03-18-2023 09:33 PM
What do you love the most: Money or your Stuff/Inventory.? ....learning to let things go!
I created this post because of my observation of let's say a few ladies I know.
1. The first Lady owns a shop filled with lots of beautiful things for sale, the problem is, she is never in her shop to make the sells, because she is always out looking for new inventory. She loves the hunt for the stuff more than the money.
2. The second lady, her home is filled with beautiful things that she just refuses to let go,; though she is in desperate need of the money that could be generated. She loves the stuff more than the money.
3. The last lady, she has several storage units full of beautiful things that need to be put online for sale, she is motivated to do it but needs more organized time to get things listed. This lady loves the money more than the stuff.
I am the last lady and I do not wish to become the lady #1 or the lady #2. This spring and summer will be a game changer for me. When you already got the inventory, it time to get it listed!
03-19-2023 08:00 AM
I have an old pyrex bowl that belonged to my mother. I can't sell it
I'm not sure I need the money as much as I need the memory of my mom
03-19-2023 08:09 AM
Now you made me tear up.
03-19-2023 08:15 AM
@chapeau-noir I'd be right there with you!! We would have to buy a Barrel full of Oreos though....I love them.
03-19-2023 08:22 AM
@memphiskansasgirl123 wrote:Slow sells have taken the wind out of selling. It's hard to stay motivated to list things when Sales have dwelled to almost nothing.
Maybe your perceived value of things is out of whack? And that's why you have storage units full of stuff. If you really loved money, wouldn't you want to clear out some of those units and generate some cash, even if you had to sell them at less than what you think they are worth?
03-19-2023 08:26 AM
I agree with you @bigyellowdog2012.
My father just passed away in January and there are some things that no amount of money would make me sell them.
03-19-2023 08:28 AM
@memphiskansasgirl123 wrote:What do you love the most: Money or your Stuff/Inventory.? ....learning to let things go!
I get the best of both worlds.
I am a collector of music memorabilia and records. I buy and sell what I love.
So there is nothing I have in my inventory that I would not also be happy to keep or to give to a friend or fellow collector who I know would appreciate it.
03-19-2023 08:54 AM
I love you saying:
Do you want to sell things or store things ?
^^^^^^ This is what I needed to hear.^^^^^^^
I am going to put that statement in every one of my storage units and this will motivate me to price things more appropriately and therefore get rid my abundance of inventory.
03-19-2023 09:04 AM
This post is helping me move in the right direction. Timing is everything as well, I hate when Winter approaches and I am motivated, but the weather is a problem. This spring and summer is a must clear time for me, it's gonna happen.
03-19-2023 09:46 AM
Interesting subject.
I started collecting coins at age 13 and got very deeply involved. By age 25 or so I was looking at
the selling part as I wanted to buy a house. Soon I found myself buying and selling on a regular basis. I went to work as the manager of a coin shop and shortly thereafter I bought the store outright.
At that point, I was no longer a coin collector. Every item no matter how attached I was to it, Was for sale.
One the one hand I needed the cash flow. I also felt like I shouldn't be competing with my
customers by holding back any items.
Over the years I've collected and bought-sold different items. Today I've of a mind
that everything is for sale.
Some stranger knocks on my door and wants to buy my house and everything in it? I'l give him a cash price.
Have at it, Knock yourself out.
03-19-2023 10:18 AM
I took a public job for the money. Now I can deal with the stuff just for fun. 🙂
Seriously, for the past year I've just been recycling the same tired stuff in my store. I have plenty of inventory, I just don't feel like dealing with it currently. 95% of my listed stuff fits in three boxes, and I have four boxes of paper that I have not listed. Everything was paid for years ago with the first sale from each lot, so there is no money I need to recover, I've made my money back many, many times over. I haven't bought new inventory in three years. I am seriously burnt out on most everything online right now.
This has gone from an income to just fun money. One day I may fire up on all cylinders again, that's why I keep my store up and running, but until then I'm actually enjoying the very little time I spend dealing with the stuff lol
Do I like the money? Yes.
Do I like the stuff? Yes.
Would I like to get money from the stuff? Yes
Would I rather get my money from means that were not online? Yes.
Would I care if all of this paper disappeared tomorrow? No.
03-19-2023 10:33 AM
"I have an old pyrex bowl that belonged to my mother. I can't sell it
I'm not sure I need the money as much as I need the memory of my mom"
Gee I really hear ya, I need to sell my items no matter how hard it is. I have items from my Nana, Grandpa, Father & Mother here. I do not need the money. time is just not on my side.
On the sites where the buyer pays for shipping & we do not pay or get charged anything to do with shipping I do great. I always write & tell the buyers the history of my items. The buyers on other sites are much nicer than here also. They write back to me & tell me how much they love my items & they will treasure it. That then makes up for all the tears I have when packing them up & asking my Husband to please ship them on his way to work. 🙏💖😊
03-19-2023 12:25 PM
@movieman630 wrote:I kinda view some of my business like an "orphanage". I have these objects that need a good home. I like finding them that new home or purpose with my customers. I too "collect" certain things but I keep it in check. It's a "healthy" collection.
I've actually been going through my own collections and weeding out stuff I'm just not that into anymore. It's cool stuff and I know someone else will want it, but it doesn't bring me the same amount of joy as it did when I bought it so it's time to let it go.
03-19-2023 01:53 PM
3. The last lady, she has several storage units full of beautiful things that need to be put online for sale, she is motivated to do it but needs more organized time to get things listed. This lady loves the money more than the stuff.
This is me, although I don't love the money either, we just need to sell off possessions to retire and move. We were donating a lot, then tax laws for non cash charitable contributions changed. We always had 4 8283's. Then we stopped deducting, but then donated generations worth of Christmas items to the local Christian thrift store. We stopped that when their 'Christmas in July' failed to have any of our items as they said they would. We found out from volunteers that when we unloaded, the employee called someone who came and took it all. They said it was the employee's spouse.
So, I list our possessions because I've lost faith in the local Christian thrift store. I did find another one that I like, but they are so small, they often donate to Goodwill and the 1st one I mentioned. I don't have the energy for a yard sale. Not to mention that yard sales don't get ebay prices...
03-19-2023 02:34 PM
No matter how bad I need the money, there are three things I won't sell, my 77 Firebird, record collection and tools.
Everything else I've collected through the years, don't mean that much and don't have a problem selling them.
03-19-2023 03:28 PM
I sold all my 45s and started selling My LPs when 2 things happened.
1) I could burn all that music onto CDs and the tunes are more important
than the memory of buying the vinyl
2) None of my kids wanted them