Top Rated Sellers with great feedback, why does one seller get way less impressions than the other. Does it depend on how many items you have in your store, how long you been on eBay - what is it? I asked eBay how can I go from getting 100K impressions a day to 1 million - they gave me a mess of an answer. Also, I believe that eBay controls the quality of impressions you receive and from what area of the USA you receive your impressions from...tell me your thoughts.
10-21-2023 03:18 PM
I did a quick look at your store. Your titles are good which is a definite positive. But I notice that out of 450 listings a substantial number are for pre-owned (in other words used). I won’t even wear my brothers clothes and he is family. So if I were doing a search for shoes I would add the restriction NEW only. That eliminates about half of your listings which in turn reduces the number of impressions you are going to get. I realize not everyone feels that way but some of us do.
I am sure there are many other factors but this is at least one of them.
10-21-2023 03:56 PM
I understand because I don't wear others clothing either! However, there are a lot of people that do. Also, my item maybe used but the do sale very well on other platforms and also they are in very good condition...almost like new...but I see your point...thanks.
10-21-2023 04:25 PM
Obviously the more listings, the more chances for impressions and therefore more impressions..... Someone with 50 items is probably going to have alot fewer than someone with 500 items.