07-25-2023 01:10 PM
Hello! I've got a package that I shipped on May 8th with a value of $895. I bought insurance through USPS for the full amount as well as signature required. The PO attempted delivery on May 11 but there was not an authorized signer so they left notice. It went back to the PO and then for some reason was transferred to another facility never to be scanned again. It is lost. So I'm trying to get USPS to pay me the insurance amount of $895 but they have denied the first claim as well as my subsequent appeal. The reason they are giving is "insufficent evidence of value." I previously submitted and order receipt from my EBay orders but I think what it is missing is the payment method. I found a previous thread that showed how to go into your account and print an Order Receipt. This does add the info that payment was received on May 8, but under "paid with" it just shows --. I'm assuming that USPS will not accept this. How do I show that EBay is now the payment processor? I think they are basing their requirements of documentation on the fact that payments previously went through PayPal and therefore the Order Receipt would list PayPay under the "paid with."
Also...not sure if this is related...but when I look up my claim history on my USPS account, it shows the amount I requested in pounds rather than dollars. Could this be the reason for the denial? Because pounds and dollars have different values? I have no idea how pounds got involved at all. This was a transaction in the U.S.
08-11-2023 12:44 PM
I am going thru the same thing with USPS insurance, I sent in screen shots of every document and PDF possible and was denied . 10 screenshots. Denied for Insufficient Evidence of value. My screen shots included the page where I was paid, my buyer, paid and other info related to this transaction. Ebay should provide a page that has all this info. I am going to also have to change insurance on my postage. This is crazy to lose money like this only, because Ebay does not provide the info that we need.
08-11-2023 12:47 PM
USPS is notorious for denial. No matter if you are 1000% correct and have all the documentation, they will deny you. That has been going on for a few years. Avoid buying insurance from USPS if you want to cover your possible loss.
08-11-2023 01:41 PM
USPS has changed what they accept. I sent in screen shots PDFs of every piece of this transaction. 10 total. I have done this before. I just got a denial letter back the same way. It is defined in the denial letter and a reference to their USPS manual. 609.3.2. I sent in the pictures of my item sold with the price. From several different from the Ebay transactions for this order.. I sent in the Packing slip with my store and all info. buyer/ seller price. I sent in how much I was paid by Ebay. Everything is denied. As far as I am concerned, USPS insurance is worthless used on Ebay packages. It doesn't matter if it is FREE $50 or $100 for Top Rated, it is worthless. I will be changing things on shipping at my store.
08-11-2023 03:10 PM
I custom make all of my items, the value is what I sell them for to a buyer. My items that I sell are not bought and resold to have a sales receipt for. My items are not like what others sell to have a value for. I have sent in 10 screen shots with what I sold to my buyer, Screen shots include the photos of the items, with the price. Screen shots of the Packing slip with my Ebay store name, buyer/ seller/ price. Addresses. After all of these USPS changes, I would say that the USPS insurance is worthless for me on Ebay packages. USPS is denying my claims, because I cannot prove the value of the items that I custom make. A big share of the value is my labor. How am I supposed to prove a value on custom orders that I make and sell?
08-11-2023 05:36 PM
same story here. you need to send a copy of the actual payment not a copy of the invoice. post office also denied most of my claims. if i conducted my business like the po i would be in prison for mail fraud.