06-18-2018 09:45 AM
I am an infrequesnt seller. I recently put a few items on for sale and I noticed that after about the first day I can no longer see the number of views for each item. I can see the watchers but not the number of views, Is this a setting?
06-21-2018 08:49 AM
Been experiencing this "glitch" on and off for the past 2.5 weeks.
Giving this thread a bump in hopes eBay tech notices it remains a problem.
06-21-2018 08:58 AM
yup same here, went away for about a month now the MONSTER is back out of it's cage. It's sickening and maddening, ALL the glitches lately, Very Poor for a company this size. and that is being KIND!
06-23-2018 01:40 PM
Annoying problem to be sure.
And yet, several of my extended family
who also sell here on eBay have not had
a single problem with views. I even witnessed
this on their PC's.
Without being able to see accurate, timely views
information, there's no reason for me/us to EVER
reduce any of our prices on the 17,000 plus items
we offer. When we can see there have been very few
watchers on a particular item, that's the time we
consider lowering the price.
Let's do our utmost to get this issue fixed. Permanently.
06-26-2018 12:27 PM
Still a major issue as of this morning.
06-27-2018 10:16 PM
06-27-2018 10:34 PM
I don't think is a glitch, the same way they made impossible for sellers to see buyers email addresses you cannot see the viewers count either......guess is not to create a big alarm for the sellers because...WAY LESS PEOPLE are visiting you if you have not bent over to the new rules.
My sales are down 90% in the last 3 months, guess I am being punished for not offering free returns on NIB items, even that in many cases I get those &h!t buyers doing blackmail with feedbacks. I just had a guy that returned a UN OPPENED package because he thinks will not work for him or "HE CHANGED HIS MIND" and I had to put down over $100 in shipping losses to keep this piece of &**** happy