03-31-2018 02:08 PM
I don't understand eBay's obsession with Black Friday this spring...don't they understand that Black Friday is in November? There's another 'Black Friday' sale out now. Just saw this on the homepage:
03-31-2018 06:50 PM
I’m thinking of donating to goodwill. That’s all
You're thinking about it? LOL! I'm sure I have a lot more "stuff" than you--more than most people, truth be told, and way too much--but I've designated Wednesdays as "donate day" every week of every month of every year. Once a week, a find something to donate to Goodwill, or the Good Neighbor Center, or the local no-kill cat shelter (they always need old towels, plastic containers like the ones from Cool Whip, and every cat's best friend, cardboard boxes). There's a church in my town that uses plastic grocery sacks to weave sleeping mats for homeless people. There's a Little Free Library on my block, where I donate books I've finished reading. The list goes on and on.
I'm not sure if you were considering donating to Goodwill in retaliation for eBay holding a "Black Friday" sale, but, truly, in the spirit of this Christian holiday, a person should be donating--not considering donating--on a regular basis.
03-31-2018 07:05 PM
03-31-2018 07:07 PM
Spring Black Friday sounds ridiculous to me.
Not any more stupid than Christmas in July.
03-31-2018 07:44 PM
@pburnwrote:Mr. C:
With all respect due to your Christian faith, I don't perceive eBay as capitalizing on Easter the way you do. I don't see them advertising, "Hey! Celebrate the crucifixation with a new lawn mower!" I think you're reading too much into the timing of the discount coupon. In fact, eBay makes NO mention of the religious events being celebrated by Christians this weekend.
Think of it this way, Mr. C. My guess is you don't even know when any of my religion's holy days are, so you aren't even aware you are disrespecting Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims on any given day. We have to put up with slights like this all year long. Try to develop a thicker skin and learn to forgive and show compassion for people who don't toe your religious line--just like we do every day. Welcome to the club.
That being said, I'm surprised to read your description of these Easter-related Christian holy days as "a remembrance of someones gruesome death... " I thought Easter was a joyous holiday about rebirth. Guess I got that wrong.
Evening Pburn,
It's too bad you feel that I have been trying to dictate here...I have gone back over my comments and do not see that, if you took it this way I apologize.
That being said...I think many folks misunderstand my passion for something else.
I am sure if you have read much of my thousands of post you are well aware that I am extremely PASSIONATE about Mrs C yet to this date I have never found anyone on these discussion boards scold me for that.
I assure you, my passion for my faith is the same.
Just as I adore Mrs C I also find the same adoration for the central figure of Christianity. Please do not confuse this passion for being anything different than my undying love for Mrs C...it comes from the same place.
Regarding my comment about this day "Good Friday", it is only one of the 3 days included in this Easter weekend. My reference was to the Roman crucifixion of the man called Jesus which is central to the theme of Good Friday...not to the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday celebrating the resurrectionso I believe my comments were in context to Black Friday rather than including it to encompass it to mean a Black Easter.
In closing, If I, as a self proclaimed passionate follower of Christ can not explain how this kind of sale title and timing may be tacky (think this is what I said in my original post) then who should be the spokesperson...a once a year pew filler...or maybe someone that is an agnostic...I think not.
Night all...thinking I've given this topic all I can.
Mr C
03-31-2018 08:39 PM
I thought it was about baskets and bonnets and bunnies and colored eggs and sugery treats.
Oh wait, it IS!!!
With all due respect, those are the shallow peripheral trappings of the day, but by no means, and far from, the main event and reason for the season. That does not mean they cannot be enjoyed but one misses the true reason for the celebration by reducing the holiday to baskets, bonnets, bunnies, colored eggs and sugary treats, much like the real meaning of Christmas can be buried beneath the gimme gimme gift lists, presents, Santas, etc. Easter is the celebration the Jesus's Resurrection, just as Christmas is the celebration of His birth.
03-31-2018 08:50 PM
I’m not retaliating anything.
So that was your take-away from my entire post on donating? LOL!
03-31-2018 09:26 PM