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There is no clear vision on eBay

The major problem on eBay is MICRO-MANAGING because there is no clear vision.  I don't know of any long-term plans based on what I experience on this platform.  Many changes made on this platform do not add any clear value because they do not relate with the sellers before they make their changes.  "The worst ideology on eBay is thinking that once it favors eBay, sellers should dive into the ocean", this is why eBay makes sudden erratic changes, eBay will eventually realize that such half-baked decision does not favor them in the long run and still need to make another half-baked decision. The good news is that eBay still have the opportunity to start listening /communicating with sellers while the Sun shines. Let it not be like the situation where Facebook is chasing TikTok, but Facebook refused initially to listen to many of her business customers.

There are some great changes on Seller's hub but some of them are more in sync with time-wasting and hype than value. The worst is the distortion of Listings due to all these erratic changes. This causes sales to drop, and the worst part is that eBay does not inform sellers that they are having problems, until a seller notices a drop in sales for over 80%. these guys don't care a bit about how these erratic changes affect sellers. For over 1month, very few sales which cannot handle any bill.

"eBay where is your VISION?"  "eBay where is your 10yrs plan?" "eBay where is your 5yrs plan?" 'eBay where is your 2yrs plan?" "eBay where is your 1yr plan?". I am tempted to ask eBay for their 1day plan. 


Message 1 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

Read through the thread.

Message 31 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@dy60609 wrote:

I have had so many sales this month that I chose to go on time away until next month. Sales will put me in another tax bracket if I allow it to continue.

Just an FYI, going over a tax bracket threshold doesn't mean that your entire income is taxed at that higher bracket - just the part OVER that bracket milestone.  For example, if we had a simple 25% tax on incomes up to $100,000, and over $100,000 was at 50%, and you made $110,000, you are only going to pay $30,000 in tax (25%x100,000 + 50%x10,000).  

Message 32 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@ony_chine wrote:

eBay has the capacity of giving you more than lunch money.  Lunch money is not up to minimum wage.

I actually get more than just lunch money as Ebay sales pay for my trip to my home overseas each year.  But I don't use it to make a full time income if for no other reason than my storage space for items is quite limited, no shed at my domicile and the boss is already not too happy about taking up one room and half the garage with items.  And when one is medically retired the whole concept of minimum wage by hour is somewhat moot as I have way too much time on my hands and not a whole lot to do during the winter months.  If selling on Ebay occupies some time I am happy.  Better than watching the news as the world is taken over by the wackos and the oligarchs.

Message 33 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

The Suit Size on the title is not good enough because the root specific is not there.  If I want to search for Suit anywhere online, I will always search US size 46R or 46L subconsciously, large portion of Suit buyers will do same compared to Searching for Size 46. The advantage of making sure you put such root specific in place is also in case the listing platform is having problems, if the default is activated when the listing platform runs into a problem, the parameters won't be quite distorted such that when you search the listing of such size, you won't find it. 

Message 34 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

Agree they just want Numbers, Of Buyers Sellers, No Respect

Message 35 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay


What 'micro-managing'? They have rules to the site, what you can sell and what you cannot. They let you do offers, or not. They let you do 'buy it now' or not'. They let you do auctions or not. They let you do auctions with best offer with a buy it now. They let you do Buy it Now with Immediate Payment Required to bypass all the 'non-payers'. They let you list auctions at a particular time for a particular amount of time. They let you pick type of shipping, free shipping, 'brand' of carrier. They let you buy the labels here or go elsewhere. 


Nothing is endless. The site is not 'just do whatever' but it's FAR from Micro-Managing.


And no clear vision??  Their vision is CRYSTAL clear. Make More Money; and then find ways to make even MORE money.


Any descent successful entrepreneur would.... and the same. Find a way to make the site parameters to work for you. 

Message 36 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

Making money is not a vision, a vision is seeing through a future creative beneficial goal.  This is the social media era it's no longer the generation where organizations hide their vision for their core partners, especially if the organization is big in their field of play.  The sellers on eBay, are the core/primary partners of eBay so I don't think eBay should be hiding their vision for core partner if they have one. eBay will have a great leap when they start having significant communication with their sellers as per clear vision of the platform. 

Message 37 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

I'll play devil's advocate for a minute here. Whenever ebay implements a change, any change, a significant number of people's heads explode. Ebay could do something as mundane as change their font, and we would have endless threads in here about how people are going to "end all their listing and go to Amazon," where the font is more to their liking. These are not the type of people who should be included in decision making. 

Message 38 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@ony_chine wrote:

Making money is not a vision, a vision is seeing through a future creative beneficial goal.  This is the social media era it's no longer the generation where organizations hide their vision for their core partners, especially if the organization is big in their field of play.  The sellers on eBay, are the core/primary partners of eBay so I don't think eBay should be hiding their vision for core partner if they have one. eBay will have a great leap when they start having significant communication with their sellers as per clear vision of the platform. 

All companies REAL underlying 'vision' is to 'make money'- especially those that are publicly traded; they have to CONSTANTLY 1 up themselves from last quarter, last year etc. 


Sounds like you are looking for the typical 'phony baloney' "Vision" that companies spew:


'to be the best home improvement/clothing/toy/beauty supply/auto parts etc etc store with the best variety and customer service'


'to bring the lowest price for quality merchandise in the industry'


Ebays vision? Same as it's been since it started in the 90s:


'to have a site putting independent buyers and sellers together' 


Mission Accomplished. 

Message 39 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

Lol, let's not deceive ourselves, "making money" is not a vision because "making money" is not "Making Profit."  Having a VISION is more than just making money. there are many advantages of a great and a long-term VISION, one of them is achieving STABILITY which will help you to horn your most prominent ability. Long term Vision if followed through, helps you to know the direction to go when you reach the peak of your VISION.  If you are just chasing money, you will never reach the peak of your VISION, it's very delicate when you try to diversify without some specifics.  If you look at amazon, they started by selling books and continued to navigate towards their goals until they have clearly maximized that route, they began to diversify at the same route. Today Amazon sells nearly everything from China; they sell Software and do articulate Low-cost shipping; Amazon is still on the same route for many years focusing on what they can organically control and their niche. Let me shock you, with the sudden emergence of Social Media Age enforced by COVID 19 crisis, eBay has more opportunities than Amazon if eBay begins to focus more on eBay's organic niche. Ebay is human based; Amazon is not human based. The ball is on the leg of eBay, I wish eBay would understand the type of opportunity they have.

Message 40 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@ony_chine wrote:

Lol, let's not deceive ourselves, "making money" is not a vision because "making money" is not "Making Profit."

It is if you're doing it right.


Put yourself in the shoes of eBay's CEO and tell us what you think eBay's Mission Statement should be.

Message 41 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

"making money' is just another way of saying "making a profit".

Message 42 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

The vision has shifted to attracting more higher end buyers who spend more money than billions of 5 dollar purchases. The CEO began this vision when he got all the authenticate programs started, all the people selling million dollar card collections, designer bags, footwear, etc. The vision is to beef up the high roller customer base and those high rollers might look at low rolling stuff too. So glad this website is attracting people who have bucks to spend.

Message 43 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@ony_chine wrote:

Lol, let's not deceive ourselves, "making money" is not a vision because "making money" is not "Making Profit."  Having a VISION is more than just making money. there are many advantages of a great and a long-term VISION, one of them is achieving STABILITY which will help you to horn your most prominent ability. Long term Vision if followed through, helps you to know the direction to go when you reach the peak of your VISION.  If you are just chasing money, you will never reach the peak of your VISION, it's very delicate when you try to diversify without some specifics.  If you look at amazon, they started by selling books and continued to navigate towards their goals until they have clearly maximized that route, they began to diversify at the same route. Today Amazon sells nearly everything from China; they sell Software and do articulate Low-cost shipping; Amazon is still on the same route for many years focusing on what they can organically control and their niche. Let me shock you, with the sudden emergence of Social Media Age enforced by COVID 19 crisis, eBay has more opportunities than Amazon if eBay begins to focus more on eBay's organic niche. Ebay is human based; Amazon is not human based. The ball is on the leg of eBay, I wish eBay would understand the type of opportunity they have.

You're comparing apples and oranges, Amazon is far far more than a retailer more or less one with third party entities aboard and yes, they are the undisputed king because of a corporate vision.  That vision was and is far more than delivering hard goods.  They are literally one of a handful of entities that "Power the internet" per se, its been said 1/3rd of all traffic on the net passes through Amazon's AWS systems. eBay never had the luxury Amazon did as a retailer atop all that.


Social media isn't new, its been around basically since AOL chat rooms and forums but they didn't call it that.  In as far as Covid and "the times" go Social media has become an enormous problem in the USA as well as globally.  How those problems get solved is anyone's guess or mystery, I'm betting Governments regulate it just like other forms of communications and they're going to take "Personal commerce" right along with it.  They'll do that because the problems associated continue to escalate and the pressure from corporations continues to mount.

Message 44 of 51
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There is no clear vision on eBay

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

The vision has shifted to attracting more higher end buyers who spend more money than billions of 5 dollar purchases. The CEO began this vision when he got all the authenticate programs started, all the people selling million dollar card collections, designer bags, footwear, etc. The vision is to beef up the high roller customer base and those high rollers might look at low rolling stuff too. So glad this website is attracting people who have bucks to spend.

Others have that vision too due to the problems, Goldin I think its called just launched and the Authentication is what they seem be all about including having "Grading entities" right onboard.  I've no idea how they even came about me but I already received an invitation not that I've explored it.


I've said it before, I dont blame eBay for things completely out of their control and I understand the environments that place pressure on the company completely external of we sellers and buyers.  But all that said people are here to sell and if the environment does not produce that or it transitions into the Wild West of sellers being taken then sellers are going to seek other places.  There's allot of matters and I understand ridding much of them in the end hurts the companies bottom line revenues but really, they need make a change up so their best sellers become that which is most important to support and retain.

Message 45 of 51
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