12-22-2018 11:42 AM
Well then, this is a new one for me. I am reaching out to my fellow sellers in the hopes someone can give me some clarity.
Several packages from Dec. 17th that were dropped off at USPS have shown no signs of updates since then. Each package, as is the usual for us, was labeled using the ebay shipping system. All were dropped off at the post office using the bulk drop off section, as we usually do.
Fast forward to today, I've had the pleasure of dealing with some angry (and unreasonable) buyers as well as some pleasant buyers all concerned the tracking has shown no signs of life. I have expalined to them all the situtaion and have told them it is an issue with USPS. I have asked them to please afford some time for the tracking to update. Luckily, for one or two of them, the package was delivered and the tracking reflects it. For others, I have been getting some nasty messages from them naturally accusing me of this and that. I'm getting beyond nervous that I will be on the hook for a pile of refunds and losing all the merchandise, and on top of that, taking hits to my seller account.
I have gone to my local Post office and expressed my concerns, and each time I'm met with "it'll update when it updates, we have a no package left behind policy, the package has to be somewhere, but its not here" Mind you, none of the individuals ever actually went to the back room to check for anything. I tried calling the USPS help hotline, and each time I gave up after being on hold for over 2 hours.
Please tell me someone here has been through this and perhaps offer up some guidance to help.
Thank you ahead of time.
12-22-2018 11:52 AM
Sorry this is happening to you. I believe the carriers have been slammed.
My packages have been arriving 4-5 days past the last date of the estimated delivery timeframe. One sat on out for delivery for all that time. I signed up online for delivery updates, and it went to delivery exception, meaning that tracking had not caught up. Actually, in this case, reality had not caught up with tracking!
So tracking may not be showing for your packages yet. They may not be scanned until further in transit or even at delivery. That doesn't help you, I know, and I wish it were otherwise. But I hope this all works out for you soon.
12-22-2018 11:57 AM - edited 12-22-2018 11:58 AM
Is it possibility that someone could have stolen your packages out of the drop off section?
Your situation is exactly why I always stand in line and obtain an acceptance scan.
12-22-2018 11:57 AM
12-22-2018 11:59 AM
@luckythewinner wrote:
Is it possibility that someone could have stolen your packages out of the drop off section?
Your situation is exactly why I always stand in line and obtain an acceptance scan.
I sincerely hope not. In all my time of doing this, I've never had that happen before. I would imagine they have security cameras back there, but no matter what it just seems like this is going to be an uphill battle. I'm on hold with them right now. The lady on the phone sounds super sympathetic and acutally said she would go check the back room. This is the FIRST person (I've dealt with at least 5 at this PO) there that was willing to actually go look. Sending an emergency "Oh Lord please help me" up to the big guy as we speak.
12-22-2018 12:07 PM
Luckily, for one or two of them, the package was delivered and the tracking reflects it.
This indicates that the parcels are in fact moving, they are just not being tracked.
FWIW- both eBay and Paypal demand only Proof of Delivery NOT tracking in a Item Not Recieved Dispute.
Usually your local post office is the best first step, but yours does not sound helpful.
To be fair, I agree that it is very unlikely that they have allowed anything to go unshipped, especially at this time of year. There just isn't room for parcels to accumulate.
Time for robots.
Can you put in an online tracking request with USPS? (I'm in Canada and your postal service has differences from ours.)
Usually human beings are more responsive, but you are dealing with low level clerks who are being overwhelmed by frantic calls. A robotic request for a Trace may work better.
BTW- I'm sure you have not notified any of your customers about the problem.
If the customer complains, naturally you will be responsive and do some stroking.
But if you hear nothing, volunteer nothing.
It's probably fine.
12-22-2018 12:19 PM
@reallynicestamps wrote:Luckily, for one or two of them, the package was delivered and the tracking reflects it.
This indicates that the parcels are in fact moving, they are just not being tracked.
FWIW- both eBay and Paypal demand only Proof of Delivery NOT tracking in a Item Not Recieved Dispute.
Usually your local post office is the best first step, but yours does not sound helpful.
To be fair, I agree that it is very unlikely that they have allowed anything to go unshipped, especially at this time of year. There just isn't room for parcels to accumulate.
Time for robots.
Can you put in an online tracking request with USPS? (I'm in Canada and your postal service has differences from ours.)
Usually human beings are more responsive, but you are dealing with low level clerks who are being overwhelmed by frantic calls. A robotic request for a Trace may work better.
BTW- I'm sure you have not notified any of your customers about the problem.
If the customer complains, naturally you will be responsive and do some stroking.
But if you hear nothing, volunteer nothing.
It's probably fine.
Thank you for your message.
I have somewhat good news! I just got off the phone with a gentlment there who helped me. He informed me that, not just that post office, but numerous others are all having issues with packages from the 17th. They are aware of it and are scrambling to get things back on track. Basically he said a butt load of packages from the 17th all show "pre shipment" and no further tracking. I expaliend to him the hot water I am in, and he was ok with me having the buyers that have already voiced their anger towards me to call him directly and he will confirm that the issue does in fact stem from them, NOT me as the seller.
I'm really hoping my buyers do reach out and confirm so they hear it from a USPS employee. God I hope things work out for the best, as the thought of having to deal with any more angry customers just makes me shudder.
To my fellow sellers reading this that are having issues with Dec 17th drop offs, YOU'RE NOT ALONE. The problem is in fact with USPS and NOT you.
Hang Tight.
12-22-2018 04:23 PM
I'm a buyer and I have the same problem. A $100+ purchase and the tracking states that they have the package but the acceptance scan is delayed. I won't get upset until it's at least a week past it's due date. It's Christmas, the busiest time of the year.
12-22-2018 09:06 PM
Glad I was wrong about humans vs robots!
On the other hand, they are doing wonderous things with AI these days......
12-22-2018 11:27 PM
@secondchancegaming wrote:
I appreciate your response none the less. This is so beyond stressful simply because I know what the buyers are thinking, and with emotions high around the holidays, I feel like I'm pinned. On one hand I know I did everything right, but on the other I know if cases are opened against me, the fact that the tracking makes it look like I never even dropped it off will mean eBay will favor the buyer each time. At the risk of sounding dramatic, I am literally sick to my stomach right now. If these were $10 items, I would just refund the buyer to avoid heartache, but **bleep** it all if each package wasn't a $100 plus sale.
Reaching out to USPS just leads to dead ends as all they keep telling me to "wait". Good luck telling an upset buyer to just "wait".
Please don't feel sick to your stomach. All may yet work out well. Don't let this situation do that to you! Scans have been all over the place, missing, stuck, etc.
12-22-2018 11:28 PM
Sending an emergency "Oh Lord please help me" up to the big guy as we speak.
Me, too. Good Luck.
12-23-2018 08:07 AM
You might try going to the USPS site then tracking.
Input a number you are missing then your email address and click to be notified of any action.
Sometimes this will get results.
12-23-2018 08:55 AM
Us the USPS.com site enter in each tracking number & in the drop down request Get Updates either via text or email
check the box for everything
I am doing it as I have many packages floating around, many are showing movement now but a few are still showing stuck on in transit to next Facility
click all below updates box and if you want emails or texts
I do emails because I just have so many , don't want texts
12-23-2018 10:03 AM
Just posted this on another thread. I have two that never went past the pre shipment phase.
And I got one the other day that never even updated.
Seems like the Post Office is making a lot of mistakes lately from either inexperienced help or overload.
In my area they are still delivering at 9 and 10 at night, and it is a mess.
12-23-2018 10:26 AM
Priceless I live under 1 hour from NYC
and this package left 1 of my Town Post offices on Dec 14th and just now got the tracking update it reached NY Brooklyn center
Since my buyer is out by Long Island maybe just maybe they will get it tomorrow
In all my years buying & selling here I have never seen it like this.