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The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Members who don't know how to use it.


There's nothing wrong with Cassini, it's how members choose their words. . .


Here's an example I heard today.


I can't find many Sunjoe mowers on eBay.


Well, if the person searching had searched for:   Sun Joe Mower instead of SunJoe Mower


maybe they would've found what they were looking for!

Message 1 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

I understand what you're saying ... but when (using your example) I searched Sun Joe mower, search brought up a bunch of related parts, etc.  When I put in SunJoe mower, an actual mower popped right up ;).


From both a seller and a buyer standpoint (I am both), the new search is poorly done.



Message 2 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

Members who don't know how to use it.

The same problem exists on Google. Many people do not know the basics about search, i.e. using quotes for exact phrases, using the minus sign to exclude words, searching within a single site, etc.


"I was searching for lawnmowers, and all I got was the lawnmower man DVD."

"Perhaps you should exclude DVD from your search. "

"I wish there was a way to do that. "

"There is. Just put -DVD as a search term."

"Wow! That worked! I didn't know you could do that."


Message 3 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

Members who don't know how to use it.


There's nothing wrong with Cassini, it's how members choose their words. . .


Here's an example I heard today.


I can't find many Sunjoe mowers on eBay.


Well, if the person searching had searched for:   Sun Joe Mower instead of SunJoe Mower


maybe they would've found what they were looking for!

What a revelation.


So Cassini is a wonderful search engine? 


It's just the people who it's designed for that are the problem. 


Those pesky eBay buyers that actually want a search to show them- well what they searched for. 


Got it.

Message 4 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

I have no problem finding what I'm looking for, it seems neither do my customers.


I just don't see what the problem is.


What is it YOU can't find on eBay?

Message 5 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Most users, especially new ones, don't want to have to take a tutorial every time they want to do a simple search on ebay.  They want to enter keywords, see, buy.  ebay has made that impossible.


ebay's search used to accomodate your example.  So the new search engine most only be an improvement in the eyes of the people who designed it.

Message 6 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

ok so i get that if you put in the excat word , you find it...


but Sun joe will get you stuff and Sunjoe will get you stuff..and seems sellers misspell it also...


So what am I say... it matters not... when searching it takes a bit of searching... if you know exactly what you want and sellers spell it exactly what you will be using the "find search" 


i think the word "SEARCH" is just that, and takes another word "EFORT"

Message 7 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

and i thought Cassini, was a space craft and Lithium was a drug... so I have no idea how and why it all works.... i believe all searches should start with my store first...that would be a perfect search engine,...toot toot
Message 8 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

I have no problem finding what I'm looking for, it seems neither do my customers.


I just don't see what the problem is.


What is it YOU can't find on eBay?

Cassini is driven by Artificial Intelligence. Therefire Cassini is trying to predict what I am searching for and delivering those results rather than the results of what I'm actually searching for.


You know this because I've seen you argue with every poster that has ever presented Cassini's actual parameters to you since Hugh Williams left screaming in the night.

Message 9 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

"what I'm actually searching for."


What is it you can't find?


Maybe I can be of some assistance.


I consider myself a pro at searching eBay!


If I can't find it it's NOT listed. . .

Message 10 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

"what I'm actually searching for."


What is it you can't find?


Maybe I can be of some assistance.


I consider myself a pro at searching eBay!


If I can't find it it's NOT listed. . .

Cassini shows different search results to different users, so our results will be very different.


I don't think you understand Artificial Intelligence and how it relates to Cassini.

Message 11 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

"Cassini shows different search results to different users, so our results will be very different."


That might be true if we're searching for a Red Truck


But if we both search for a 4x Rivet Gun we will both get the same results if we search using the same parameters.

Message 12 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

@z50com wrote:

"Cassini shows different search results to different users, so our results will be very different."


That might be true if we're searching for a Red Truck


But if we both search for a 4x Rivet Gun we will both get the same results if we search using the same parameters.



"might be true" 


No it won't be the same- that's not how Cassini works. It is trying to anticipate what you want to buy.


Honestiy why do you argue against eBay's own Press releases regarding Cassini? It's almost as though you have an agenda.



Message 13 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

No one should have to find the magical arrangement or order of words to find what they are looking for that is outlandish.

Message 14 of 64
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Re: The MAIN problem with eBay Search

Buyers should not have to learn on how to search for something. Google seems to know Sun Joe Mower, it comes right up. IMO, the biggest problem with Cassini is that it shows you things that are not in the original search request. You want to try it? Try "bluetooth mouse" (without the quotes). The 1st 4 items listed are not bluetooth (this is my results, YMMV), the next 2 have bluetooth mouse in the title (a first for me), the next 5 do not. Shall I go on? It should not list things that don't have AT LEAST the words I'm looking for.

Message 15 of 64
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