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Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unfair.

I was just shocked looking at my seller dashboard.  I had 13 transactions out of the last 261 marked as tracking not validated or uploaded on time.  Shocking because I always ship the next day or even same day.  I'm extremely diligent about that.  Ridiculously diligent and proud of it.  Now my percentage is down to 95 (under 90 and I lose my TRS status)..  I can't remember one single package that I didn't ship immediately.  I go to the Post Office 6 days a week.  Can some one enlighten me as to how this might have happened?   What's going on here?  If I"m already shipping immediately, what recourse do I have to solve this mystery?  I don't know how I could do anything better.  I'm already a perfectionist and freak out when any single transactions has a problem.  I'm a control freak over my shipping.  My customers give me highest marks for shipping time.  Why did this happen to me?

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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

Why did this happen to me?


It happens to everyone between the 20th and the end of the month when the stats are "live". If you sold something yesterday it probably hasn't yet been scanned and verified but it will be when it counts which is the 20th of November.



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Message 3 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

eBay's data on validation scans is not reported in real time. It can run several days behind, but it always catches up.

Message 2 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

Why did this happen to me?


It happens to everyone between the 20th and the end of the month when the stats are "live". If you sold something yesterday it probably hasn't yet been scanned and verified but it will be when it counts which is the 20th of November.



Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 3 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

Its another excuse for ebay to keep more of your money and not give you a top seller discount. I guess customer feedback wasnt good enough, ebay feels like they have to downgrade your customer service also. Once it has entered the USPS system, we have no control over the length of time it takes to get there or if scans will happen or not.

I have had package arrival and feedback left with no scans does that happen?

Message 4 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

Since that metric is a look-back, it is never accurate until the 20th of the current month - where the % then reflects the validated uploads from the **prior** month's shipments. Hard to figure why they just didn't have the dashboard widget always display the % with a 20 day lag and then all the confusion would be eliminated?  

Message 5 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

I'm similar in getting this message (which brought me in here). Likewise I usually get my packages TO the postal station and FORCE them to hand scan them on the same day. Which is fine for the 85% that I use THEIR shipping on. However, I know part of the cause in my case is that I go outside of their system because it is cheaper and apparently there is no recourse to convince them the orders arrived within the time slot. It sounds like a shortcoming in their own system that punishes us!

Is it REQUIRED that we use their shipping and tracking or track at all as long as the customer receives their items on time. If you look at my reviews the biggest comment I get is how surprisingly quickly their order arrived (I have a secret "in" with Santa, Ebay), But Santa don't give no tracking codes! I thought I read somewhere that they assume if there are no slow arrival reviews or none at all, that these did not count against us, but apparently they do, aty least until the buyer reporting period is over - despite that you may get reviewed while this period is in effect and have it count as a "NOT tracked or received on time (because there WAS no tracking code at all)?

  In many cases Ebay, it is entirely reasonable (as an example) to ship something (let's say a baseball card) say first class letter route without tracking or insurance to a 10 year Ebay veteran with 100% ranking, for only .47 because the tracking and insurance would cost more than to replace it from stock. Ebay does not even list or permit this mode on their shipping options, so I simply would slap a stamp or two on the envelope and drop it in the mailbox. No tracking available. The buyer is okay with this and I've never had one arrive late or get lost, unlike other methods. So Ebay WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!

Message 6 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

my tracking has not updated today and even though everything has been shipped out, it is counting against me. Even items I shipped yesterday are counting against me. This happened last month also.

Message 7 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

I couldn't agree more. This is a bogus metric and it is wasting an inordinate amount of time for me, and I'm sure many other eBay sellers. I offer one day shipping and religiously ship every order possible 7 days a week. I get 6 daily pickups a week but I'm still packing 7 days a week. This metric consistantly shows up in the 91% range and has me worried to death about losing my 20% discount on final value fees. That's about $200 a month, and I've lost it before due to other metrics out of my control not being met. The most recent report shows I have an impossible 81 transactions for which tracking was not uploaded on time or not scanned. That's absolutely impossible. I even called eBay and spent an hour discussing a dozen transactions I was quickly able to identify. I was told they would be removed from the report and I was going to get a call back verifying that. Neither occurred.  


I recently started using the bulk shipping tool to combat this metric. What a joke. I'm trying to make my postal carrier's life easier at the expense of making mine a lot more difficult. But I'm sick and tired of seeing items with zero scans. One of these packages was recently lost with it's $150 of contents. I lost an eBay case and USPS refused to reimburse. So I lost not only the contents, but had to pay for the shipping. Hence the bulk shipping tool. It now takes at least an hour a day longer to use this tool which is riddled with bugs, crashes routinely causing a loss of all the edits for weights, alternate boxes like Regional A, B and other flat rate options, forcing you me to spend another 10 minutes trying to figure out what info was reset. It's been known to crash three times on a single days packages. We used to simply grab an order, pack it, print a label and set it with all the other package. Now we must pack as many as 40 orders at a time, manually label each with the contents and weight, and then use the bulk shipping tool. We print 40 labels and then have to find which box gets what label. It's like playing concentration. We tried putting them in order one day, but the labels come out in different order depending on whether the old bulk shipping tool is used or the new tool. If you have any packages shipping via the eBay Global Shipping Program (GSP), eBay automatically selects the new tool for use, as the old tool won't include GSP orders. if you don't have any GSP orders, you automatically use the old tool. I haven't figured out a way to always use the same tool, so we don't know in what order the labels will print. It's a night mare. I've been doing this for 16 years, and these new metrics are more than burdensome. Is having 99.9% positivie feedback enough proof that we are doing a stellar job? And since when does 3,999 out of 4,000  round to 99.9%? It rounds to 100% everywhere except on eBay. Who has time for this nonsense?

Message 8 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

@drumzrus wrote:
 ... . Hence the bulk shipping tool....

Try, which has a free account for eBay users, and a much more user-friendly approach to generating the SCAN form.


Also, eBay's reports on validation scans are not produced in real time. They can run several days behind, but always catch up in time for the monthly evaluation.

Message 9 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

  Just had a comparable experience. Got a penalty for Late Shipment today. You only get a couple of these per quarter before you're seriously affected. For a million+ resident city our local USPS mail service is still run by a bunch of local yahoos! From those I've met, I seriously think there are more Ebay sellers in this town than carriers.

  On the busiest shipping day of the year, I decided to schedule a carrier pickup instead of standing in line for the 2 hours like I had the day before at the nearest drop station just to get 3 packages scanned. This is ALWAYS iffy because most of the drivers do not carry scanners (or chose not to use them) and if they didn't see the pickup request, and fail to pick up your packages, you're stuck because it is then too late to carry them to the drop station before it closes.

  So fortunately Dec 19 they DID pick up, but unfortunately they did not start to scan them until 11:50pm that night. (10 minutes before the end of the same day ship deadline and the mailing date on the shipping labels.) I've heard from former carriers, that if they fall behind or get lazy and it gets too late they simply skip scanning them, because it makes THEM look bad for being late. Well that apparently happened in this case because of the 3 pkgs one never got scanned that night. It wasn't until 2 days later when it got half way to it's destination that it got it's first scan in a town far, far away! This made it look late to Ebay. Doubly unfortunately, because it was going as far as possible accross the country during the busiest shipping period, it actually arrived one day later than USPS estimates for priority shipping. Brrrrnn!! Ebay penalty to ME. I agree it arrived late, not my fault, and it also was not my fault that USPS got lazy and did not scan it initially. I called ebay and got escalated 3 levels, and the third person finally understood and CLAIMED they would fix it, but 36 hours later I have not seen the penalty disappear yet. Fingers crossed.'

  I think with all their leverage with the USPS they REALLY need to realize the USPS is NOT infallible and either cut us an easier break (I had to spend 1/2 hour on the phone with Ebay - still shorter than the 2 hour post office line wait - could have listed a bunch more items on ebay during those times) or tell USPS if they can't deliver, they'll work a better volume deal with and switch to another primary shipper. I'm voting for dedicated pre-printed label scan Ebayer express lines at ALL post offices...

Message 10 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

People, you can prtect yourself by using a SCAN SHEET !!!!!!!

Successful and experienced seller since 1997, over 70,000 feedback, boardie since the boards were begun.
Message 11 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

Even if they don't/won't/can't scan it? So would ALL of them have been late in that case? The way I understand it, they STILL have to scan the single bar code, but if they don't carry a scanner on the vehicle when they pick up, there's not much you can do. Or am I misinformed on the scan sheet use?

Message 12 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

@mikemik1 wrote:
 ... if they don't carry a scanner on the vehicle when they pick up, there's not much you can do. Or am I misinformed on the scan sheet use?

I thought that all carriers were equipped with scanners nowadays, in order to scan deliveries.  They even have GPS that can pinpoint where the package was when it got its delivery scan.


And even if the pickup carrier has no scanner, there's one at the PO when he gets back there with the packages.

Message 13 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

david*42 wrote: 

And even if the pickup carrier has no scanner, there's one at the PO when he gets back there with the packages.

But they still have to pick up the scanner and use it, and often they don't. (Believe me. I used to work for USPS. Thank goodness that's behind me!) Even if you go to the counter, watch them scan it in, and get a receipt back, sometimes it STILL doesn't get into the system until after it is scanned again somewhere else. I've seen it as both a shipper and a postal clerk.


It's really bad here, because this is a super small town with a branch office, not a real PO. (In other words, no postmaster, etc, just 1 window clerk and 1 mail carrier.) They can scan all the packages they want, but if the main PO in the next town over doesn't upload that scanner info into the main system, the packages will be MIA until they get to the main processing center in Eugene or Portland. I've had packages that were mailed here on Monday morning (scanned), then went to JC on Mon afternoon, then Eugene on Mon night, then Portland Tue am, before finally leaving the state on Wed. But the tracking showed it was mailed Wednesday in Eugene, came back here later that day, then got scanned in Portland 10 min later (It's 2 hrs away), then went back to JC 2 min after that, before finally being put on a plane in Eugene!?! Physically impossible, plus it also makes it dang hard to prove I mailed it from here on Monday! But when they enter it later, it's often entered in the wrong order with arbitrary scan times, because they don't know/care. They want to cover their own backside, not yours, so who cares if it's not perfect.


I've learned to make the extra 20 min drive to JC with my packages. Even if I shove them in the drop box and leave without a receipt, they have way better odds of getting into the system within 24 hours if shipped from JC, even though the package takes EXACTLY the same amount of time to reach the buyer, because mail from both stations goes out the same day on the same truck!

Message 14 of 33
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Re: Tracking not validated and uploaded on time? Dashboard report has shocked me. Something is unf

I had the same thing done to me,I noticed on my Seller Dashboard that 35 out of 36 tracking were uploaded on time. I called ebay&they said it was added 4 days later,I looked it up& it was uploaded the same day I bought shipping label,they refused to do anything about it,so I called PayPal &got the same run-around!!!!!!

We all need to complain to the BBB,that's what I'm going to do,this is an Unfair Business Practice &the BBB needs to be ALERTED TO IT!!!!Let's alllTeam up &PUT a STOP TO IT!!!!

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