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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Christmas shopping is upon us!  What are your plans to maximize your sales, or are you just going to 'go with the flow'?  Have your sales picked up or not yet recovered?  And what thoughts have you given to 2022?


Inquiring minds would like to know!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

@richard1rst wrote:
I plant to be more active on these boards as a way of drawing attention to my account. Yes, I know only a limited number of people see these boards. But if I do nothing then I miss even them.

It may surprise you how many people read these boards but never post.  That was the one thing that really surprised me at eBay Live 2014 (New Orleans) -- lots of people knew my ID, knew of my postings, and expressed their thanks for answering this or that question that they were not sure they should ask.  They were readers, not posters, and they read a lot!  Since the merger of some of the smaller boards into one larger board, I'm sure that ratio (reader to poster) has only increased.


Plus a lot of folks just want to get answers from people they know are doing the same thing they want to be doing, rather than a CSR reading from a corporate-focused script.



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
Message 16 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Thought I was selling (local) another $150 refurbished PC, but the buyer bailed and hasn't replied to any inquiries (I think he's a seasoned eBay buyer - they do the same).  But I did manage to spend $100 and get about $450 retail worth of equipment in the form of a top-line but incomplete chassis (got a use for it), and high performance HDD, and a $250 retail high performance gaming motherboard.  AND I got yet another PC finished and listed of FBMP.  Was going to start working on a third, but my wife needed the desk to work this weekend, so I pulled my stuff out and put hers in.  If I get the motivation, I'll reset sometime this week and start on another refurb.  If not, it will be ready for her should she need it again next weekend.


Did make a few eBay sales, nothing in my PC parts collection, but several elongates sold and that's good enough for me!  Had one buyer pay an additional $10 for a $3 elongate to be Express shipped (FedEx ExpressSaver) so she could get it by Friday.  FedEx quoted Friday by 5pm, delivered Friday at 11am.  She was extremely pleased, left wonderful feedback, and that felt pretty good.


Working on a few more listings to get posted.  And by this coming Saturday, I need to decide if I'm going to reprice some of my Win95 PC Games (new in sealed boxes!) or hold out for another week before cutting the price.  Sold half my stash last year, this year things are a bit slower.


Had a relaxing weekend with my wife.  Warm enough to do a few things outside Saturday, rainy and windy enough to do a few things inside on Sunday.  But sooner or later I'm going to have to go grocery shopping again..... sigh.


Back to the salt mines on Monday - have a great week y'all!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
Message 17 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

I started my plan since August we know christmas day is the best event when our selling boost than whole year selling....

Message 18 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Just hoping to diversify away from eBay even more.  I don't know what my sales will be like.  Hoping they will be good, but I lack faith in the site.

Message 19 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Bob, your computer talk is so over my head, but it sounds like you know what you're doing with that "Stuff" you buy! 😁


Joe, she's a beauty!  You made me laugh with the no pet idea lasting about 3 days. 

Glad to hear the good news from the Dr. I know you had some scary stuff a while back. 


Jennieaa, I love your goals.

I WISH I could stick to the no buying, but I always seem to fail at that.

I also can't put my store on vacation because, well, we need the money, and I need to put some dents in these money mountains all over my house anyhow. Maybe one year I'll be able to take a break for a week.


So as of right now, I am around 80/250, but have 2 returns due to people changing their mind or not paying attention to what they were buying, and had several cancellations last week, so I might have counted in one or two of those by mistake. I am fed up with the cancellations, that's for sure! 


Yme is at 70/250. 



Message 20 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Sold 4 this weekend.  All Christmas items.  Pack, shipped and out the door.  So 4/20.  Will start going through more totes this week, but not listing anymore Christmas.


downright-sounds like sales are moving along for you.  Sales have picked up for you this year.   I know you are happy about that.  Every little bit helps these days.


Joe-your new member of the family is beautiful.  We have a shepherd mix and she is about her size.  How is she adjusting to a new family?  Glad you got a clean bill of health.  We will continue to pray for you.


We had to get a new doctor and he has a totally different approach than any previous doctor.  He is taking a closer look at my spine issues and suggesting to see a neurosurgeon and get some additional physical therapy.  Especially if things get worse.  Said the best approach is to stay active.  I see him again in March.   I really like him, he spent 30 minutes with me just going over my health chart.  Overall healthy except for my spine and cholesterol.  


Bob-glad you had a nice weekend with the wife.  Sounds like you are making progress going through stuff.


Everybody have a good week and happy selling!


Message 21 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Now that looks like a great goal.

Good Moms let you lick the Beaters.

Great Moms turn them off first.
Message 22 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

7 Days into December and I have hit $1000.00. I am thinking 4k is obtainable! 

Message 23 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

@rosachs wrote:

@richard1rst wrote:
I plant to be more active on these boards as a way of drawing attention to my account. Yes, I know only a limited number of people see these boards. But if I do nothing then I miss even them.

It may surprise you how many people read these boards but never post.  That was the one thing that really surprised me at eBay Live 2014 (New Orleans) -- lots of people knew my ID, knew of my postings, and expressed their thanks for answering this or that question that they were not sure they should ask.  They were readers, not posters, and they read a lot!  Since the merger of some of the smaller boards into one larger board, I'm sure that ratio (reader to poster) has only increased.


Plus a lot of folks just want to get answers from people they know are doing the same thing they want to be doing, rather than a CSR reading from a corporate-focused script.



Thank you. Words of encouragement are always appreciated.

Message 24 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?



Message 25 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Fantastic Christmas sales. Always good on here at Christmas with very nice buyers who spend a lot of money. Yeehaw!!!

Message 26 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

hi all!

My sales have tanked I will say 3 sales in December...none yet but I ended November with 9.

Thank goodness for puppies, horses and a job or I would be completely broke.  We are having a new HVAC system put in the house...this place has been a money pit so far but I absolutely love it.


Billi is adorable!!!!


congrats on the sales and forward motion you are getting the sales!  I know NOTHING about auto parts so would be in trouble in your arena but that is absolutely wonderful!!!



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I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody. Herbert Bayard Swope
Message 27 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Steady sales 7/20.  Hoping for more over the weekend.  Low dollars though.  Haven't been listing any new items.  Been busy with other stuff, like decorating for Christmas.  


Everybody have a great weekend of sales!

Message 28 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

I hope for my sales to pick up again soon. Had a cancelation from a guy who said he didn't buy it Sunday night and sales have stalled since I honored his request.  Been listing 20 a day for the past two months. Need a re-spark of my 4q sales. 

Message 29 of 62
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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?








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