03-22-2021 05:44 PM
I wonder do the corporate heads of Ebay just sit around and think of ways they can make it harder & harder to sell. I swear there hasn't been one change since Meg Whitman left that is any good.
What was it about two years ago when they went to the seller hub page. Judging by the discussion boards & people I know, most hated it. But at least with a couple extra clicks * View My Ebay Selling * I could still see my 'classic seller page.'... How many watchers. How many bids. 300 to 400 items on two pages. And I used the seller hub because I had too, and eventually got used to it. But always the first thing was to check my Classic Seller Page.
So I get on ebay today and lo & behold .. no more classic view. This horrible format is being rammed down my throat. Why can't I have the Classic Page if I want it. Why am I forced to work with this terrible seller hub. Now I have to click * View My Ebay Selling * .. than scroll down past my orders .. and I get to my listed items. 5 to a page ... I have to scroll sideways to see everything and there is 77 pages with my 375 listings.
So the question again becomes who is making these incredibly stupid decisions. Do they ever even sell on ebay? How can anyone in their right mind think this complicated, aesthetically ugly, time wasting format is better. There was nothing wrong with the 'classic view' two years ago. And there was nothing wrong with it yesterday. But everything is wrong with this page. Man what I wouldn't give to have a face to face with the heads of this company. I said it before and I'll say it again. This is the worst run large business in the world. Why can't I at least have the option to see classic view.. What harm is there in that?
03-22-2021 05:48 PM
You're in a really long line mourning the demise of the Classic View today. Just scroll through the threads.
03-22-2021 05:52 PM
I'm right there with you. I thought I accidentally changed something until I came here and found out that I am not alone. I want my classic view back.
03-22-2021 05:55 PM
How could anyone like this new format ... it is so stupid and time wasting and hard to see things ... it really is unbelievable..... absolutely ridiculous ...
03-22-2021 05:57 PM
Executive One: I think we are on the cusp of making the sellers batzhit crazy...
Executive Two: Hold my beer.
03-22-2021 06:00 PM
I agree 110 percent with your comments. The Classic My Ebay All Selling page WAS ALREADY INTEGRATED INTO THE HUB!!! So WHY? Why take it away from us?
03-22-2021 06:04 PM
@losangelesniceguy wrote:Executive One: I think we are on the cusp of making the sellers batzhit crazy...
Executive Two: Hold my beer.
Seller One: I just want to Puff... Puff... PASS on it . 😆
03-22-2021 06:05 PM
I am p-ssed. Maybe the final straw. Been thinking about other venues and this may do it.
Already shut down my other account. I am elderly and just don't have the patience to start learning a whole new system. 😟
03-22-2021 06:08 PM
As usual, it comes down to morons hanging around board rooms; trying to be 'relevant' and keep their jobs by manufacturing these idiotic ideas to 'improve' the company.
03-22-2021 06:14 PM
I totally agree!! I want the classic view back!!!
03-22-2021 06:16 PM
I agree with that.. too many middle people with nothing to do. so they change the page constantly .. but some higher up has to be giving the ok .. and they are the moron I want to talk to. Maybe they should take some of these middle do nothings and put them on the phones so when I call I don't get someone in the Philippines whose accent I have to deal with and who know nothing about U.S. culture.
03-22-2021 06:21 PM
Yes, I was thinking, didn't "they" try this a couple/few years ago. The page I go to the most often as a seller is "all selling" (classic view) and now you're telling me I won't be able to anymore - super oops!! It's somebody telling somebody in charge that "this will be better". I don't think so eh?! I call out to all sellers....voice your discontent and disgust - we have got to have the classic view option!!
03-22-2021 06:30 PM
03-22-2021 06:52 PM
ANOTHER "new and improved" change!!! OMG - bring back the classic view - so I don't have to scroll all the way down the page. It's another "change" we older ones will just have to try and figure out - no use calling anyone as they don't understand it either .
03-22-2021 06:54 PM
If seller hub offered me an improvement or more efficiency I would have switched quite awhile ago instead of sticking with the "classic" sellers page.
And I certainly do not want to know the way to San Jose where there is clearly something in the water to make people stupid. Ebay is like Hollywood squares for programmers, where you go when you can't get hired elsewhere.