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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Members who don't know how to use it.


There's nothing wrong with Cassini, it's how members choose their words. . .


Here's an example I heard today.


I can't find many Sunjoe mowers on eBay.


Well, if the person searching had searched for:   Sun Joe Mower instead of SunJoe Mower


maybe they would've found what they were looking for!

Message 1 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

If I were in search of a "pink stuffed bear" as a buyer I would've had no problem finding one on eBay.


If I were searching for some "vintage pajamas" I would have no problem finding one on eBay.


I'm a typical buyer and I have NEVER had a problem finding what I want to buy on eBay!


Just because sales are down sellers are quick to blame eBay. . .

Message 31 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

If I'm searching for pink stuffed bear I may not want only one pink stuffed bear. I want to see ALL my choices, not just the ones Ebay wants me to see.


Of course with millions of listings Ebay will return ONE that is correct. However you're totally missing the problem. Buyers should be able to see ALL the choices to make their decisions.


Message 32 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

If I'm searching for pink stuffed bear I may not want only one pink stuffed bear. I want to see ALL my choices, not just the ones Ebay wants me to see.


Of course with millions of listings Ebay will return ONE that is correct. However you're totally missing the problem. Buyers should be able to see ALL the choices to make their decisions.




I can run a search that shows 751 found but I can only view 200 of them. 

Message 33 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

I just searched Cats Meow Village and got over 6,000 results and there is a flywheel in the middle of them.  The title does not contain the word Cat or Meow or Village.


So I go to sold - highest first and there is a cognac bottle and another flywheel.  Again, no cat or meow or village as any of the title words, in any rearranged form.


z, obviously the drugs ebay supplies you with are better than what we get.  Or search s*cks bad and you can't see it.

Message 34 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Well zs criteria for success seems to be that search returns at least ONE of the thousands of items available and buyers should be happy with that.


Message 35 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

Oh and BTW I have an IT degree. I understand Boolean Algebra. This is not it.


This is not artificial intelligence, it's artificial stupidity.


No...the stupidity isn't artificial. It's real.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 36 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Search is horrible today! typed in PLYMOUTH ROCK STAMP BOOK THE OUTLET COMPANY-- returned a page full of automobile waterpumps!! searched SOLDS, got water pumps! Tried searching just collectibles and SAME RESULT-WATER PUMPS! I found not a single like item I was searching for out of 10 things I purchased for resale today while researching solds! Nothing even close to what I was typing in! I shut the computer off in disgust! It is no wonder sales are in the dumper more so than ever the last 3 monthes.

Message 37 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@ekmadonna wrote:

Search is horrible today! typed in PLYMOUTH ROCK STAMP BOOK THE OUTLET COMPANY-- returned a page full of automobile waterpumps!! searched SOLDS, got water pumps! Tried searching just collectibles and SAME RESULT-WATER PUMPS! I found not a single like item I was searching for out of 10 things I purchased for resale today while researching solds! Nothing even close to what I was typing in! I shut the computer off in disgust! It is no wonder sales are in the dumper more so than ever the last 3 monthes.



The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 38 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

3 hrs later, I got the search results you just posted, and under JUST COLLECTIBLES a mish mash of glass, postcards, pins ect with "PLYMOUTH ROCK" in the titles. 3hrs ago it was WATER PUMPS! Last week I tried searching a Oil Lamp I had listed for sale, my item did not come up in search with the first 3, then 4, then 5 EXACT words in order of the title!! did not show up untill I put the first 6 words in exact order in the title! This is why I have given up, things sell when the powers to be LET them sell. No use stressing anymore and wasting time with key words, rearranging titles, filling in item specifics that disappear when you relist or sell similar. it is all nothing but a time and energy drain and no amount of effort will bring in anymore money than what you are allowed!

Message 39 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

You know, I truly don't think Ebay is doing this to limit how much sellers can earn. I think they're doing something they think works and that people want but the way it is implemented is incompetent. Plus the fact that they don't know what people want, obviously.


This is not about controlling sellers, aside from the defects and limiting exposure. This is totally about what they think buyers want to see. Unfortunately they are wrong.


Message 40 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

Members who don't know how to use it.


There's nothing wrong with Cassini, it's how members choose their words. . .


Here's an example I heard today.


I can't find many Sunjoe mowers on eBay.


Well, if the person searching had searched for:   Sun Joe Mower instead of SunJoe Mower


maybe they would've found what they were looking for!

The main problem with eBay's search is everybody else's searches actually work and produce relevant results right off.

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 41 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

Oh and BTW I have an IT degree. I understand Boolean Algebra. This is not it.


This is not artificial intelligence, it's artificial stupidity.


I vehemently disagree.


The stupidity is quite real.

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 42 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

So since you've never had a problem means it doesn't exist?  Even when other members have cited examples of the innate screwiness of Cassini?  I've never seen the Eiffel Tower but I can safely assume it is there.  If/when I go to Paris, I'll be 100% certain.  Until then, I will take everyone's word for it.  Just because you've never experienced it (yet) doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 


How myopic of you.


Message 43 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Yep, the Flywheel is there becasue it's listed in the "Cats Meow Village" category.


OK, who's next?

Message 44 of 64
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The MAIN problem with eBay Search



What is this?


Google can't even find it. . .

Message 45 of 64
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