01-23-2023 10:34 AM
I sold a graphic t shirt for $20 plus shipping.
By the time I buy the cheapest pen and envelope at Walgreens for $7. Drop it off at the post office with first class for $6. I'm left with a $5 profit.
01-23-2023 12:37 PM
@lawnmowerpartsstore2 wrote:Not to be rude and i feel for your situation. Any chance on picking up a full time job since you have a address. Restaurants and construction sites are hiring anybody since the are in need of so much help right now.
I totally agree with this. Any full-time or even part-time job will be more effective than trying to live off of occasional Ebay sales of used T-shirts or whatever you are getting from Goodwill. How much time did you put into that $5 profit? A part-time job at a restaurant will get you a steady income - you will be indoors - probably discounted or free meals - you might get other job benefits too. Leave your Ebay activities for your off days and use Ebay work for extra income - not survival. Good luck.
01-23-2023 12:51 PM
Don forget your other costs - like your cost for this T-shirt and those dreaded eBay final value fees off 12.(% + 30 applied to the item selling price and the sales tax your buyer paid.- eBay takes them out before you get your money.
Always calculate your gross profit before you list your items for sale. Then you have no surprises. But 5 bucks is better than a stick in the eye.. You can get a bubble lined mailing envelope suitable to ship a T-shirt at Dollar Tree for $1.25 plus tax for a package of two
01-23-2023 01:03 PM
"... on merchandise that costs $1.69 a pound."
At $20 + $5.55 s&h... even after fees, that's a great ROI. But raise your s&h! Hang in there, @pigeonpicker. Godspeed.
01-23-2023 01:32 PM
My thoughts are with you (((pigeonpicker))). Have you thought about a call center job? Indoor, climate controlled work with steady pay. Good luck to you!
01-23-2023 03:03 PM
@pigeonpicker wrote:My mom will probably loan me money and I'll spend it on a small storage unit. Then I'll just keep going to Goodwill Clearance center and buy a shopping cart.
There are usually great training/re-training resources to those whose housing issures are dire. Getting aligned with an advocate to assist with housing, rent vouchers, food, utility assistance, training - takes persistance. It can be daunting.
Ask if your shelter can refer you to Clark County Social Services, Urban League or Catholic Charities....you do not have to be Catholic to take advantage of their Charities/assistance.
Hope things improve soon. Good luck!
01-23-2023 03:45 PM
Sorry - keep forgetting you are w/o a computer.
Housing Authority - 702/477-3100 - call and ask for an assessment appt. At least get on waiting list for housing vouchers.
Catholic Charities - they offer, food, housing, many many resources.
Good luck, PP!
01-23-2023 04:43 PM
I'm a dedicated full time ebay Reseller even if I'm failing. I'll spend alot of time watching YouTube reselling videos on my phone. I have social anxiety. And reselling is the best way to earn money while keeping talking to people to a minimum. No coworkers. No job interviews. Just go shopping then sell online.
01-23-2023 04:47 PM - edited 01-23-2023 04:47 PM
A $25 total sale on a shirt should be high enough to have something left over. Otherwise we'll be needing $50 sales to see 15 bucks which is a joke.
01-23-2023 04:59 PM
My promise to you is that this will be the last time I post about your dilemma. You're obviously in dire straits, but, just as obviously, you resist every suggestion as to how to ease your situation. If you are currently perfectly satisfied with the status quo, okay then.
01-23-2023 05:24 PM
@pigeonpicker wrote:I'm a dedicated full time ebay Reseller even if I'm failing. I'll spend alot of time watching YouTube reselling videos on my phone. I have social anxiety. And reselling is the best way to earn money while keeping talking to people to a minimum. No coworkers. No job interviews. Just go shopping then sell online.
The sellers in those YouTube videos have permanent homes, and they have very large work and storage areas, and they have vehicles.
Many of them also have "regular" jobs, or have spouses who do, and many started their reselling businesses with nice nest-eggs built up from working "regular" jobs for some time.
Most of those YouTube resellers are constantly out and about and constantly talking to and interacting with people in the course of their businesses.
All of them work long hours, leaving little time to spend time watching YouTube videos on their phones.
Your situation is not comparable right now, and you lack their resources. You cannot model your business on theirs because your situation is not like theirs.
I know you don't want to hear any of that, and I suspect you have already been hearing it, or something very like it, since June. But you have come here several times recently to talk about your situation, and I have to assume you want an honest conversation.
You have the drive to be in business for yourself, as a reseller, and that can be your future. For the present, you need to look in other directions for what you need to do to get your feet firmly under you to make that future a reality.
01-23-2023 05:36 PM
All I need to work on is getting a car, and the largest storage unit. A 10x30. Figure out how to get lighting in the storage to take photos. List the items at the shelter. Fill the storage with totes. Do a tax return to get proof of income. At the very least I'll have a small income while living at the shelter.
01-23-2023 05:44 PM
Seigel Suites is an option. But they aren't cheap. About $400 a week. But easier to move in I think. And there is one in walking distance from the Goodwill Clearance Center. There all I would have to do is hoard merchandise. Because it's hard to lose when merchandise costs $1.69 per pound.
01-23-2023 05:56 PM
You don't need the biggest storage unit you can get, you need a small one that's pretty cheap. The storage place will probably let you upgrade to a bigger one any time you want if you really need the space. LED lights draw very little power. There are plenty of cheap rechargeable ones on eBay or Amazon. Rather than getting a car, consider a bicycle. No need for insurance, repairs are cheap and easy to do yourself and you can get around surprisingly well with one. One month of car expenses will buy you a used bike that will transport you pretty well for 6 months or a year. Use the buses when you have to.
And once you buy a pen, hide it outside somewhere innocuous, like a bush or something. It might disappear before you need it again but at least you have a chance of getting a second use out of it.
I really wish you the best. I've never walked in your shoes but that's just my good fortune. Homelessness happens to people more easily than many realize.
01-23-2023 06:01 PM
I have a hidden pair of scissors outside to trim my beard till I get a storage unit lol.
01-23-2023 06:06 PM
Maybe a high powered expensive large flashlight or two would be good enough to take the photos.