05-07-2021 10:54 PM
I'll start this "strike", leaving only one item for sell.
No discussions, no alternatives.
I know really how hard, bad and sad is to leave ebay, but I will.
Thanks for reading this.
05-08-2021 08:42 AM
Why do you bother so much, It's just one more option at the menu bar, all we ask for?
Grand luck to you too!
05-08-2021 11:37 PM
All we want is a page that is at least as efficient as the old page.
We do not care if it is old or new...just as long as it is at least as efficient as the one it is replacing.
That is all.
05-08-2021 11:47 PM
@dimkaras wrote:Yes it seems "we" are leaving for space to you guys. Have fun!
Everyone has options now. Good luck in your future endeavours!
05-09-2021 05:27 AM - edited 05-09-2021 05:28 AM
@dimkaras wrote:Are you getting fees for this?
An ad hominem attack refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
By far, my two most common posts on this board are "On eBay, any buyer can steal any item from any seller at any time by filing a fraudulent dispute" and "Whenever you sell on eBay, you are risking the item and the cost of shipping it to a thief".
05-09-2021 06:06 AM
I agree. Ebays new selling format sucks. If the old one works leave it alone.
05-09-2021 06:39 AM
You sell some cool stuff, it would be a shame if you left. But look, no offense, many of us here have seen this movie before, and we know how it ends. The GTC fuss comes to mind. The Board was filled with people declaring their intention to leave, demanding various boycotts, etc, and , in the end, a very few sellers left, most stayed and adapted, ebay continued and the whole thing ended as many of us predicted: ebay has thousands upon thousands of sellers, a relative handful left, most continued to sell here, and ebay's business continued with no real interruption.
It's a two way street. Sellers have more options than ever, which is why many ebay sellers are now multi channel sellers, using ebay along with other venues. And why some have left and are doing OK without ebay. So, you want to go? Go.
But don't kid yourself into thinking your departure and the departure of others upset about these changes will really diminish ebay. because the flip side of "sellers have more options than ever" is "more people than ever are selling (and buying) online." And many of them are choosing ebay. And many existing ebay sellers are , in fact, improving and growing their businesses. In other words, ebay exists in a very competitive environment but within that environment it is doing quite well and is likely to continue doing well.
I wish you well whatever you decide. As for me, I've been here over 20 years and ebay has thrown a lot of changes at me, and I haven't liked all of them. But I've adapted, as have many other sellers. And I'm sure it's no different on most other platforms. Platforms make changes, and you can stay or go. Not every platform is a good fit for everyone. eBay works for me. If it no longer works for you, find another one.
05-09-2021 07:24 AM
It's too expensive for me, but I really do like that item you have for sale.
05-09-2021 07:49 AM
05-09-2021 08:00 AM
Best of luck with your strike. Personally, I prefer the seller hub, so I’m not upset. Personally, I would not entertain a strike, regardless of what eBay does.
if I want to start my own site, I will. If I want to start selling on other venues, I will. When the time comes that I no longer want to sell on eBay, I’ll stop.
I won’t throw a tantrum, I won’t talk about a class action lawsuit, I won’t propose a strike - I’ll just leave. eBay offers a service - every day, I get the choice of continuing or stopping. I’m entitled to nothing from eBay. eBay isn’t my partner, it isn’t my friend.
05-09-2021 08:10 AM
The OP has said he raised the price on the item, I believe it's part of his protest. After all, if it sells, ebay gets money for it. I don't know what his normal price would be, but I can tell you that hobbyists recognize the amount of work that goes into making something like that, and are willing to pay a good bit for something like it.
05-09-2021 08:11 AM
@dimkaras wrote:I'll start this "strike", leaving only one item for sell.
No discussions, no alternatives.
I know really how hard, bad and sad is to leave ebay, but I will.
Thanks for reading this.
We are just grains of sand in the eBay beach. We will not be missed.
100,000 throw a tantrum. It won't make a difference. 100,000 will fill the void.
Such utter nonsense about some changes that can be easily handled.
Using the sellers hub rather than the "classic" view is not a monumental task. I liked the classic, but adapting to things that change isn't the end of the world.
The items that I sell do not lend well to other sites. I will be staying.
To those leaving. All the best to you. Do what you must.
05-09-2021 08:39 AM
@shaggyhome wrote:It is a big deal the new seller pages may be good for some but classic view is very good. It is easy to use and does not need to be customized. Also did you see how horrible the Seller Overview page is. I really need to look at the Recommended Item Specifics as the first thing I see (**bleep**). Then you have to click on your Active items and it takes forever to scroll to the bottom of a page. Each item is stretched out to 2 inches per item. On the classic view that would have been more like one inch space per item if that. You also have to click to see your sold items or unsold items.
I did not even bother with the sellers hub. Too many items that I might or might not use.
Remove the boxes that you don't want to see, or rearrange them to your liking.
I can see 8 items at a time, more or less. Depends upon how many have notes.
Now that "Manage all orders" page is another story. Things are bigger there, but if want to see it all (which is seldom needed) my wireless optical mouse has auto scroll. I can hit that, and just watch as it does it's thing.
I'm old. I can do "seller's hub. It isn't that big of a deal.
05-09-2021 09:03 AM
@shaggyhome wrote:If people don't adapt then they will leave eBay. That could be one less customer.
Somewhat true. It would apply when sellers have unique one-off items.
eBay has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sellers/seller's merchandise than they do buyers, so eBay will never really miss a seller. If there was a shortage of sellers all our stuff would be selling/sold. The shelves would be empty.
"Classic to seller's hub. "Much ado about nothing, or at least very close to nothing.
I think too many people have been stuck inside for too long, and are making a giant fuss over a minor thing.
A bit less convenient? Sure, but such a small hill to climb. The rewards ($$$$) await.
05-09-2021 12:19 PM
Thanks for your thoughts.
Ebay seems to go to an end for many of us the next years.
They should have to learn "listening" their customers, even the last days.
05-09-2021 12:20 PM
No... leave it there mate 🙂