02-18-2024 02:06 PM
So my boyfriend and I resell together and the account is in his name, im left to start from zero again. is it fairr? I know, I know Im a idiot. Im so beside myself. He doesnt seem to see that its unfair...should I get more of the inventory at the very least? let me know your thoughts guys. I will start again and honestly it kinda gives me the burning desire to just outsell the crap outta him!! lol this is no longer a and r inventory. just R....ugh!!!!
02-18-2024 05:58 PM
I was wondering where all the Soap Operas went...............
02-18-2024 09:06 PM
What yall think?
I'm thinking... "I wouldn't touch this with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole." 🤣
02-18-2024 09:24 PM
Sort the inventory by the "price highest", take some expensive items, and leave the rest. 🐱
02-18-2024 09:55 PM
"I wouldn't touch this with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole."
You're a mean one, Mt Graves.
02-18-2024 10:43 PM
@buyselljack2016 wrote:take it all 🤣
in a split up doesn't the woman get everything 🤣
02-18-2024 10:53 PM
@aandrinventory wrote:im left to start from zero again. is it fairr?
I will start again and honestly it kinda gives me the burning desire to just outsell the crap outta him!! lol this is no longer a and r inventory. just R....ugh!!!!
Speaking personally for myself I enjoy starting new selling accounts. It's a challenge and if you have the right positive perspective it can be really fun and rewarding, all at the same time.
I've started 12 different selling accounts over my tenure here on eBay. Out of those twelve accounts 8 are still live and 4 of them including this one are actively selling.
As to that burning desire, that'll carry you a country mile. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
02-18-2024 11:21 PM - edited 02-18-2024 11:23 PM
The account being in your boyfriend's name is a godsend to you, provided any real volume of sales was done last year or this year to date. The boyfriend will be on the hook for all the tax money and you will be on the hook for none of it.
I would take whatever you can and don't make the mistake of making marriage level financial mixing with people you aren't married to in the future.
Also, assuming the account you are posting from is the shared account you would be better off starting over. There is something seriously wrong with your shipping charges and it goes all through your account. Huge Vase, $12 shipping. Stuffed animal, $37 shipping, coffee mug $52 shipping.