01-21-2025 02:56 AM - edited 01-21-2025 02:57 AM
I shipped out 2 items on Jan. 6th, destination mid west (AK & IA). I am receiving the above forementioned notice on the tracking.
Just wondering, is the mid west still affected by bad weather?
01-21-2025 03:33 AM
You know you can check the local weather and also the area where the parcels are stuck via google. If no movement, suggest you send message to carrier checking where is your parcel and see if it un stuck and it starts moving.
01-21-2025 03:36 AM
Not only have there been regional weather delays this month but also three postal holidays.
I currently have two packages overdue to southern states, both of which showed weather exceptions in the tracking updates.
01-21-2025 05:58 AM
The wind chills in Minnesota alone are in the double negative digits.
If the wind chill is too cold, many vehicles (including those little mail delivery trucks) can't start.
And, of course, three postal holidays in January don't help, either.
01-21-2025 08:04 AM
Based on the last news reports I saw yes they are. You can also check the USPS service alerts page.
01-21-2025 08:16 AM
Yes, the midwest is still affected by the weather.
I live in the Kansas City metro area.
When the January 5th record-breaking snow storm was predicted, I put my store on "Away," and specified I'd be back on Jan. 11. I was able to get out and about on the 8th, and was feeling successful, having gotten packages shipped earlier, on that date.
I've come to regret it.
The packages were scanned in to the local PO, but have not even been scanned at the local distribution center. The clerks at my local PO were very apologetic for the situation, and have told me that there is a huge backup at the sorting center.
They are working backwards, from most recent packages to oldest.
The clerk said there were 3 million mail items backlogged last week at the sorting center.
This week, it is down to 1 million. Whoopee.
Yesterday, some of my Jan. 9 packages were finally scanned at the distribution/sorting center.
Still no movement on any of the Jan. 8 packages.
The clerk mentioned it could be another 2-3 weeks before they get caught up. sigh.
So, if you have mailed packages that go through the KC Sorting Center, all I can say is wait and wait some more. I think they will EVENTUALLY move.
I messaged all the buyers of the affected packages, and for the most part, they have all been kind and understanding. I think it is important to be pro-active, and let buyers know you are doing everything you can to stay on top of the situation (even though there's not really anything you can do about it!)
Good luck
01-21-2025 08:20 AM
@foster9 wrote:I shipped out 2 items on Jan. 6th, destination mid west (AK & IA). I am receiving the above forementioned notice on the tracking.
Just wondering, is the mid west still affected by bad weather?
Here in Chicago we woke up at -8°F, so, yeah...
Today is also garbage pickup day, but we're half-expecting a bulletin from the city to say that they can't get the trucks started. It's happened before.
Incidentally, AK is Alaska, where I'm sure they have that whole cold-weather thing figured out by now... 😁
01-21-2025 08:56 AM
@a_c_green wrote: :...Here in Chicago we woke up at -8°F, ... AK is Alaska, where I'm sure they have that whole cold-weather thing figured out by now...
At the moment, it's 8 AM and 20 degrees in Nome, AK, 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Whereas it's noon and 18 degrees here in Massachusetts.
01-21-2025 09:06 AM
Egg Harbor WI negative 40 at 5am this morning, USPS could be moving a bit slower with the brisk chill.
01-21-2025 09:26 AM
It depends who you use for shipping...LOL.
FedEx has my package on Monday from Pennsylvania...it's in Indianapolis, Indiana today and I get it tomorrow in San Francisco Wednesday around 9AM-1PM.
I buy from this seller so much only because I get all my packages on time.
01-21-2025 09:43 AM
I live in a suburban area outside of the Kansas City area. I was told that it will take up to 8 days for mailing any first class/ground advantage package at the minimum. I'm frustrated as well as so many others. I just don't understand how the price keeps increasing but the service is diminishing. Last year, I had over 30 packages lost and never seen or heard from again.
01-28-2025 06:31 PM
I live in South Dakota and the package is coming from Clancy Montana. I got the dreaded,
"Processing Exception, Regional Weather Delay" message. I ordered the package Jan 22, 2025. Somehow the seller gave me a UPS tracking number 1Z.... but it was actually a USPS package. Long story short, I got the right tracking number for USPS but there has been no movement after the initial scan in on Jan 23, 2025 "USPS in possession of item". So here I am.... waiting...
01-29-2025 08:24 AM
I sent a package off yesterday from my area (MI) to CA and it got a processing exception weather related update an hour after I dropped it off. I am assuming it's both of our areas. The weather isn't too bad today, but we had 50 mph winds the last 2 days. Some places I drove through had power out. They USPS has also been very backed up from all the weather issues the last few weeks.
02-10-2025 05:16 PM
UPDATE** THE PACKAGE ARRIVED TODAY. It was dead silent on tracking then Feb 8 2025 - 17 days after I placed the order it was scanned in a facility 3 hours from where I live. Today I received it! Just keep waiting. USPS told me they were about 3 weeks behind at the time I ran into problems.
02-10-2025 06:04 PM
I'm in northern Indiana
6-7" of snow Wednesday night and they're predicting Saturday
is supposed to be worse. There have been days where I didn't receive any mail at all.
I received a USPS GA package today from Seattle WA that was mailed January 29th
so that took 13 days
I have a package from Germany that got routed to Dallas Texas (Of all places) and has
been idling there since the 4th
USPS is just about as bad as they've ever been.