03-06-2020 02:50 PM
So, if you're a seller on ebay, chances are you've had to deal with a belligerent, incompetent buyer about something. You probably also know that ebay doesn't care at all about you as a seller, and will do nothing about this, even when you report them multiple times as an abusive buyer.
It's not uncommon for them to start throwing empty threats. Amazon and ebay are teaching them to be extremely stupid and rude, they don't understand ebay is different when you purchase from an individual person, and of course, individual terms are set differently in each listing. Usually being a belligerent buyer just means you get to keep something for free with absolutely no warnings from ebay. (We have ebay to thank for this) They won't enforce their communication guidelines, either.
I am very particular about this if it involves me missing an item or a payment. If a buyer steals an item from me in any way (even with ebay's blessing) I will report both to the postmaster general (mail fraud) and their local police department (theft). Unlikely that anything will be done about it, but at least they will get a warning from law enforcement and it will be on record if they keep it up.
My question is, when should I report threats from buyers to law enforcement? I know most of them are empty, but that does not make it OK. I currently have a buyer sending numerous ebay messages that say things like "I will find you", "I'm going to get you for this", "I will get my money", etc, etc. He keeps insisting that he "knows where I am". Not direct threats of physical harm but I can read between the lines and the intent is obvious if you read the 30+ nasty messages. Ebay has been made aware, ebay has chosen to do nothing. (For reference this buyer is demanding a refund on a non refundable item with no valid reason)
I don't want to waste the time of the police over frivolous things, but on the other hand, people should not get away with making stupid threats just because they are hiding behind a computer. Ebay's answer to this problem is only making it worse than it ever has been. Should I make a police report about stupid threats like this? Should I call their local PD or my local PD?
I'm not particularly asking about this specific buyer, but something similar comes up on a somewhat regular basis. Buyers on ebay seem to be mostly really stupid people, and I'm tired of them getting away with it with absolutely no repercussions.
03-06-2020 04:55 PM
LOL - your post was short, sweet and to the point. We know the drill.
03-06-2020 04:59 PM - edited 03-06-2020 05:00 PM
Actually you CAN block a buyer AND block them from contacting you, sale or not. You have to do it in two steps.
First, you have to add them to your blocked bidder list.
in your account setttings (and it's very hard to find)
you have to find a check box for "allow blocked bidders to contact you" or it might say "Keep blocked bidders from contacting you", I am not sure which one it says, but it must be checked.
Boom, end of problem. Once they are blocked, they can't contact you anymore. I have used it because often a blocked bidder will contact me and say, "Why can't I bid on your item? or Why am I blocked can I please please buy your widget?" etc. Every time I have caved and removed them, I have regretted it without fail. There is a reason they were there in the first place.
03-06-2020 05:28 PM
"Actually you CAN block a buyer AND block them from contacting you, sale or not. You have to do it in two steps."
It's quick, too, when you RUN don't walk to do it. Thanks for the tip!
03-06-2020 05:49 PM
@antiquepapergirl wrote:Boom, end of problem. Once they are blocked, they can't contact you anymore.
Please read my Message #13. Even blocked buyers can successfully message you through your seller profile page by using the "Contact" link.
If you'd like to try it, add my member id to your blocked buyers list and we'll see if I can still contact you.
03-06-2020 06:15 PM
@zmoz wrote:So, if you're a seller on ebay, chances are you've had to deal with a belligerent, incompetent buyer about something. You probably also know that ebay doesn't care at all about you as a seller, and will do nothing about this, even when you report them multiple times as an abusive buyer.
It's not uncommon for them to start throwing empty threats. Amazon and ebay are teaching them to be extremely stupid and rude, they don't understand ebay is different when you purchase from an individual person, and of course, individual terms are set differently in each listing. Usually being a belligerent buyer just means you get to keep something for free with absolutely no warnings from ebay. (We have ebay to thank for this) They won't enforce their communication guidelines, either.
I am very particular about this if it involves me missing an item or a payment. If a buyer steals an item from me in any way (even with ebay's blessing) I will report both to the postmaster general (mail fraud) and their local police department (theft). Unlikely that anything will be done about it, but at least they will get a warning from law enforcement and it will be on record if they keep it up.
My question is, when should I report threats from buyers to law enforcement? I know most of them are empty, but that does not make it OK. I currently have a buyer sending numerous ebay messages that say things like "I will find you", "I'm going to get you for this", "I will get my money", etc, etc. He keeps insisting that he "knows where I am". Not direct threats of physical harm but I can read between the lines and the intent is obvious if you read the 30+ nasty messages. Ebay has been made aware, ebay has chosen to do nothing. (For reference this buyer is demanding a refund on a non refundable item with no valid reason)
I don't want to waste the time of the police over frivolous things, but on the other hand, people should not get away with making stupid threats just because they are hiding behind a computer. Ebay's answer to this problem is only making it worse than it ever has been. Should I make a police report about stupid threats like this? Should I call their local PD or my local PD?
I'm not particularly asking about this specific buyer, but something similar comes up on a somewhat regular basis. Buyers on ebay seem to be mostly really stupid people, and I'm tired of them getting away with it with absolutely no repercussions.
The threats aren't frivolous. No merchant should be abused or threatened. The customer agrees to a contract on purchase and they need to honor that contract. If they don't like the contract terms, they don't have to buy.
I no longer sell here because of the high rate of fraud. I have been concentrating on my own site and other venues for about 1.5 years now.
I've just had a customer on my own site who defrauded me, taking a picture of an entirely different item, claiming I didn't send them what they bought. I agreed to accept the return. However, I do not have a free returns policy. I reminded them of that and assured them that I would issue a full refund upon return of the item. They then proceeded to threaten me, and tell me they were going to go to PayPal if I did not agree to modify my terms (they agree to my terms at checkout).
As any other business owner would do, I stood by my contract. They then went to PayPal, who told them the same as I did, that they would have to return the item for refund. They were obviously dissatisfied by this, so they went to their CC company and filed a chargeback. I disputed the chargeback, but CC company found in their favor and refunded the money.
However, I have been in touch with both PayPal and the CC company. CC company told me that the customer was instructed to return the item, and that the customer had even provided a tracking number for the return item to the CC company, and that's why the chargeback was approved. However, the CC company refused to provide me the tracking number because I am not the customer. They also informed me that they had dispatched a letter with the appropriate legalize to my address, which will contain said details, and that the I should be receiving said mailing no later than the 11th of this month.
As yet, I have not received anything back from the customer(and I wasn't really shocked by this, the interactions with the customer lead me to believe that they had NO intent to return the item at all). I also have not received anything from the CC company in question. Its been a few weeks. Meanwhile, the customer has my (allegedly incorrect) item in their hands and their money.
In the meantime, I have contacted the police department in the customer's location, who refused to file a report. I then filed an IC3, a case with the IG office, and a case with the Postal Inspector's office. I have also opened a fraud case with PayPal. I attempted to open a fraud case with their CC company but was told I need to wait until 3/11 before they will accept the case.
PayPal has informed me that they have opened a fraud investigation on this customer. No response from IC3. No response from IG office. Postal Inspector's office called me back, today.
In this case, I have clear evidence of chargeback fraud, and I am waiting on the outcome of some of the other pieces before taking further action. Luckily for me, while this customer does not reside in my state, they do live in an adjacent state and are close enough that it is feasible to file suit against them. I intend to do so.
Don't take this lying down. I don't care what you hear on here, but if you continue to let customers rip you off, they are sure to continue to do so.
I've already contacted a lawyer and in the customer's state, should I choose to pursue the case, they are facing a felony with up to 3 year prison sentence for credit card fraud. They can also still be sued for damages in a civil case, and I've already determined that they own quite a nice $600K house I can put a lien against and foreclose on.
03-06-2020 06:17 PM
@zmoz wrote:
@1tuna wrote:block the messages if they make you uncomfortable,if you try and take the high road and just ignore it,I think it will be less of an issue down the road
Another flaw with ebay, there is no way to "block" messages from incompetent buyers. It would be an easy feature to add, but they won't.
Like I said, they weren't direct threats, but anybody who reads the complete 30+ messages I have would certainly take them that way. (Just the volume of messages alone is harassment) They are clearly intended to be threats. As I pointed out, I am not talking about one person, this seems to be an increasingly huge problem on ebay. I could go look in my messages and pull out at least 4 different threats from different people. It's not right to just ignore them and let them get away with nonsense like that, it's only rewarding bad behavior like ebay does. This nonsense is really getting out of control on ebay.
Let me be clear: These people do not "scare" me. That does not mean they should get away with threatening people and then ebay gives them free merchandise...
I would take a totally different stance. To any authority you should absolutely insist that you take their threats seriously, that you fear for your life/livelihood, and that you absolutely believe that they will follow through on their threats.
This is what will get you a criminal prosecution.
03-06-2020 07:53 PM
Buyers on ebay seem to be mostly really stupid people,
Yeahhh,no,not so much. Way to go on finding prospective buyers. Maybe it's just time for you to find a different avenue of work, something where you don't have to deal with other people(aka customers)?🕊️
03-06-2020 07:54 PM
It's not right to just ignore them and let them get away with nonsense like that, it's only rewarding bad behavior like ebay does. This nonsense is really getting out of control on ebay. OP
I agree and the indifference by management is probably the very reason the abuse has escalated here against sellers . Some adults can remind you of a very spoiled child that never grew up. They learned early on that if they threw a big enough , loud enough and long enough of a tantrum they will eventually get their way. There's a very good example of this on one of the old Andy Griffith episodes where Opey befriended a very spoiled obnoxious boy . His father made excuses for him and always looked the other way . Believe it or not discipline works just as well on spoiled adults as it does their younger counterparts . I believe you should without a doubt turn this matter over to law enforcement . Tulips
03-06-2020 09:46 PM
Another flaw with ebay, there is no way to "block" messages from incompetent buyers.
Actually it's easy.
When you se the name/ID of the difficult member, you hit the Delete key.
Mine is on the top right of my keyboard. It has the word "DELETE" on it.
When you see the name/ID in your emails, hit Delete.
When you see the name /ID in your Messages, hit Delete.
03-06-2020 09:58 PM
By the way, as others have said,
No Returns does NOT mean No Refunds.
You can demand the return of the unwanted item , even if your policy is No Returns.
But eBay will force the refund, with or without a return.
The main question is who pays for the return shipping?
What is returned may not be what you sent-- the package may have been opened before he found out that the hose wouldn't fit his BBQ-- but it may still be saleable at a reduced price.
Let's share the Good News about Cookie Jar Insurance.
This just means that the seller puts aside a tiny amount from every sale in a virtual Cookie Jar as a self-insurance premium against failed transactions.
The retail standard for failed transactions is supposed to be one percent. If you are getting one percent problem transactions, your business is normal, and CJI will cover your losses.
If you are getting more than one percent Disputes and losses, it's time to take a look at your business plan.
All items are custom made to order here in the United States. This means you cannot have a refund after an order is placed. The only time you will ever receive a refund is in the extremely rare circumstance that your item is defective or you got the wrong item. Please do not ask for a refund if this is not the case, it will be denied!....You will not receive a refund because you ordered the wrong item by mistake!
This is not enforceable.
And I suspect it is at the heart of your problems.
The part about shipping delays is another.
If you don't have it in stock, don't offer it for sale.
03-06-2020 10:22 PM
03-06-2020 10:26 PM
03-06-2020 10:47 PM
I do block any buyer that creates a problem for me. Currently, all sellers can block any buyer who has two or more unpaid items in the past 12 months. What I was referring to is that in the past that any user who had received policy violations could also be blocked by all sellers. eBay has taken that option away from us. This shows me that eBay is unwilling to protect sellers from abusive users on this platform.
03-06-2020 11:27 PM
Some of you are very far off topic and I need to address this...
I DO NOT accept returns. I do not have to accept returns. The language posted above is from every single listing I have and yes, it most certainly is enforceable. Upon buying the item they have agreed to a legally binding contract. The only time you get a refund from me is if I screwed up. It has yet to happen.
That does not mean morons will not lie and try to force a return. Every single time I deny it. 99% of the time ebay will approve it, then I have to call and yell at them. 99.999% of the time I also get a refund because ebay realizes I am right and they are wrong. They also almost always have to remove feedback from these stupid buyers because it is against the ebay abusive buyer policy. (100% positive rating here) It is not possible to return one of my items even with ebay's help without actually committing fraud. THIS I will report to the authorities every time, and have in the past. Last time ebay asked me to get a police report, so I reported to the police that ebay had stolen money from me. That got their attention! This is the main problem with ebay, they award stupidity, ignorance, and fraud. Even when they figure out something is fraud they do nothing to the buyer, not even a note, they just pay the seller out of their own pocket. This is wrong!
PayPal is very specific in that their buyer protection does not apply to "made to order" items like mine. They actually uphold this when a buyer complains to PayPal. Ebay doesn't have this common sense, and pretty much always approves every return regardless of reason. This does not mean I am going to pay for their ignorance, and neither should you.
As far as putting a percentage of sales aside, this is not a fee any seller should be paying. This is not how real life works, you need to stop letting ebay bully you and steal from you. Brick and mortar stores do not put a percent of each sale aside to cover theft. They just call the police. Without you, the seller, ebay has nothing. And in a few more years, if they don't do something, they will have nothing but bad chinese sellers and children buyers. PayPal made the right decision in splitting up. PayPal actually notified me that they will no longer place any holds on any of my money during any dispute, because they trust me more than most buyers after having an account in good standing for over 2 decades. No more automatic holds just because a buyer has his panties in a wad.
Yes, my policy on returns makes some buyers unhappy. I'm not going to change it. They agreed to it, if they don't like it they didn't have to buy it. I am well within my ebay rights to have this policy. Almost any business that sells custom/made to order things will never accept returns on those items. That is absolutely, 1000000% not a reason or excuse to make belligerent threats and harassing messages by the dozen. Again, if ebay didn't reward for this behavior, it wouldn't be spreading. These morons think they actually "won" something when ebay gives them a refund, and then they have to tell you about that too, totally unaware I didn't pay it. The "report buyer" link literally does nothing at all, I'm quite certain they don't even read it.
Cliff notes:
Return policy, not relevant, not an excuse. I refuse to bow down and take this. Buyer angry because of their own ignorance? Also not an excuse.
03-06-2020 11:33 PM
@lightlily_arts wrote:eBay has taken that option away from us. This shows me that eBay is unwilling to protect sellers from abusive users on this platform.
Just the fact that most ebay support staff are 100% unaware of the abusive buyer policy is proof of this. Every time I have to call, about once a week, I have to read the policy to them from their own website. They react as if they have never heard of such a thing and then put me on hold while they read it.