Why Not Ship to APOs ?
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‎05-12-2023 07:45 AM
I recently sold an item to some guy with an APO address. When I went to print up the mailing label a customs thing popped up with the item info on it. I verified the info was correct and it's on it's way.
Now, while browsing some ads I've noticed that there are some sellers who don't ship to APOs.
What would be the reason? Are there problems I don't know about... but will soon find out?
It wasn't anything expensive and the guy has recent feedbacks so that's not a concern.
Thank you.
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‎05-12-2023 07:47 AM
In 20 years, I have never had an issue with any military addresses.
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‎05-12-2023 07:51 AM
When I went to print up the mailing label a customs thing popped up with the item info on it.
This terrifies some sellers. Very likely the same sellers who think Hawai'i, Alaska, and Puerto Rico are not parts of the USA.
To say nothing of the sellers who will ship to France, but not to St Pierre et Miquelon, a French departemente which is in North America.
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‎05-12-2023 07:53 AM
The only issue could be if the item is banned in the area where the box will be delivered too. An example could be spices , plants, seeds or food items. I looooooove shipping to APO boxes. They are military people. I once got a request from a soldier who wanted to read the NY times and asked me if I could possiblybuy him the paper and put it in the box along with the toys that he bought. He was willing to send more funds thru paypal. (That was during the Paypal era.) It was an honor me to go out buy the newspaper and ship it to him free. Mail it. Ignore those other sellers. I bet most of them don't ship to po boxes too.
Make sure that you use a clean box and nothing that contained batteries or flammable liquids too.
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‎05-12-2023 08:01 AM
I no longer ship to APO addresses.
1. I had one package take two months. The buyer did not complain but theoretically could have gotten their money back.
2. In another instance a military member's wife used a fictitious 'business name' so the item was returned.
3. Back when Webkinz were popular a military wife bought from me and claimed none of the codes worked. I figured she was poor and living beyond her means.
I don't ship internationally at all. The packages are subject to be opened and repacked by somebody without the vested interest I have.
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‎05-12-2023 08:16 AM
Since an APO address is a US military address, how could local restrictions like plants, seeds, food etc be applied? Would that mean that a grandma could not send her soldier grandson a package of oreos?
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‎05-12-2023 08:23 AM
Here's the most recent restriction list for military/diplomatic mail @soh.maryl. Restrictions depend on the postal code. Food restrictions are minimal.
It's updated every 2 weeks in the Postal Bulletin:
Open the latest bulletin, click on "other information" under the "pull-out information" section.
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‎05-12-2023 08:27 AM
I have sent sealed items to a nephew. Oreos would be fine. I meant stuff like fruit or plants. Remember, it requires a customs form. It could end up in a foreign country.
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‎05-12-2023 08:28 AM
Some sellers use UPS and FedEx @erikstuff so they can't ship to APOs. USPS is the only carrier that's allowed to ship to APO/FPO/DOP locations for security reasons.
Some sellers block out of ignorance, some sellers block because they had a few bad experiences (no different than you'd see shipping within your own state).
I ship to military addresses all the time. The only time I ever had an issue the buyer put the wrong name on the package, so the package was returned to me. Buyer didn't want to reship, so I refunded them the item cost less shipping.
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‎05-12-2023 08:31 AM
My concern is if the items are opened and repacked poorly but Ebay is ASSUMING all responsibilities. In case of ANY refund, Ebay will give it to the buyer and the seller keeps their money. I could have sent rocks if my mom and dad had not raised me right and I do not lose a cent!
As for taking a long time, they know! The more danger in the region the longer it takes. I can NOT deny one of these folks one of my items. I don't sell expensive items here anyway so not everyone is in the same boat. I can understand shipping a pricey item out.
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‎05-12-2023 08:47 AM
You're correct!
I have noticed a placard at my USPS location. I finally took photos of it.
here they are:
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‎05-12-2023 08:49 AM
Thanks all. I've shipped a number of items to APO's over the years with no problem. I was just curious about why some sellers avoid them. It didn't make sense to me... but not everything does.
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‎05-12-2023 09:44 AM
Many sellers just copy and paste their Terms of Sale from other sellers.
And those other sellers may have ToS which are badly out of date.
For example, refusing to ship to PO boxes which are the safest addresses available (because the boxholder needs a key to open the box, and because they have to claim larger parcels at the counter, with ID).
About the APO addresses and USPS, when I was shipping to overseas diplomats, all the shipments went to Box 500 Ottawa, and couriers could use that address which was in the Foreign Affairs building. The department then shipped to the appropriate embassy or trade commission. However, those shipments were actually travelling by diplomatic bag so there's that.
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‎05-12-2023 11:48 AM
I use FedEx quite a lot.
They don't ship to PO boxes.
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‎05-13-2023 06:16 AM
It is not the right way, or the wrong way. It is my way.
I will not sell to anyone I have to do extra paperwork or jump through hoops for 7.00.
I do appreciate that they are willing to pay extra. It is not extra for me.
I do this for "Fun". (Sometimes it is not too fun)
There are plenty of other sellers who do not mind the extra work or worry. They are more than welcome to have whatever extra sales I may have had.
I have no problems sending to a forwarder. I have fairly good relationships with Oregon and Miami.
Now that being said. If the new global shipping turns into what it is supposed to be, then perhaps, I will change my opinion. However, at this point I feel they still have a ways to go. Not even a "help us work out the kinks" person on this one.
Thank you for being here!