03-03-2022 03:37 PM
It seems that every time the ebay programmers 'improve' something......it gets worse!! The one thing I take the most pride in, is that in my 25 years on ebay......I HAVE NEVER - EVER FAILED TO GET ANY OF MY SHIPMENTS TO THE POST OFFICE ON THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY.....MOST TIMES I SHIP ON THE SAME BUSINESS DAY! 25 YEARS........NEVER-EVER LATE!
I have gone to the Post Office, seven miles away, whenever I got a last minute shipment and my mail had already been picked up, I have gone when I was really ill, I have gone during snow and ice storms.....ALWAYS SHIPPED ON TIME!!
I know this programmer guy does not blame me for the USPS scanning late!!! That would be totally stupid, but then again, three years ago I was made to pay for a lost shipment THAT WAS SCANNED BY THE USPS IN FOUR CITIES!!! Common Sense rules that any loss is on their part and should be paid by ebay's 'Seller Protection'......but there is no ebay seller or buyer protection really. In this case I PAID BY REIMBURSING THE ITEM!! So I guess the Sellers provide the protection....maybe the buyers should be told that!
ANYWAY....I still love buying and selling on ebay.....there's no other platform out there that draws such an audience and I'll probably be on it forever.......IT'S JUST THAT LATELY, ALL THE GREAT IMPROVEMENTS....TURN OUT TO BE ADDED AGGRAVATION.......I can even find the good ole 'Monthly Sales Report' this year.....maybe I should have been an accountant so I can understand the new stuff??
That's it....this RANT is done. Back to listing & promoting!
03-03-2022 03:42 PM
Scans 'along the way' mean really nothing. There are 2 scans that matter.
In fact, USPS has always stated that their 'tracking' is not real time (vs UPS, supposedly)
Last- if you go to the post office, they should scan at the time you hand them the items and get a reciept.
03-03-2022 03:52 PM
Several problems.....you missed the point.....if the post office scans it in ANYWHERE along the way.....THEY HAVE THE ITEM!! And secondly, I live in a very rural area.....our post office is only opened until 11:00 a.m., mail pick up (which most of my mail goes by) is at 10:30 a.m., so making the trip to the post office which has a single clerk who is usually waiting on people, doesn't scan until she can get to it....usually when the doors are closed. The 'Uploaded and mailed on time' fiasco is penalizing the seller for something he has no control of!! That's the point! I have been a Postal Vendor since 2009, so I know postal procedure and what 'Received' and 'Delivered' scans are.......BUT AS A SELLER WHO HAS TURNED THE SHIPMENT OVER TO THE USPS OR THAT HAS BEEN PICKED-UP BY THEM....THEIR FAILURE TO SCAN OR SCAN LATER IN THE DELIVERY ROUTE....IS THEIR FAULT, NOT MINE.....BY OBLIGATION SHOULD BE DONE UPON PICK-UP OR DROP OFF! Common sense.
03-03-2022 03:57 PM - edited 03-03-2022 03:58 PM
There are LOTS & LOTS of scanning issues & more new ones in the last 3 days when they implemented a new procedure of only allowing 5 scans at pickup, none of it matters. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting an on time ACCEPTANCE SCAN. Yes, it totally sucks b/c we shouldn't be held accountable for PO's doing their job poorly. But, we are. So, if your account matters to you, you do what you have to do to make it happen.
Been this way for years now.
ETA: If your PO has APC's, you can do it yourself there & those count.
03-03-2022 04:01 PM
Common sense says a buyer buys something for $100 and you ship it, It's YOUR responsibility that he gets it. If not, you are on the hook.
Again, is like that at most venues and most places that you purchase something that ships.
If it was your way, if you buy a $1500 item from Home Depot and they show tracking at various points and then just stops- you are supposed to be out $1500?? HD will cover it if tracking does not show it's delivered.
03-03-2022 04:12 PM
This whole thing confuses me. Last year I was debating on whether or not go for Top Rated Plus. Decided not to because the 3 day buffer meant more to me than a small discount. Unless I misinterpreted things or wasn't clear enough, eBay chat says the tracking being uploaded is what they go by. But everyone else here says otherwise.
But, I have also had more than a few packages take over a week to show an update that it's in a different state. No initial scan. And I have not been dinged. Uploaded on time is good. So I don't really know who is right or wrong.
Chat from a little over a year ago:
06:25:48 UTC ***me***
I normally am able to get stuff out same or next day so am tempted to change my handling time to one day to get the Top Rated Plus fee discount...but the Post Office updates with package tracking is variable. Even when I see them scan it, the tracking
06:26:28 UTC ***me***
sometimes doesn't update for a few days...sometimes until it hits the final leg of the destination...will that affect metrics or is there something in place on eBays end that sort of accounts for that?
06:26:57 UTC ***me***
Or is it based on when you buy the label?
06:28:13 UTC Katrina
Good question, the basis will be as to when the tracking number is provided on site.
06:29:11 UTC ***me***
So bear with me, just want to verify...
06:29:15 UTC ***me***
my handling time is one day...someone buys something and I immediately buy the label and tracking is added to the site....
06:30:05 UTC ***me***
Post Office picks it up that day and let's say a week later it shows delivered, no updates inbetween me buying the label that adds tracking to the order...
06:30:25 UTC ***me***
According to eBay...everything is good. I met my 1 day handling time obligation, got the discount, etc.?
06:32:21 UTC Katrina
I appreciate you providing a specific example, you are correct. Regardless if there was no update, as long as it was scanned by USPS the same day you uploaded the tracking details. Your selling performance won't be affected.
06:33:59 UTC ***me***
well that's what I'm getting at...it may or not have been scanned by them...the label was purchase and tracking was added...but their system may or may not have updated anything on their end until the final leg a week or more later or it just shows
06:34:01 UTC ***me***
06:34:24 UTC Katrina
As long as you are able to provide the tracking details within your handling time, that should be fine.
06:34:31 UTC ***me***
is it based on the tracking added or them actually scanning it and the USPS system getting updated?
06:34:36 UTC ***me***
06:35:10 UTC ***me***
OK, cool. Will give it a shot then...thank you.
06:36:56 UTC Katrina
Please make sure that the package was dropped off the same day the label was purchased. We completely understand there are certain circumstances where USPS fails to scan the package the same day, but as long as we have done our part. We should be fine.
06:37:21 UTC ***me***
06:37:52 UTC Katrina
Any clarification or follow up question you have so far regarding your selling fees and or performance?
03-03-2022 05:13 PM
@the_purveyor_of_needful_things wrote:It seems that every time the ebay programmers 'improve' something......it gets worse!! The one thing I take the most pride in, is that in my 25 years on ebay......I HAVE NEVER - EVER FAILED TO GET ANY OF MY SHIPMENTS TO THE POST OFFICE ON THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY.....MOST TIMES I SHIP ON THE SAME BUSINESS DAY! 25 YEARS........NEVER-EVER LATE!
Except eBay has no way of knowing that you shipped them on time if there is no scan proving this, so I'm not sure what you're expecting. They can only go off the hard data. If something doesn't get a scan for three days, how do they know that you actually shipped it three days earlier?
03-03-2022 05:37 PM - edited 03-03-2022 05:37 PM
Wait for someone who's more of a policy nerd than me (& who has more patience to read your entire chat log), but I *believe* one matters for 1 of the metrics, the other for the second metric.
There are 2 different metrics on your Dashboard, 1 is Tracking Uploaded On Time & Validated, the other is Late Shipment Rate. One of them is tied right into the USPS system, which makes it hard to get fixed too, like when a buyer asks you to wait to ship. I just had 1 of those, called Ebay, they fixed the Late Shipment Rate immediately, but 1 1/2 weeks later, I'm still waiting for Tracking Uploaded to be 'fixed', so I think that's the one that's tied into the USPS & I will probably have to call Ebay again on it.
03-03-2022 05:45 PM
@the_purveyor_of_needful_things wrote:Common Sense rules that any loss is on their part and should be paid by ebay's 'Seller Protection'....
That's it....this RANT is done.
No need for a rant as everything is fine. You only need to show you mailed it and it arrived. There is no way Ebay should pay for any post office mistake. I don't understand why your think Ebay should. You seemed confused about seller protection.