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Waste of time...

Selling on here has become a pain in the A$$ and not gonna waste my time worrying about what can be listed and can't be listed, and "Big Brother" watching every little move that's made. Ebay used to be fun and had a great time since 2000 until now. I have to buy things on here every so often, but my selling days are over with as of this weekend. By the way Ebay, can I sell a Fossilized Dinosaur Egg on here? or do I have to have permission from the Dinosaur to sell it? It's been fun, it's been real, but it's a pain in my "nether region" now to deal with selling things... Have a nice day !!

Message 1 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@inhawaii wrote:

@scuby109 wrote:

Selling on here has become a pain in the A$$ and not gonna waste my time worrying about what can be listed and can't be listed, and "Big Brother" watching every little move that's made. Ebay used to be fun and had a great time since 2000 until now. I have to buy things on here every so often, but my selling days are over with as of this weekend. By the way Ebay, can I sell a Fossilized Dinosaur Egg on here? or do I have to have permission from the Dinosaur to sell it? It's been fun, it's been real, but it's a pain in my "nether region" now to deal with selling things... Have a nice day !!

Thank you for the information.

I will take the appropriate action.

But I ain't thunkin' there be many em' Dinosnores Fostill's in Hawaii albeit might be a goo' place to lay a little Pompeii on DC (no not AC) legistraitors.  Then in 2000 years lil' Johnny and Betsy Lou be diggin' em' up and Johnny say, "Look mommie!  I found some Dinosnores!" and lil' Betsy Lou pipe up, "Make Slumerica' fight again!"

Message 16 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@buddyboyusa wrote:

You may have better luck selling the $25K Disney Dumbo VHS tape if you offered free shipping.

I'll pay $25K if we can get Dumbo on the ballot!  LOL!!!!

Message 17 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@laststopgeneralstore wrote:

Cool. It's never been a pain for myself. Super easy, have my own schedule, no boss, work no more than 25 hours a week and make more than the average full time income. Took me 5 years of work to get their but it was all worth it. Now able to convert my eBay money into other business ventures and it's been great.

"Cool. It's never been a pain for myself"

hmmmm...I was going to paste the title to that thread you posted several years ago about sales sucking and how worried you were, but it appears to be gone... I'm perplexed by that...


Anyway, given that the first line of this post is in direct contention with that post I mentioned? I'll take the rest of what you wrote with a grain of salt, especially since I believe I've proven it is impossible to work alone and source, prepare, take pictures, list, answer questions, handle returns, pack and ship, account, travel, research, etc, etc, etc the amount of sales you do(or were doing) in 25 hrs a week.

Message 18 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@isaiah53-57 ,


Laststopgeneral store was able to figure out why his sales sucked back then. You have to adjust sometimes in order to succeed. I can tell you I don’t sell the same item today versus what I was selling in the beginning. I did really well for the first 6 or 7 years before the market got saturated. 

I’m already thinking of what I would sell next if what I currently doesn’t work anymore.

Message 19 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

Adjustment I get - hyperbole...nah.

“My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.”
― Michel de Montaigne

Message 20 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@hartungcards wrote:

I hope you don't leave before I have a chance to buy your $25K Disney Dumbo VHS tape.

$10 shipping tho.

Message 21 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@theteamsetguy wrote:

@isaiah53-57 ,


Laststopgeneral store was able to figure out why his sales sucked back then. You have to adjust sometimes in order to succeed. I can tell you I don’t sell the same item today versus what I was selling in the beginning. I did really well for the first 6 or 7 years before the market got saturated. 

I’m already thinking of what I would sell next if what I currently doesn’t work anymore.

Actually these last four weeks and two to come tend be the grinder at both retail / distributorship / warehousing.  Beginning of the year is one of the hallmarks of clearing out unsold product, dent and ding on and on.  A respectable number of those operations "Middle Men" who take that stuff in now do work with FBA and Walmart, its why Walmart built the largest distribution/warehousing facility ever made not long back.


But if a seller happens to be near a decent sized city there is almost always these surplus (if you will) operations within them and 95% of them are unknown to resellers.  Some of these let you buy direct, some are located near Rail as they've centralized huge warehousing, so say all Target's returns, dent/dings,  unsold partials mastercases even full mastercases (depending product) end up at those facilities.


You can get deals like you wouldn't believe or maybe you would.  How many times you read or see a BooTube channel speaking about Mamazon return/product pallets?  How many BIN Stores exist all over the place.  Ask yourself how a BIN Store can possible make $$$ at the crazy pricing and they do make money, in fact, the smart ones will do 200-400% per item of acquisition costing.


Some of the "Middle Men" operations will actually sort, most not but point being its usually something the pickers dont think of and can make far far far more money than picking.  Doesn't mean need stop picking, there is no golden rule precluding that.  But most sellers who work the big boys are taking their time to make the money and sell the stuff rather than taking the time to try find stuff to sell.


I've been inside some of them and it's OH MY GOSH!  Pallet after Pallet like you would not believe, I mean YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE.  You walk in to a decent one and instantly will say, "Why I am I travelling about doing Yard Sales or Thrifts."


Sometimes you'll find one or two of the resellers at say a flea market or seasonal big flea market event, maybe even at Public Markets.  They get there early, usually among the first and often have a commercial van or two, sometimes a box truck and they setup way early.  I know two who do it... Well I dont "know" them personally, "know of" two who do it.  I'd say over the six hours where this one outdoor seasonal flea market is open they do $3000 -  $5000 at a minimum.  You might not even see the Box Truck or Vans as they care maximize their rental space and they tend be decently organized albeit some will just have boxes or tables piled to the hilts.


You'll see on youTube pickers hitting those flea markets near them and often in their videos saying, "Gee I wonder where or how they manage get all this stuff?  Selling these shirts, toys whatever at $n or $nn dollars and I can make $10 or $25 atop their costing to me.  They're making thousands whilst the pickers are piddling around for hundreds and basically speaking they've got an endless supply chain.


Sure, as TobaccoCard said in another thread when dealing with that stuff seller need concern themselves with providence in don't want be selling things that get a manufacturer all VERO etc frisky but got do that now anyways.  But you're guaranteed the products are not counterfeits or garbage like that.


Now some when they are local have no issue at all freighting the pallets to your driveway whilst some will do a make you're own arrangements.  We'll forklift those you buy unto whatever you can drive them away with.


You'll see mish mosh pallets and often more specific pallets, here's one with 750 bath accessories for $1500.   Here's one thats all clothes, by the pound.  Oh this one's all toys, that ones sporting goods, this one's all shoes and boots and cost per item is literally dirt.


Now if you happen live close to the border tends to be HEAPS of these places like in Ontario Canada.


Whats the difference?


Those tend to be where the actual manufacturers move excesses/delists to.  They do that to get the stuff out the country.  They are reducing their warehouses and those wholesaler entities over the border are selling bulk pallets into other markets.  They are literally ALL FINE with online resellers as the VOLUME tends to never be there albeit some will work with specific retailers like Ollies for example and those are under terms.  You don't see Ollies Online yet inside Ollies you're seeing quality product at prices 40-60% off retail and they are making on average 300-500% on every sale over cost of acquisition.  This is portion of the delist channels as they are called.  Its what I used to do back in the day of PC popularity.  We get delisted PC Software/Games that were $50 on shelfs for between $1.50-$3.50 per unit and that's essentially publisher direct.  So we get untouched mastercases and cherry pick what we want and they arrange freighting.


"I want four mastercases of these, three of those, two of these, eight of those..."  Literally get a list of whats available every single week or on request in you're email.  No hunting required.  The above would come UPS...  But if I order, "Well we want 20 mastercases of this, 25 of those etc" that's coming Consolidated Freight.  Do the math.  20 Mastercases of this title, $400, 10 units per case, so 200 units that had MSRP at $40, $8000 of MSRP for $400.  Freighting, well smaller order come UPS we'd have pay for but a big order come Consolidated Freight, be free.  Why free?  Because Consolidated Freight doing the deliveries to the retail chains like Comp USA, BestBuy, Media Play, Walmart so no big deal drop two pallets 10 miles off the beaten track.


Point all being the truly succeeding entities making the green backs are working those channels not yard sales.  Just as Amazon has heaps of Pallets of excesses so does every single sized retailer/manufacturer and you can buy the stuff for dirt.


Now lots of those really succeeding resellers you don't see in these forums.  Occasionally one pop in when there is a site issue usually browsing and not commenting.  You'll never see them just like at the Flea Market bigger fellas "How to they manage get three dumpster loads in here every week I pick through" tell you where, how or why they do what they do.  The money is incomparable.  Would you rather spend $1500 and make $10,000-$15,000 or pick spending $150 to make $600?



Message 22 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...



I would LOVE that Meet The Beatles LP (for real... I'm a Beatles collector)... I can't afford that price, though... so let me know what you plan on doing with it.

Message 23 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

I think Dumbo may already BE there.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 24 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@laststopgeneralstore wrote:

Cool. It's never been a pain for myself. Super easy, have my own schedule, no boss, work no more than 25 hours a week and make more than the average full time income. Took me 5 years of work to get their but it was all worth it. Now able to convert my eBay money into other business ventures and it's been great.

"Cool. It's never been a pain for myself"

hmmmm...I was going to paste the title to that thread you posted several years ago about sales sucking and how worried you were, but it appears to be gone... I'm perplexed by that...


Anyway, given that the first line of this post is in direct contention with that post I mentioned? I'll take the rest of what you wrote with a grain of salt, especially since I believe I've proven it is impossible to work alone and source, prepare, take pictures, list, answer questions, handle returns, pack and ship, account, travel, research, etc, etc, etc the amount of sales you do(or were doing) in 25 hrs a week.

To be fair, although I recall those posts/threads as well, the poster has mentioned many times that after that they took a good hard long look at their business model and changed what they were doing and turned their business around.


Which is more than a lot of posters who come here to complain about sales being down have done.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 25 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

I really wish ebay had a 'dent & ding' category where you could sell stuff that was 'okay but with issues' and it be all sales final because the buyer fully understands what they're buying.


But no, everything on here has to be "perfect", even in the parts/not working category.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 26 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

No, no -- they don't have to be perfect.

If you haven't tested an electronic item to know if it works, state that it's "untested" in your title.

If an item doesn't work, sell it "for parts" and state that in the title. 

Price it all accordingly. 




Message 27 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

And that's exactly what will get you a SNAD you have no chance of winning.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 28 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@toomuchstuffagain35 wrote:

I think Dumbo may already BE there.

I at times help moderate a rather large political forum.  In fact as of last week they asked me to come back into the pinball machine to help out.  My written prose or lack thereof can lighten' up the crazies personalities or if I must, there is the traditional bait, shoot and stomp.  It's funny in a way because the venues sister site in Europe is nothing like the US one and I can time that to right around 2005/2006 where Americans started on the crazy parade.  There were always those shall we say a "bit off" but nothing like its become now.  If some University was to do a study between the folks attending the site and the European sister site well...


I'd bet that just by posts on the US site I could pick choose who has any order of higher education than others and be 80%+ correct across literally tens of thousands.  I could pick how much they make, how they live and ill informed about near anything and be 70%-80% correct all the time.  The European sister site, nothing like it at all.  Its almost as stark a reality of middle school kids vs adults yet the site maintains demographics, anything between 18 - 50 thereabouts there are just huge swaths of sheep.  Echo chambers of what they care believe even when shown they are incorrect, both sides the political fence.


I'm equal opportunity, I'll call it out no matter which side.  People here just don't think anything beyond short term and DC uses that, media has to follow suit as its all citizens care about.


Take the border crisis.  Most dont understand why so many flooding here.  That's one issue and it has to do with strife pushed to a ragged edge by Covid and Weather opening the door to really bad actors in many those nations.  If I lived there, I'd risk my life come here. Americans dont "feel that" yet in American History its there, in fact, the entire nation was born by it.


Why is the border been such an open mess?


I'll tell you its because Free Europe, Australia and US influenced Asia lost a TON and I do mean TON of confidence in America over the last administrations tenure.  Our leader opened the door to China in Europe due mainly to his mouth and he continues to do so.  China knows the key to world is Europe, it always has been.  That's why post WW II the USA gobbled influence there and Russia did same creating the Cold War.  Europe has always been the key and still is.  Russia knows this, the door was opened for them to jump and in seeing China looking at flooding influence into Europe forced action.

Largest world trade deal ever made in the Asia Pacific, Australia, Japan, S. Korea heaps of others we were not even invited to the table due to a leaders mouth.  That cost us all bigtime in the long term.


So why the open border?


Because South America is America's future.  If America doesn't embrace South America, China will.  They been wooing Mexico and many S. American nations set up manufacturing, banking and much more raising the standards of living whilst snarfing up natural resources of which there are BUCKETS.  Canadians understand this as China is selling them garbage whilst eating up Canadian natural resources.


China is like the "Borg" of Star Trek.  Seriously and many Chinese folks completely remember the nations transformation over the last 60 years.  For Americans thats outside their vision here, turn back the clock 100 + years to see.  


Honestly I've never understood why America has not bonded closer to Mexico, its a match made in heaven for both nations and to spread Western Influence and lifestyles into S. America.  That sorta stuff ensures a future and thats exactly what they are trying to do.  Get S. American's here and they've influence flow back into South America as S. America is an area of the world which is going to BOOM assuming the world doesn't kill itself.


These so called third-world nations are not going to remain third world nations forever.  Either America steps up to the plate or China will.  Its that simple and that complex, they've already been at it.  China has been investing big into services and manufacturing in Mexico.


The field isn't business, its people, its influence, lifestyles and the ability in our situation for America's future.  Its that simple.  America even has a crisis of new births, family longevity, our services sector of skilled tradesman is very very much on the wane and Unions are literally begging for people take up the trades.  We've millions of jobs right now Americans dont care to do, those folks be happy have better life AND export it to where they come from making the US future friends as the third world S. American nations rise up from what they have been.  We don't do it, China will or I might say, "Are working to do so right now."


But Americans, no vision at all.  Nor is this kind of "Nation Building" per se or sustenance of America something Government just slap out there...


"Oh hello all of S. America!  We want you with us!  Yea, we want use you to maintain our lifestyles and Americas global leadership whilst we sorta 'adopt you' as we see fit of course."  NEVER FLY.


This is reality and those are the stakes.  A rather open border allows em' to come at their free will just as most our ancestors made their way here.  That's the hope of America... We shut that down we'll be handing S. America to China and guess what, lifestyles here gonna change BIG to even think of competing.

Message 29 of 33
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Re: Waste of time...

@toomuchstuffagain35 wrote:

I really wish ebay had a 'dent & ding' category where you could sell stuff that was 'okay but with issues' and it be all sales final because the buyer fully understands what they're buying.

I sell lots of that kind of stuff. I make it very clear in the title, description and photos that the item isn't 100% perfect and has a small flaw or two and I've never had a single buyer complaint.

Message 30 of 33
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