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WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise


Customer files claims item not received. Tracking was already posted but I include it in the claim response again. Then follow up with sending claim down the line to be kicked out in my favor or so I thought. 


I instead get this from ebay, "I understand that you have shipped the item however the buyer claim they did not received it. I’m sorry to hear that transaction did not go as expected. My name is Jacqueline from eBay and I am happy to assist you further.

Upon checking the tracking number; I can see that it shows delivered, however it does not specify which specific address the item was delivered. To allow us to proceed with your case, I would like to ask that you provide a proof of postage or the receipt of shipment that matches the buyers address showing on their View order details."


Pretty **bleep** sure that this is not even possible! Ever. 


I suspect that this does stem from me having to physically purchase this postage instead of using eBay system as it routinely decides it won't work for a day. But even so, tracking was uploaded that day. Where is this my fault? Why doesn't the buyer have to do a thing but make claims. Facts side with the seller, how hard is it to ask the buyer to open a claim with USPS. Prove the item wasn't delivered per tracking received. Nope, screw the seller, screw the seller. 



Message 1 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

If you printed out your shipping label from ebay.

If you uploaded your tracking information that shows the item was delivered.

This would not have happened to you.


Good luck and stay safe. 

Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra
Message 2 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

Thats about as helpful as, "If buyer would have found the package". 


I mailed to the buyers address and uploaded tracking promptly. If thats not good enough then dont allow it for f sakes. 

Message 3 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

One question, if I find the label in "shipping labels" in the eBay utility,. Does that mean I did print this one from ebay? Cause I couldn't find my receipt for this one. In the end I tried to argue the audacity of printed address on reciepts to no avail. 

But I just looked and it is under shipping labelsin the ebay utility.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

Why would the buyer contact the carrier? It is up to the seller to see that delivery is made, and if not, and the item is insured, the seller contacts the post office and files the claim. Shipping insurance is for the seller, not the buyer.


That said, once tracking shows delivery, the seller should win the Item Not Received case. But the seller has to input the tracking number manually into the case notes to prove delivery. It sounds like you did that. From the note eBay sent you, they are questioning whether the address you mailed it to was indeed the buyer's correct address, and they are asking for proof of where the item was sent.  The PO can provide a POD (Proof of Delivery) to you. It is an e-mailed response letter containing the delivery information, which is the recipient's name, the tracking number, and the printed name and address. If you acquire this, that should satisfy eBay and get the case closed in your favor. Here is the link on how to request the POD:


Also, if it is too late and the case closed in the buyer's favor, appeal the decision and include the POD as additional evidence. Below is the link on how to appeal eBay's ruling. You have 30 days to do so, if applicable. Good luck.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise



Well, its confirmed, was eBays problem and fault here all along. eBay's error or glitch caused them to then error on their own decision to award the buyer my money. Here is the emails from me to them, them to me and my final parting of ways.


Spoiler Alert - This all just got a lot more eBay than it already was.  


-----------Me to ebay-

Subject: Appealing a decision as a seller

I recently lost a claim to item not recieved.
Tracking was uploaded previous to claim. I then added it again in the claim and kicked it to Customer Service expecting it to be quickly ruled in my favor. It was not.
Instead I was asked to provide receipt of mailing label with buyer's address on it.
That request I am ashamed to say made me think I purchased this label outside of ebay. So I searched and searched attempting to at least find the receipt but couldnt. I went to the post office asking for their opinion. They stated this wasn't a request they could fulfill. They simply don't place the address on receipts.
Now after the claim was awarded to the buyer I still have been tossing my office trying to find a suitable conclusion for myself.

As I've literally torn this place apart I've at least found the answerable conclusion and that is the label was in fact printed using eBays own system. The system within eBay that is supposed to automate and protect me from this very thing from happening, no?"


-------Ebay response to me
Thank you for contacting eBay regarding the item number ---------- that you sold. I am sorry to hear that the transaction didn't go smoothly as expected. My name is Janessa from eBay and We appreciate you in exerting your time and effort in bringing this matter to our attention. Please allow me to assist you further.
I understand that you ship the item on time. We can see that you have an outstanding issue on your account that needs to be resolved.Please refer to the emails you’ve received in relation to this.Until this issue is resolved we can’t take any further action on your behalf in this case.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward on checking our guidance to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing eBay as your online marketplace and have a great day!


So this response made me see red literally. I still dont know what exactly they are referencing as its vague. But I believe its due to a temporary hold I had which was lifted. It pertained to tracking numbers or lack there of on some sales I had where as in the description I stated to buyers there was no tracking unless they paid extra. At the time I think it was like 25 sales where I didnt have tracking. Ebay requested a blanket all sales needed tracking uploaded. So maybe it wasnt resolved I dont really know or cared to know. In total the sales accounted for less than 20% of total sales. All of them were explicit in the facts of not sending by way of tracking due to the cost being prohibitive on $5 items as they were. 


-------------------So here is my I see red and my final outtie to eBay-

I have no idea what you are talking about nor do I understand how any separate issue would, should, or could preclude you from rectifying an issue caused by eBay in the first place.

But let me try to put this into context for myself and eBay since this likely is the last we will hear from one another.

The start of this began with an issue in eBay's programming. This issue/glitch goes unnoticed by eBay. The issue then is made more relevant by influencing a final outcome to a customer dispute in error. Something that now a live eBay representative has had the opportunity to identify and fix before the error caused damage but fails as well. These continued failures now have caused me damages in the forceful withdraw of money in error from my account. I identify the issue related to this error. Attempt to get the error rectified as well as alert to a software or programming issue that may be causing issues elsewhere. I use the only channel available to me….


And what does eBay do?

Not fix their error of course

They instead double down on their disgustingly awful decision making by

1. Punishing me for the very act of asking for help. Because everyone knows Customer Service always just HAS to do something to remind us that asking them for assistance is a bad idea. I’m not sure what brilliant mind decided this and under what idiotic methodology allows it to remain policy. That doesn't matter as the fact is whether written in stone or operationally used enough that sets it there it is there without question. To that customer service removes a listing and gave a warning of a ban on it. Which might make sense if the listing was even live. Which that being the important and ridiculous part of it. I had no sales whatsoever, nothing was active. But that doesn't stop the machine's message, it can't, nothing can I guess.

2. Further more eBay decides that is still insufficient punishment. On plate next is the refusal to fix the problems here altogether. You just abstain, punt, dodge what have you from any such responsibility by attaching some unrelated issue over it all. Made worse again by your attempts at being elusive to what you say precludes you from action. Obviously making it difficult if not completely impossible to ascertain to a definitive answer without more specificity.

There is nothing else needed to properly identify your actions here purely and plainly as EXTORTION.

It is difficult more me here to properly describe my opinion of eBays actions here. A spoiled brat that thinks they have nothing to account for their actions is a start.  But this entitlement goes on to so much more it becomes surreal to try to think how and why a group of people running a business like eBay ever got in their positions with policies that made what came to be here today. All that **bleep** may work on those people around here that rely on this as income. I feel sorry for them!!!  I however sell on the side and can go with or without this extortion bull**bleep** from eBay. Not to mention all the daily items that continue to plague me over and over just like this. It all effectively sends home the eternal message and agenda-driven from eBay employees on to that of their selling base… We are **bleep** and should be thankful to eat the **bleep** sandwich when you serve it.

This was is my last straw. There are simply more than enough competitors to eBay that I can do this without the inexcusable headache that eBay brings to me daily.

In my parting of ways, I will honor eBay by serving their own lessons taught by them back to them.. In that I have a bill coming due. As eBay has unilaterally decided they will forego responsibility for their errors, billing corrections, and seemingly anything in relation to how a responsible party should act let alone a company the size of eBay. I will also in lou of what should be considered a separate issue. Link this appeal refusal which remains unresolved with my bill payment coming due which is now unfortunately unresolved as well. So that is to say I can not in good conscience look at one issue until another is resolved first.

But I will spread the word about this garbage  $%*&*%# extortion that you’ve placed over my account.

My bill is on you eBay…. Good bye, I wont be back.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

"Why would the buyer contact the carrier? It is up to the seller to see that delivery is made, and if not, and the item is insured, the seller contacts the post office and files the claim. Shipping insurance is for the seller, not the buyer."


Well because an independent 3rd party has validated the seller's claims of shipment. Thus far the buyer has only their word. As such I think the buyer needs to provide some burden of proof beyond words to continue an effective claim. If we are talking relative fairness. But tis eBay of course so I understand we are not. 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

You sure about this?

Message 8 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

WHAATTT????  Any time I have had a buyer file an INR and the tracking shows it was delivered, I have called eBay and addressed that issue, and they have confirmed, yes the item shows it was delivered, and they close the case in my favor (that is the ONLY backing I have know sellers to have on here)


If you sent it to the address provided by the buyer and it shows "delivered" you should be at no fault..


I am dumbfounded by this.... that was the last hope I held on to for eBay having the seller's back.


If you haven't called... can't hurt.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

Interesting.  That POD is the only way you could answer their demand.  If you mailed over the counter at the post office, you get a receipt - I usually have it emailed and printed - that only contains city, state and zip code. 

What eBay is on to is there is a scam where packages are sent to a random address in the buyer's zip code to try to defeat an INR by the buyer, who also can't do a not-as-described because they have nothing to return.  So they want some sort of proof you sent it to this person.  The problem of course is not many people know about that Proof Of Delivery from the post office, so it would be hard to defend against their demands. 

Tracking has been included on USPS packages for a long time now, even first class if mailed with a label or at the counter as a parcel gets tracking, so not sure what that's about.  No sane seller would ship without it since they lose an INR without it. 

Message 10 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

I used eBay's own service for printing mailing slip. So the need for POD should not have arrisen. Right? 


As for sane selling without tracking I was selling items below $10 that could be sent with a stamp. I knew the risk of INR cases and automatic loss they would be and accepted it as the cost of doing business selling those items. My customer were largely fine with it. Those that werent were refunded. 


separately all those issue are a problem but put them together one after another 


eBays glitch causes issues

eBay representative errors in ruling cause monetary loss

Appeal is believed one based on the identification of eBays glitch

eBay decides not to follow through on claim/appeal they themselves cause siting other issues unlrelated

Unrelated issues are specalative since eBay offers no specificty


Just so mind boggling


Message 11 of 12
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Re: WTH eBay sides with item not recieved - even with tracking proves otherwise

I probably should have called but I was so mad that the damage is done. eBay can hardly manage to stomach sellers asking for anything. My response to them is my resignation from this place. It was just a side gig that I did out of boredom. I think I brought in $9,000 in sales is all this year. So I'll find a new hobby or just run the other marketplaces. 

Message 12 of 12
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