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Where are the sales?

It has been so slow on ebay. No sales for months. Is anyone having this problem?

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Re: Where are the sales?

Yes, many are. It depends what you're selling. One reason might be that many buyers are finally going out and spending real money in stores. Not sitting at home buying online.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

You hardly have any listings up that would be the reason why your sales are none. Many sellers have hundreds of listings up only to see a handful of sales a week. If you really want sales you have to put in more of an effort at least listing 5 items a day for several months. And you need to make sure that the items you list are things people actually want to buy. If your getting no sales you have the wrong items for sale.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

You have already started another thread about this

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 4 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

If I could see your listings within two clicks from the seller forum I would do an analysis.  From the other responses you may not have a lot of listings.  There are sellers listing and selling through almost 80%.  Some categories have fallen off the map recently because they are not necessities.  


Other reasons for a change in sales patterns:


*  The weather is fantastic in California and we are outdoors enjoying life again after 20 months of misery.  That's forty million people looking up at a bright yellow glowing orb thinking wow this feels good.


*  Football season has started.  You can't under estimate the effect this has on former shoppers.  Tens of millions of adults who may have randomly bought something on ebay before kickoff are invested in irrational exuberance over the wishful thinking that they are actually "on" their favorite team.  The last thing drunk football fans are thinking about are our listings.


*  Used tool listings are up while commercial construction is depressed due to the permanent changes occurring in office buildings.  


*  Twenty million mothers figured out that they were paying more for daycare than it was worth so they collected extended unemployment benefits with some amount of enhancements.  They have all opened new ebay accounts and have listed half of their used clothes thus sinking the clothing market for resellers.


*  Another ten million boomers did the same and finally said to themselves "I am so close to retirement that going back to work is pointless when 120 million people can't be trusted to do the right thing in public".  There are few things retiring boomers need to purchase outside of restricted categories for most people.  If you sell canes, arthritis relief,  Depends or prescription eye glasses you should have fantastic sales for the next ten years.


*  Some garage sale level used products are not collectible.  


*  People have discovered the fun of going to estate sales.


The list is endless but the bottom line is that it depends on what you are listing.


Message 5 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

@chevy_327 wrote:

Yes, many are. It depends what you're selling. One reason might be that many buyers are finally going out and spending real money in stores. Not sitting at home buying online.

Plus, buyers have become so bloody che....uhm, *price conscious*, to a fault, that regardless of WHAT you sell, it better be the cheapest one on [at least] eBay.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

Not to complain, but the boards are already filled with threads like this. Have a browse through, sadly it appears to be a site wide problem for many, and you can only hope things improve.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

There are thousand of people out there who want to buy your stuff ... but ebay is not letting them.

Don't they realize they are losing money by doing this?

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 8 of 9
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Re: Where are the sales?

For my clothing listings, I recently sold a pink IZOD pullover fleece.  My other items are spring/summer items and have been sitting.  I was doing well May-July, but sales have taken a downturn in August, although I did sell one spring/summer item (a pink IZOD button-down shirt) last month.

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