10-05-2018 12:18 PM
Every time I click on Edit Variations, I get a prompt that the site is using unathenticated script. When I click to load the script anyway, it sends me back to my listing. When I click on Edit Variations, it kicks me off saying "Something Went Wrong. We're Sorry", and then I get prompted that it's a non-secure site.
This happens on Chrome, Foxfire, Edge, and Internet Explorer. There is NOTHING on EBay that addresses this issue, or when it will be corrected.
10-05-2018 01:46 PM
When did this problem start?
Is the clock/date on your computer correct?
What computer are you using?
What is the name of the unauthenticated script (there is usually some clue in the message)?
10-05-2018 02:31 PM
It's an Ebay glitch. It's only happening in the Sports Cards category. I tried a couple other categories and had no issues. When I called, I asked if they were discontinuing variations in this category. They told me no, so Ebay is supposed to be looking in to it. Hopefully it will get corrected ASAP
10-06-2018 10:21 AM
Having same issues in Sportcards Categories fixed price listings. This problem has been going on for 3 or 4 days maybe longer.. Anyone have any fixes???
10-06-2018 02:38 PM
10-11-2018 07:13 PM
That works.
But now I have a new problem.
Changing infoormation like "Year", "Player", "Team".
takes forever. Each letter takes 5 seconds to type in. It got horribly slow.
Changing a card number from 40 to 117 took 10 minutes.