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WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

You can say what you want but all I know as a 20 year inmate here is that eBay isn't performing at all like it was 3-4 months ago.

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 1 of 101
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100 REPLIES 100

Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@popeye3165 wrote:

I was stating a fact

I believe it is not a fact.  That is, eBay is not broken.   (Granted, it isn't performing wonderfully and needs improvement in many areas).


... you are the one who labeled it "complaining" which many psychologists claim can be GOOD for folks not bad.


Since it is almost the 4th of July would you say the Founding Fathers of America were NOT complainers? How about the Civil Rights Movement or Women's Liberation Movement were they NOT complainers?


You are describing "activists" ... people who see a problem and pour themselves into getting it corrected, even to the point of giving their lives.


But, you are right, complainer is not the best word.  I guess I should have used the word "blamer" ... that's a person who sees problems and expects someone else to fix it ... there's a lot of blaming of eBay on these boards without any activism.


There could be activism (and I'm not talking lawyers or boycotts) where we work together more to strategize on how to improve our sales, shared what was working, and shared efficiencies.

Message 46 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

I understand your frustration but CD and DVD sales will most likely continue to slow as time goes on.  Are you trying different venues to sell? 

Message 47 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me



Some of the above advice for popeye’s listings aside, I agree with you.


And I’m utterly sick of the whining and bellyaching a core of sellers do on this board.


I have a great deal of respect for you - so, what do we do?


What realistic pressure do we put on the site? How do we encourage news coverage? What might entice an influx of new buyers? How do we get a large and visible and vocal core of sellers to cooperate and formulate a targeted effort or campaign that could bear fruit?


Because I see two seriously deadly problems:


1. Search is a broken mess. A joke.


2. Between online competition, a failure to advertise, and growing irrelevance, EBay is failing to retain seasoned buyers and attract new ones.





Message 48 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@parkersparrow wrote:

I understand your frustration but CD and DVD sales will most likely continue to slow as time goes on.  Are you trying different venues to sell? 

Parker I have already mentioned this in this post, I was doing pretty well selling DVDs and Blu-rays (I never said CDs) until the GTC change and the fee increase in that category then my sales total FLAT LINED.


I do use other venues and they are performing far better than eBay at this time. This just further illustrates why sellers SHOULD definitely spread their eggs out in multiple baskets because if eBay was my ONLY SELLING VENUE I would be in trouble right now.

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 49 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

Sorry I just mentioned cds because to me they are in the same boat less and less people need or want them.Maybe some dvds/blue rays sell better than other I don't know. I did see that you said you were doing well with the dvds before the GTC.  I have not doubts ebay is not what it once was for all the points already stated by many others. My main point is your original post you were saying you had no sales in June but since it seems all you have up right now is the Mermaid prints that don't seem to be so popular for you. So I don't get what GTC has to do with it?

Message 50 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@orangehound wrote:

@popeye3165 wrote:

I was stating a fact

I believe it is not a fact.  That is, eBay is not broken.   (Granted, it isn't performing wonderfully and needs improvement in many areas).

Clever cut and paste. The fact I was referring to was that my sales have FLAT LINED over the last 3-4 months since the GTC change which is absolutely true I'm sorry you don't want to hear the truth few people do anymore.

... you are the one who labeled it "complaining" which many psychologists claim can be GOOD for folks not bad.

Since it is almost the 4th of July would you say the Founding Fathers of America were NOT complainers? How about the Civil Rights Movement or Women's Liberation Movement were they NOT complainers?

You are describing "activists" ... people who see a problem and pour themselves into getting it corrected, even to the point of giving their lives.

Activism consists of efforts to promote, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society was I wrong?


But, you are right, complainer is not the best word.  I guess I should have used the word "blamer" ... that's a person who sees problems and expects someone else to fix it ... there's a lot of blaming of eBay on these boards without any activism.

Not the best word because I pointed out many psychologists claim complaining can be GOOD for folks not bad?

So now your going to label me as a "blamer" instead not a fellow seller...alrighty then.


There could be activism (and I'm not talking lawyers or boycotts) where we work together more to strategize on how to improve our sales, shared what was working, and shared efficiencies.

Sorry I disagree since the eBay cheerleaders will never allow that to happen this thread is a perfect example of that. All I did was state my decline in sales over the last 3-4 months and say eBay's changes had something to do with it and look at the responses I got. Come on this isn't new I have seen it for MANY years the eBay cheerleaders come down on anyone that complains about lack of sales or eBay policies you even have a cute nickname for these folks you call them the "blues".

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 51 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@popeye3165 wrote:

You can say what you want but all I know as a 20 year inmate here is that eBay isn't performing at all like it was 3-4 months ago.

There are only so many buyers for this kind of stuff.  Perhaps in these hot summer months they gravitate towards wolf plates?

Message 52 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@orangehound wrote:

First, thanks for all that ... if I may make a few observations ...


EBay's GMV is plummeting.

I'll assume this is hyperbole.  But, it isn't true ... eBay's GMV is experiencing flat growth.  It might be "plummeting" at the end of Q2, but not right through Q1.  It is also very much under-performing.  GMV growth of Amazon is something like 15%, and Walmart and Target and others are 20-30% ... eBay is barely the same as last year, which is an embarrassment.


Not according to eBay's own data on their report. Check attached image. Column on the right.
This is in addition to eBay's stock report which also admit to GMV dropping.


The search is directly limiting people and spreading the wealth to those with low metrics. This is a fact

Yes this is a fact, but it is nothing new.  eBay has been doing this for a very long time.  eBay does not let the seller with the best prices/service/products get all the business ... they intentionally manipulate the platform to spread the sales out among sellers, even the little guys.


It's new that they are guiding to people with lower metrics. It had not even begin that until October. And it has became more prevalent since the Spring update, ironically when they claimed they would be punishing dropshippers who don't match the zip code, etc. And it has accelerated to a point that is unprecedented for those at the top of categories, where the top 10 market share is more than 1/3 less than it was in the past.. 


There's a severe problem right now. It's been downhill since Jan 2018. The trend took a tremendous downhill slope around 2 months ago. 

I know things changed dramatically toward the end of the first quarter in 2018, but I haven't noticed anything different this year.  My observation has been that eBay is using inventory-wide seller click-through rates and conversion rates to increase or decrease seller sales velocity ... I have this opinion simply because (a) as I've been able to get these number higher (through dumping product dogs, relisting, etc), overall sales performance has gone up; and (b) as I let one account go to fallow, these rates dropped and the account sales stalled, even though there was plenty of good and desirable products.


I consider you lucky then that you haven't experienced these issues. Nothing we do has stopped the drop, we've had category managers for Motors assess our account, they say metrics look excellent and they can't see anything wrong and "wish they had more information for us". Once again we're in a place where they can't explain the problem, and there's no department that exists to help this type of problem. Ironically, we were instructed to "Check the community forum for help". 


Honestly, anyone saying this is normal, seasonal, because of competition, and so on, is not facing reality.

So, I tested this statement.  I am pretty sure I need a 2012 Honda Odyssey coil (still testing).

  • Your price for a non-OEM is 23.75.
  • I see an OEM for 24.95 (I don't trust the seller is telling the truth about OEM, however)
  • I see a non-OEM for $15.82, one for $16.09, one for $18.00 and another one for $22.97
  • I see a non-OEM on Amazon for $20.16 ... the same one is here on eBay at $18.

I know it is only one data point, and it is probably silly of me to even write this, but I wouldn't buy at your price.  I would likely buy the one I highlighted, or the one on Amazon, because named brands give me a false sense of quality.   Your price is not competitive for the low-priced-seeking buyers of eBay.


Ignition Coils are not our primary category that we're most competitive in (engine mounts are).

Furthermore, Ignition Coils do not sell in single often, hence different prices. Odyssey requires 6 ignition coils. Our kit of 6 is $98, the seller you linked is $104.76 even if we add on their promotional discount. Their set of 6 is actually higher cost ($112.76) than if you bought them single.


Anyway, I applaud you for actually looking up information. But as you can see we are priced competitively.


@coolections wrote:

Shhhh… please don't tell him that. It has to be Ebay as he is the #1 seller. His items are hidden by the way.

We're not the #1 seller of Ignition Coils. And further research shows that we are competitively priced as listed above. And you have personally been in topics with evidence of items not appearing. 

It would be helpful if you actually addressed the things you've seen rather than ignore them. But that would make it harder to continue the abusive pattern of blaming things on sellers while you pretend as if you know sellers markets better than they do. 

Message 53 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@parkersparrow wrote:

Sorry I just mentioned cds because to me they are in the same boat less and less people need or want them.Maybe some dvds/blue rays sell better than other I don't know. I did see that you said you were doing well with the dvds before the GTC.  I have not doubts ebay is not what it once was for all the points already stated by many others. My main point is your original post you were saying you had no sales in June but since it seems all you have up right now is the Mermaid prints that don't seem to be so popular for you. So I don't get what GTC has to do with it?

No sales in June was just part of my title this is what the REST of the post said "You can say what you want but all I know as a 20 year inmate here is that eBay isn't performing at all like it was 3-4 months ago." which you concur with " I have not doubts ebay is not what it once was for all the points already stated by many others."

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 54 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@kim_y_buran wrote:

@popeye3165 wrote:

You can say what you want but all I know as a 20 year inmate here is that eBay isn't performing at all like it was 3-4 months ago.

There are only so many buyers for this kind of stuff.  Perhaps in these hot summer months they gravitate towards wolf plates?

Perhaps I should try some Christmas decor

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 55 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

Its ebay's grouping everything together that's putting the nail in the coffin for Blu-Ray's and DVD's. Why on earth people think these items don't sell is beyond me. They definitely do sell, but ebay is intentionally trying to force sellers to drop their prices or lose 100% of their sales if they dont.


A lot of sellers are making things worse by caving into ebay's demands  to "Lower the price to make the sale."

ebay wants sellers to sell everything for pennys on the dollar. Then they mark your items as "Underperforming", then bury them in search results so no one can find them, because its "Not the price ebay wants you to sell it for."


Meanwhile, I'm seeing sellers selling games for less than what it costs to sell and ship them. $4.95 and free shipping, when it costs $5 between FVF and shipping costs so sell a single game. They are losing money on every transaction.


One trending price ebay recommended while I was making a DVD listing recently was $2.95 with free shipping. lol, and what's the point of listing anything for sale with an intentional loss?


The really sad part about all of this is the fact sellers are so willing to cave into ebay's demands.











Message 56 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

I also think you should still sell Blu-Ray's. You should just get pickier about how much you pay for them wholesale. Good deals on Blu-Ray lots do pop up all the time here, its just a matter of getting to them before someone else does.


I'm still selling Blu-Ray's now, and plan to continue doing so. I just wont pay more than a buck or so a piece for them wholesale.



Message 57 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@gamersbaystore wrote:

I also think you should still sell Blu-Ray's. You should just get pickier about how much you pay for them wholesale. Good deals on Blu-Ray lots do pop up all the time here, its just a matter of getting to them before someone else does.


I'm still selling Blu-Ray's now, and plan to continue doing so. I just wont pay more than a buck or so a piece for them wholesale.

I tried but the sales just continually fell off until I reached ZERO sales in June. I had the lowest price on eBay with best offer yet ZERO sales. I'm beginning to think eBay wants me to open a store.

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 58 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

@gamersbaystore wrote:

Its ebay's grouping everything together that's putting the nail in the coffin for Blu-Ray's and DVD's. ebay is intentionally trying to force sellers to drop their prices or lose 100% of their sales if they dont.


Ebay is not making you drop your prices. They are telling you no one wants to pay the prices you're are asking and others sellers are running circles around you and they are very happy. Check sold listings. Sorry if you either paid too much for resale, or are just asking for more than you should but it is not eBay's problem.

Message 59 of 101
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Re: WOW eBay is BROKEN no sales for the month of June for me

Well said!
Message 60 of 101
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