03-30-2024 11:12 PM
Went thrifting today with a friend.
My friend was thrilled to find two beautiful handmade quilts, each bearing a sewn-in fabric tag stating in detail that it was made by Grandma for her grandchildren and for what occasion.
The tags stated their names and the dates of the boy's birthday a few years ago and the girl's graduation in June 2023 -- not even a full year ago.
They were both colorful and very detailed. Imagine the time and love put into each of these!
The lady who worked there said the quilts had been dropped off earlier that day by a mother and the two grandchildren in question. When she saw what they were dropping off, she was shocked and questioned them about why they would discard such precious items handmade by their Grandma. They just shrugged. She told us she felt the children were being raised to have no soul.
I hope Grandma never visits and sees that the quilts are missing. Something tells me she probably isn't ever invited.
03-31-2024 06:53 AM
Yes, in that respect I agree. They did ask questions especially to these kids who were trying to sell computers and had no idea what the password was let a lone how to use one. I get it.
Happy Easter! 🐣
03-31-2024 07:01 AM
Happy Easter to you as well.
03-31-2024 07:04 AM
Those of us with wonderful families often can’t comprehend that mothers, fathers, grandmothers, etc. can be terribly toxic.
I’ve long ago given up on thinking that I know best about how people should feel about others, let alone interact with them.
03-31-2024 07:09 AM - edited 03-31-2024 07:11 AM
Don’t worry because they will be rescued. I am always appreciative of finding quilts, quilt tops and partially finished needlework. There are many that will use these treasures to create artwork. I made this bear from 4 pieces of an antique quilt that had been cut up when I found them at a thrift store.
03-31-2024 07:10 AM
Better to give away than throw away.
03-31-2024 07:30 AM
It's just sad. I acquire the merchandise for my shop at estate sales and often see wedding pictures and graduation pictures thrown in a pile.
03-31-2024 08:23 AM
@powell-memorabilia wrote:Those of us with wonderful families often can’t comprehend that mothers, fathers, grandmothers, etc. can be terribly toxic.
Also sad that adult offspring having had wonderful parents sometimes become terribly toxic people.
03-31-2024 08:36 AM
Although this is a good rule it's not always the case. If one wants to donate their pots and pans, please clean them 1st. I don't have the time to scrub eggs off a skillet. And I won't even go into bloody sheets and used undies, yeah we get that too. This type of stuff goes into the trash and red bagged.
03-31-2024 08:55 AM
My God...
People are naturally Curious - People have IMAGINATIONS - People have opinions and are judgmental based on their experiences - People question what they see and hear -
To stifle ANY of that is to disavow your humanity...
Of course, this board would be the wrong place to show off ANY of these traits, as asking questions and sharing your opinion here is frowned upon - Dont want to make waves and you need to stay within the white lines of the status quo so as not to open any doors or ask any questions that might break the fragile facade of this site...
03-31-2024 08:59 AM
I was at a church rummage sale years ago, and there was a huge ruckus with yelling, slapping, and shoving going on in one corner. Two elderly ladies going at it. Seems one of them had donated to the sale, a crocheted afghan that the other one had made for her as a gift. I guess it was the end of that friendship!
I know how bad she must have felt. My husband sold a CD just recently, that I had given him this past Christmas, that wasn't cheap. It was on his list for things he'd like to have. To top it off, he sold it for half of what I paid. He says he made a mistake, thought it was a different CD. But I was stunned, and hurt. I told him I wasn't going to buy him any more CDs. Ever.
03-31-2024 09:08 AM
My absolutely toxic first mother-in-law made absolutely gorgeous quilts and crocheted blankets. I tucked them in a trunk and offered them to my daughter when she grew up, but she had experienced the woman's toxicity, too, and had no interest in them. So I gave them to one of my second set of in-laws, who had never met her and could appreciate her work more objectively.
03-31-2024 09:14 AM
@squinkercat59 wrote:
I know how bad she must have felt. My husband sold a CD just recently, that I had given him this past Christmas, that wasn't cheap. It was on his list for things he'd like to have. To top it off, he sold it for half of what I paid. He says he made a mistake, thought it was a different CD. But I was stunned, and hurt. I told him I wasn't going to buy him any more CDs. Ever.
My shoe is on the other foot (so to speak). I sold my husband's shoes and ended up with a seller cancellation defect. In my defense, I thought he had bought them to resale, but he really liked them and they fit, so he definitely wanted to keep them. oops I explained what I'd done to my buyer, who thankfully, thought it was kind of funny & told me it was fine to cancel.
03-31-2024 09:18 AM
Pretty sure we're all entitled to our own opinions here as anywhere else.
And, personally, I don't feel it's disavowing my humanity to notice that some TS employee, on the basis of a single encounter, has decided that some parent is raising children without souls.
Thank you for your comment though.
03-31-2024 09:36 AM - edited 03-31-2024 09:41 AM
@isaiah53-57 wrote:My God...
People are naturally Curious - People have IMAGINATIONS - People have opinions and are judgmental based on their experiences - People question what they see and hear -
To stifle ANY of that is to disavow your humanity...
Of course, this board would be the wrong place to show off ANY of these traits, as asking questions and sharing your opinion here is frowned upon - Dont want to make waves and you need to stay within the white lines of the status quo so as not to open any doors or ask any questions that might break the fragile facade of this site...
And yet you did share an opinion on this Board … and it, as well as the Board, is still here. 😊
03-31-2024 09:40 AM
Just curious: Don't know what you used as the reason to cancel, but "seller requested" would have worked and you would not have earned a defect. You could have asked the seller first, of course, if you could do that.