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U.S. Flag Code

As a friendly, but important, reminder the US Flag should not touch the ground.


While researching, I was astonished to see how many listings for the flag include photos of the flag laid out on the floor for photos, or even outside on the grass/dirt. If you are not aware of U.S. Flag code, just read up a little bit before posting your flag for sale. You can also safely and respectfully dispose of your U.S. flag at the American Legion, VFW posts, as well as many governmental facilities.

Happy Listing!

Message 1 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

we fly the flag proudly.  By putting the flags away you are giving into the "unamerican" turn that is sadly affecting this country.  Please take out the symbol of freedom for this wonderful country to see.  


I also have the Trump Bear and display the flag in my shop properly.  It was hard to figure out how to accomplish that but we did.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 31 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code


@seconhandrosie wrote:

You forgot "Death To Fascism."

I didn't want to upset the liberals. 🤣

Message 32 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

@seconhandrosie wrote:

Sad when the president calls fallen heroes "Suckers And Losers."

You do realize there is no proof of that.

Message 33 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

You do realize there is no proof of that.


There is no first-hand evidence. But there is the word of the man that Donald Trump chose to serve as both his Secretary of Homeland Security and as his Chief of Staff. 


Message 34 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

Hi everyone,

This discussion has gotten a bit off topic. Please bring the discussion back to subject established in the original post.

Thank you.

Message 35 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

@jg.mason wrote:

@seconhandrosie wrote:

Sad when the president calls fallen heroes "Suckers And Losers."

You do realize there is no proof of that.

Only if you are willing to call high ranking veterans liars.   I do honor the flag & veterans, but it's a shame everyone doesn't in this country. So the OP posting about this is a very good thing.

Message 36 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

But you'll support a man who dodged the vietnam war draft 5x claiming bone spurs, and then stated McCAIN was not a war hero because he was captured. I'll never understand how that didn't end it for him.

My father was a korean war veteran that fought for workers rights, civil rights, unions, equal economic opportunity for all races and genders no matter how they express themselves or who they love. He also was a charter member of a teamster local and worked his way up through the ranks of the largest teamster locals in NYC. Over the years he brought many cases to the NLRB and won.

As a child my parents would take me and my sisters to the halloween parade in greenwich village, which BTW is run by the LGBTQ community, and is one of my favorite enjoyments even when I became an adult.

I'm just glad he's not around to see this self-serving conman, who bankrupted the little guys for greed, destroy everything that people struggled for decades to achieve. To me the upside down flag sounds about right now.

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Message 37 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

But he did say this.

"He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, okay? I hate to tell you."

Message 38 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

@campanaelia wrote:

But you'll support a man who dodged the vietnam war draft 5x claiming bone spurs, and then stated McCAIN was not a war hero because he was captured. I'll never understand how that didn't end it for him.

I respect and honor veterans as well.

I come from a military family.

I feel the same way you do about Trump's comments about McCain.

I don't know how ANYONE can support this idiot and still claim to be patriotic.

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 39 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

I feel the same about Jolly Roger
Arghh!! 😁

Message 40 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

@inhawaii @campanaelia 

As far as McCain goes, National Alliance Of Families POW/MIA website makes for some interesting reading.

They don't have much good to say about him.  That said, I fly my AMERICAN FLAG religiously, and it's never been about who sits in the white house.  

Message 41 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

@tinsoldierunderground wrote:

That said, I fly my AMERICAN FLAG religiously, and it's never been about who sits in the white house.  

Same here.

Except when it comes to THIS moron.

I just can't get behind the stupid things he says and does.

Every day I come home from work and watch the news only to see what he has said or done now.

Last night it was  ...

The water he sent to California will wetten up the land.


Los Angeles has a curfew on water.

Is this really the person you want running our country?


Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 42 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

All I can tell you is that we have an election for president every 4 years.   The people have spoken, for better or worse, and they didn't have much to work with. 

Message 43 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

Hi everyone,

This discussion has gotten a bit heated. Please remember that, while it is fine to disagree with others, discussion should always remain friendly and respectful as required by the Community Guidelines. This is not the place for political discussions.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 44 of 69
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U.S. Flag Code

I appreciate your respectful reply, seriously.

I just wanted to add...

You are right, the people have spoken.

They voted for lower prices on day one.

It appears they did not get what they voted for.

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 45 of 69
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