06-18-2018 09:45 AM
I am an infrequesnt seller. I recently put a few items on for sale and I noticed that after about the first day I can no longer see the number of views for each item. I can see the watchers but not the number of views, Is this a setting?
06-18-2018 10:02 AM - edited 06-18-2018 10:04 AM
Not a setting, its a glitch. Been happening for a while now.
I see 3 listings, I clicked on all three for you.
06-18-2018 10:18 AM
As mentioned, a glitch. Click on "active", then "all selling" and it will return to normal.
06-18-2018 12:17 PM
Thanks for the help but I could not get it to work.
06-18-2018 01:43 PM
As others have stated, it is a glitch. I am getting it here off and on for the last week. Nothing I can do to get it right. One time I sign it there will be views, the next time, no views. Really annoying.
It is happening in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer for me so not the browser.
06-18-2018 02:23 PM
yup it's another glitch - as ebay shows me -0- I simply remove that product from ebay - no point in listing items that don't even get 1 single view. almost have everything delisted into storage. If the glitches ever get fixed or the sky falls in I'll bring them back - meanwhile gearing up for a huge vacation - I need one - going to go somewhere where it might be cold.
06-18-2018 04:13 PM
Mine came back briefly but they are gone again. I really like to see the views as it helps me if I need to modify my listing. Thanks for the help - at least I know it is happening to others.
06-18-2018 06:09 PM
I have a listing with 5 watchers, 1 bid and 0 views. So just another glitch
06-18-2018 06:47 PM
This is profoundly annoying. Why pay a 10% Seller’s fee with fixable glitches like this?! Comical.
06-18-2018 07:25 PM
06-18-2018 08:25 PM
Only on ebay...Glitches are one thing, but for a company this size it amazes me how slow their tech guys are to react. magicjohnsonsvariety - unquote --------------------------
Third world customer service reps and third world tech employee's . It may be saving e bay millions of dollars in sending out smaller paychecks but it tends to give their sellers second rate service . tulips
06-18-2018 08:28 PM
Not a setting, its a glitch. Been happening for a while now. dougsue - unquote ------------
At first I thought it was another new bright idea to assist sellers . I was all ready to just roll with the punches . tulips
06-18-2018 08:29 PM
I am having the same problem. Where it says views, I see -- instead of a number.
06-18-2018 08:32 PM
. I can see the watchers but not the number of views, Is this a setting? 740miket
Seems to be happening all over . I listed 6 new items a few hours ago ,, not one view on any of them . tulips
06-18-2018 09:02 PM
@turquoisetulips wrote:Only on ebay...Glitches are one thing, but for a company this size it amazes me how slow their tech guys are to react. magicjohnsonsvariety - unquote --------------------------
Third world customer service reps and third world tech employee's . It may be saving e bay millions of dollars in sending out smaller paychecks but it tends to give their sellers second rate service . tulips
You're just being generous. I was thinking ebay's tech employees come from 4th world countries....you know, Uncharted places on earth without electricity no one knows about, like Gilligan's island.