12-08-2018 05:49 PM
Has anyone been having issues with Ebay listings where the weight value is not what you entered? I have been bitten repeatedly by wrong weight values on my items. I do not offer free shipping as a rule of thumb. Sending an item to Florida, California, Alaska or Hawaii and I would be ruined. I have pretty much eaten every mistake so far. It is starting to really upset me though that my weight and shipping offers are not correct. I sold an item today that wieghed 11 ounces. The buyer paid according to a 2 ounce item. I did not enter this weight. I know for a fact another item I entered today had a totally different value when I punched the list button. It was 2 pounds off because it chose to use its idea of what the item should weigh. I have sat here studying the screen to verify my values are right and yet again today a wrong value was saved when the listing went alive. There is no way to prove this to Ebay that their programs are changing my values. I was just wondering if anyone else is getting hit with this and if enough of us speak up maybe we can get Ebay to look into the problem.
12-08-2018 05:55 PM
12-08-2018 07:19 PM