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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

When are the duration choices for fixed price listings coming back?  Please let Ebay know that you want a choice to choose "good until canceled", not be forced into it.   It sounds good... until you figure out that you're going to be charged insertion fees on all your listings over the free 50 per month if you don't have a store.   So, if we received additional promotional listings during any given month, when the 30 day, good until canceled, fixed price listings auto renew, we will be charged insertion fees for all the listings that have rolled over that exceed the 50 free or don't happen to hit a promotion at the exact time they roll over!  That's a lot of money.  Money, I personally can't afford.  Stores are also impacted by this.


I have been selling on ebay since 2002.  I figured out that fixed price listings work better for me than auctions.  I refuse to start an auction with a lower price than I am willing to take for an item.  I start an auction with the price I would be happy to accept!  Add to that,  the 30% more that Ebay requires for buy it now, and you make your item very unappealing!   I would rather donate my items before I sell them for less money than they're worth, or worth to me in time and effort and final value fees.  Selling with Ebay has to be worth the time to research, list, package, and mail.  It takes a lot of time to even get one package out the door, which I am very happy to do, considering I sold it for what I was asking for it. I do not have a store, nor do I sell multiple items in single listings.  I sell items that are my only, or only lot of 1 per listing.  The good until canceled does not benefit me, and I am positive I am not alone.  I don't sell multiples,. The "out of stock" part of the "talk it up part" of this change, does nothing for sellers that are just trying to sell their own previously owned items to help with the family income.  We're not big time, we can't afford this change.  Please sellers let Ebay know that you're not happy about this.  Maybe, just maybe, they'll listen!  We had the choice before to choose good until canceled.  Please bring back that CHOICE. 


A lot of people won't play the auction game, and I don't blame them.   Personally, if I want to buy something, I usually want to buy it when I hit the button to purchase it.

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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Yes the backdoor, slimy, used car salesman tactics have grown tiresome and the endless sellers exodus's have left this place no better than a run of the mill, start-up E-commerce site. I'm a buyer and the once fun items, vibrant selection, and enjoyable experience has turned into a boring, agonizing experience
Message 16 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

@weschurch wrote:
 I'm a buyer and the once fun items, vibrant selection, and enjoyable experience has turned into a boring, agonizing experience

Then why you are still here if it's such a boring, agonizing experience? You have bought at least 9 items in the last month alone.  I haven't bought that much and I actually like the place.

Message 17 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Yack yack yack! Its fun reading! Complainers and Know It Alls who have all the answers for the complainers. Thanks for the entertainment. LMAO

Message 18 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

The few times I've tried starting an auction at 99 cents, I've sold the item for 99 cents.  Oh, and I paid shipping.  So it cost me to sell the item.  Plus 30 cents minimum at PayPal and .......yeah......I'll pass.


I do not like the good till canceled for the reasons you have stated.  I see it potentially draining away the money I get from actual sales.  I will have to handle it very carefully to make sure that does not happen. 

Message 19 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

E-Bay was founded on the basis of selling one-off collectibles.  Some of us have been around that long.


E-Bay's problem is an identity crisis; do they want sellers of collectibles who have quantity of 1 (much of this stuff not on Amazon) or do they want to cater to drop shippers and Chinese sellers with quantities of 100?


If E-Bay is only going to have one method to sell, then they must chose to cut one side of the business loose or the other.  The same model doesn't work best for both.


I can't believe that we are living in the year 2019, with all the technology we have, yet incompetent morons who run businesses haven't figures out they can leave all the options there for their customers to use, at no additional cost to them.  We have computers that can process millions of calculations per second, but we can't have a drop box to choose GTC or 30-days.  E-Bay management is a joke!


Or if E-Bay wants to ramrod their customers into only one way of selling; spin-off E-Bay Collectibles.  All collectible categories go there, and people wanting to sell fidget spinners or generic bras by the hundreds, can continue doing so on regular E-Bay.

Message 20 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

It's not a lemonade stand?  WHAT?????


It is nice of you to defend the new policy.  You can't make everyone else love it, though.  We have to live with it, but we don't have to love it.

Message 21 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

I don't like it, either.  But it is not unethical.  We can end the listings. 

Message 22 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

> we will be charged insertion fees for all the listings that have rolled over that exceed the 50 free or don't happen to hit a promotion at the exact time they roll over! That's a lot of money. Money, I personally can't afford.


As people have wisely pointed out in other posts:


eBay has figured out a way to make money when no transaction has occurred! They will make money on you without your having made a sale! Thus, you could end up owing eBay money even though you sold nothing and made no money!


It's insane.

Message 23 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?


Message 24 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Just ridiculous... I'm so upset and now cannot relist my stuff. Will NOT DO GTC!!! I want control over my listings. I am not always available with my work schedule and just having a vacation or out of stock option is not going to cut it. Totalitarianism has taken over ebay.

Message 25 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

THATS IT I QUIT!! ...LMAO...Ok well less competition. I don't generally buy tissues as I just shoot it out or use toilet paper. Not sure if I have enough toilet paper for everyone here but all I ask is please don't say your crippled cause I just cannot help you. I enjoy coming in and reading all this nonsense here and there and at one timme was a part of it til I realized how idiotic it was. Pull you pants up will ya!

Message 26 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Boy, I could have written your comment almost word for word! I came to the community today to find out why my fixed price listings were requiring "good til cancelled". I cannot afford to pay for additional listings and almost never do. I list a lot of low cost/low profit items without any margin for additional costs. Thanks for starting this thread.
Message 27 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Oh my, that happened to me too!  99 cents is not a good starting point, is it?   Another thing I forgot about was the fact that buyers don't always pay quick with auctions 😞  Sometimes, they don't ever pay.  Fixed price was definitely the way I wanted to sell and it sounds like that's the way you were selling also.  Based on the responses to this post and others I have seen about GTC, a lot of people are trying to tell Ebay the reason why they feel it isn't right. 

Message 28 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

You're very welcome! Thank you for adding to it 🙂 

Message 29 of 120
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What is wrong about March 2019 seller update changing fixed price listings to good until canceled?

Thanks for starting this thread. The GTC is the best option for collectibles and i can understand potentially limiting items being listed forever but I cannot get behind the auto relist functionality. Unfortunately,  I think they are going to see a large drop off in smaller niche sellers- which maybe exactly what they want. I feel like they are trying to change the business model to be for large enterprise re-sellers. I have lots of time invested in my 400+ listings and it is a drag to think that I need to find an alternative.       

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