12-17-2020 04:19 PM
I've got one who wrote an offer (it was low, but not ridiculously low), and he says "I know you want more money but this is all I'm offering" (along with the retired, disabled, blind, in a wheelchair, vet - OK I'm exaggerating here).
There is another one who is annoying me daily with his low offers to the point that I snapped at him for lecturing me about how everyone else sells their coins for less money so I should too. (For one, the ones that are less money are not graded, and in worse condition). My suggestion to this buyer is that if he's so good at finding better deals on the coins I sell, he should buy the coins from the other sellers. I don't need sales so badly that I'm willing to give my merchandise away.
12-18-2020 03:02 PM
@slippinjimmy wrote:Probably resellers, you know people who buy stuff cheap on eBay, raise the price and then resell it on eBay.
Of course there are some upstanding eBay resellers/flippers that would never stoop to begging.
I'm a reseller on stamps (there isn't enough margin on coins, the shipping is a lot on international mail). I buy albums if I can get the price I want, and usually that's done by finding a BIN that I like, or winning an auction. If I don't get the price I want by seeing it listed or winning the bid, I just move on. Every day there's another stamp album ending and I run out of money long before I run out of things to bid on.
12-18-2020 03:05 PM
@calntom wrote:You have a much different buyer base than I do.
I just counteroffer with I can sell this item at $xxx.xx and state that I can ship today (or tomorrow) if paid for by 1:00pm CDT
I never get into a back and forth with a lot of verbiage. I keep it short and to the point.
Had a lowballer this week come in at $45 on a $165 asking price. He got to $100 on his second offer which is where I needed to be to close the deal.
It's not a back and forth, it's Monday he sends one offer for one coin, then Tuesday it's a different coin but the same calibre of low offer, then Wednesday it's another coin... kind of like that.
I have a bit more trouble dealing with people who have an outstanding purchase (either paid and not shipped, or shipped and not received) because trouble is on the line if I lose my cool with the buyer.
FWIW, most of my buyers put stuff on their wish list and wait for me to send them an offer. They either buy it or they don't, and that's all. Sometimes if they really want it they just buy it for full price. But all my repeat buyers are trained on how to get offers because I "send an offer" on what comes up every day.
12-18-2020 03:08 PM
@iart wrote:When you put people on your Block List you now have the option to prevent them from messaging you.
I've read that doesn't work 100%, but it would probably stop anyone who didn't know the system very well.
I don't block people from messages because if someone is contacting me from a country I don't ship to and asking for an exception on a $10 coin, I'd like to see the message and have the option to make the exception.
If I don't want to read messages, I manually ignore them. But as I mentioned in another post, the daily low buyer has bought a coin and is waiting for me to ship it.
12-18-2020 03:12 PM
@pokal53 wrote:
@calntom wrote:I don't understand why some folks buy with their selling accounts.
In my case it may not have become obvious were it not for this community, but at lower volumes and if you're doing mostly OOAK's it's not such a big deal. Once you get into MQ's there's definite risk, people will still steal your listings but it's even worse if you buy and sell with the same account.
My items are OOAK. The stamp album sellers for the most part know I'm reselling stamps (and I am keeping what I want out of each album because I collect stamps too). They don't mind, they contact me often with new listing info on the stuff I like to buy so I can go and take a look.
I buy other stuff, but it's completely unrelated to what I sell (like craft supplies, clothing, books, DVDs and CDs, shipping supplies).
12-18-2020 03:41 PM
You do know that you can ignore and block, right?
Hard to see the logic in replying to offers if your answer is "no" or "h no".
12-18-2020 05:11 PM
@soh.maryl wrote:You do know that you can ignore and block, right?
Hard to see the logic in replying to offers if your answer is "no" or "h no".
Like I said, he bought a coin and it's awaiting shipping this weekend.
It will be a lot easier to deal with once he has his coin and that works out OK (or works out however it's going to... it's not an expensive coin, so I'm not so worried).
He's trying to add a second coin to his order but doesn't seem to want to pay more than x dollars on any of my coins, but picks coins that are 3x to offer on.
04-10-2021 11:01 AM
I get ya just had a guy who wanted me to sell a turntable for 200 shipping included to California from Ohio. Really dude that’s me spending 100 for shipping which comes out of a 200 sale price with 30 dollars fee still awaiting lol 65 dollars for a vintage Technics turntable. My answer first was to block this person from buying because if he did pay he’d want a refund and the turntable too, then a simple reply stating no details as to why no insults no bantering he emails again I just delete it.
04-10-2021 11:03 AM
Not these guys some offers are a hair short some are comical. I say block and no detailed reasoning at all
04-10-2021 11:04 AM
True best offers are great for eBay not great for sellers.
04-10-2021 11:06 AM
I’m sure there are one or two out of hundred lol. Only legit ones are skilled technicians who sell repaired others are usually found at yard sales
04-10-2021 11:07 AM
Yes that way you can do a retail store game and drop to actual desired profit margin
04-10-2021 12:04 PM
"I don't understand why some folks buy with their selling accounts. "
What difference does it make? I have only had one account on ebay from the first night I signed up in 2011. I don't need to hide behind a second user name to post comments. Everything I do on ebay is out in the open.
04-10-2021 12:18 PM
"I get ya just had a guy who wanted me to sell a turntable for 200 shipping included to California from Ohio. "
We all have specific examples of unreasonable lookers who are not buyers. I once listed a very expensive set of expensive speakers without the custom built cabinets. I think I was going to take $900 for just the speakers plus $45 shipping. A guy from the town the Kardashians live in.... Calabasas contacted me to ask if I would ship the cabinets for the same price and I said no, they weight 90 lbs. each without the speakers. I mentioned that the cabinets were not part of the listing but if you want to drive up to the Bay Area (6 hours one way) you can have them for free if you already paid for the speakers. That would turn the deal into a not so local pickup. His response was he would pay me to drive the lot to him for $50 instead of the listed $45 shipping cost. Some people just don't understand. BTW, I sold the speakers to my next door neighbor for $1,200. I deconstructed the cabinets with a sawzall.
04-10-2021 02:34 PM - edited 04-10-2021 02:36 PM
@jayjaspersgarage wrote:"I don't understand why some folks buy with their selling accounts. "
What difference does it make? I have only had one account on ebay from the first night I signed up in 2011. I don't need to hide behind a second user name to post comments. Everything I do on ebay is out in the open.
But some of us signed up long before 2011. In the old days, buyer IDs were not hidden, as they are now, so everyone knew what we bought and what we paid for it -- not necessarily information we wanted either our competitors or our potential buyers to have.
And it may not happen much these days, because these forums have really calmed down, but nearly all "old-timers" had someone dislike a comment enough to mess with their sales, in various ways.
So, separate IDs for buying and selling made sense, and most of us have just stuck with it.
04-11-2021 01:43 AM
I've had a couple of those lately, too. Straight to BBL.