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The NEW listing layout is HORRIBLE. How do I get the old one back?

I am not a fan of the new listing layout eBay secretly implemented on both of my accounts.


Here is why it sucks:


1.) It no longer shows you exactly which category has a product catalog available. You just have to guess and search your product by using the "Find Product" link, which most of the time generates no results. Then, clicking on the continue listing without product selection ERASES YOUR TITLE COMPLETELY, making you type it all over again! What a waste of time!


2.) Advanced HTML options are automatically hidden everytime, and you have to click a link called "Advanced Editing" to show them. I use a lot of HTML including colors, so having to always click a button makes it another unnecessary step and waste of time.


3.) Glitches! I ran into many glitches, especially with the photo uploader. Sometimes, my photos won't upload or I can't drag and rearrange photos.


So please, how do I get the old layout back?!!


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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

i have managed to remove 95% of the excess html and it makes a HUUUGE difference in my sales and number of visits from potential customers.   the line <font rwr="1" size="4" style="font-family:Arial"> is at the lead on all listings--at least 1 instance will stay or replace itself if removed but all the rest can be removed. (im told--not sure i buy it) that that line makes it possible for mobile devices to translate the pages into something it understands for e-commerce. nuff said.

Tons of excess code. Up to 40% is placed into each listing--- IF YOU USE THE PLAIN TEXT EDITOR to design it or make changes.

Even more is added if you --make changes-- to existing listings in plain text(even a mispell correction -1 letter-can add 50 characters of html to the page).

I use a template for about half of each page--repititious parts.  (((( If however you paste it into the listing in PLAIN TEXT--the editor will insert what- IT THINKS- the code should be and also leaves the old behind as well.))))  So to keep the **bleep** out of the listings paste in the page-IN HTML- and make any changes you need to IN HTML where possible. 

the difference---appx. 8000 visits to my pages per mo-600 items--1 month after cleanup-- over 15000 visits. usually i have few sales in jan-feb, i now have 3 time the sales over the same period in the last 3 years.  think of it this way if you read -war and peace- whats gonna take longer? the whole book or the cliffs notes. searh engine is no different -just faster than people


P.S. **bleep** will pile up over time so about every 4-6 months i clean it out again.  most my items are one of a kind and are listed for long periods before sale.

Hope its some help


Message 91 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

just a note as of 5/15 the number of visitors to my store has jumped to over 22,000.
i finally got to cleaning up the entire listing page on each item.
id only done the repiticious parts as of the last post.
Message 92 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

Ditto!  Totally rigged.  Must be committee members that implemented the new layout.  Ha! I have said over & over if it isn't broke don't fix it.  I replied to a survey (more than once today) giving my opinion on the page and it was telling me that it had received zero responses to the survey.  How can that be?  It would be in their best interest to listen to the people that are doing the work for them and making them the money that keeps their empire thriving.

Message 93 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I don't like it either . Its messed up everything . I know why they couldn't have left well enough alone . My Pal Pal icon is gone , and the sales format keeps changing back and forth . I don't know whose brilliant idea this was ,, but its not funny anymore .

Message 94 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I think the e bay powers at be have created a monster . Its just getting harder and harder to navigate  through the mess .

Message 95 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

@turquoisetulips wrote:

I think the e bay powers at be have created a monster . Its just getting harder and harder to navigate  through the mess .

And they thought things were bad when this thread was started over a year ago.

I'm sure they had nooooo idea it would go so far out of sync.

Message 96 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

All you have to do is call Customer Service and ask for the old form back. I have done it each time they (without my permission) switch me to the new form. Sometimes I have to beg a little (they want us to convert) but I get my way and then I'm happy again. The  new form STINKS!

Message 97 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I totally agree. I called ebay and they said that this was the new listing layout and that I have no choice. I have been with ebay since 2004 and have never been treated so poorly. I  am the "CUSTOMER!!!"  and should get to have the old layout if I desire it. I may have to cancell my account and look elsewhere for a means to sell online. What a shame that they do not care about what sellers want. We are the backbone of their company!    I sign off as a Very Disgusted Seller,  jesmcook

Message 98 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

Yep, it is a train wreak.... eBay wants to be Amazon but never will. Just leave it the way it was. 


if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 


to many managers at eBay have to justify they over inflated salery so they come up with bad ideas that they force on the customers. 


I am sooooooo happy I stopped selling volume on eBay 5 years ago when John D(umb***) was CEO, it just keeps going down hill on eBay ... 

Message 99 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?


o yes its horrible All list has Gone cant relist items without loads of hastle its a nightmare 


what a Idiot ?

Message 100 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

eBay your new format sucks. Please go back to the classic view. Stop over coding, over designing and over analyizng your **bleep** website for the sake of being modern. Your website is a joke. Please go back to the  simple layout. It also takes an eternity for new layout to constantly load. This is 2018 and it's slower than dial-up ebay circa 2002.

Message 101 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I woke up real early one morning, and overnight apparently I was thrown into some BIZAARE ebay selling universe. I didnt know where I was. I couldnt navigate it, figure it out. Then the anger set in. I was one click away from closing all my accounts. Seller and buyer. I dont need this caarp. Somehow I managed to get out and go back to my old way of seeing things. It took about and hour and a half. As if I have nothing else better to do but navigate this insanity, but I'll tell you. As soon as they get rid of Paypal and do their new payments. I'm gone. It's going to be a diaster coming. Funny thing is? I hardly sell anything ON here anymore. Specifically here only. I would classify myself as a non seller since about 2013 oN eBAY. SO LEAVE ME alonE!!! I DO NOT WANT YOUR HELP EBAY, BECAUSE IT MAKES MATTERS WORSE! I  DO NOT NEED YOUR ADVISE ON HOW TO PRICE MY ITEMS.  Because if i get them off here they sell just fine! I do not want reminders something is ending. I do not want all these dumb emails about everything I have bought. GO AWAY,or I will. TOUCHE' and I have a sneakin suspician many others are going to leave too. welcome to ebay CHINA!

Message 102 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I noticed also changes that I am not too happy with when I try to look up completed auctions and when you used to be able to click on see original listing I can no longer do that and all they have is a generic picture of the completed item with nothing else available not sure if this is a glitch that they overlooked but it is very upsetting because I base a lot of my listings on checking out completed listings for different information and now you cannot access the original page they just showed a generic picture and state the item is no longer available very strange and upsetting check it out and see maybe you can access that in a different way I could not thanks for your input, Bob

Message 103 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

Ebay needs to quit dicking around with format changes. I guess they feel the need to impress their boss and justify their job. They need to leave us seller the freek alone. We know what we need. 

Message 104 of 107
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Re: The NEW listing layout is horrible. How do I get the old one back?

I "was" a top rated seller with water heater anode systems. This week 7/30/2019 everything changed that. I no longer have the ebay badge and my item is listed in groups that do not pertain to my product at all. My sales have gone to zero.


Nice job ebay, you had a format that worked for everyone, you changed it and now products that never sold are still not selling nor are your top rated selling products selling.


This is why Amazon stays ahead of the competition, they do not change the selling format to re-educate the visitors.


Nice job ebay, you just threw a great selling format into the toilet.

Message 105 of 107
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